Original Post

After only 4 days, we’ve reached our first funding goal on Patreon last night! Thank you so much for making the launch of the campaign a huge success! This is the level of support we had quietly hoped for, but, in all honesty, we would not have expected to be able to raise that much, that quickly.

Your support gives us new confidence that this campaign can be a total success and eventually enable us to spend all of our time and energy on delivering the best Virtual Boy software possible, in a much shorter amount of time than we are able to right now. We are really excited about the things to come and hope our work can get you excited, too!

Now that the campaign is up and running, it’s time to get back to the actual work. We’re currently preparing a new VBDE release, and got a bunch of major new features planned for the VUEngine, including:

  • New spherical collisions
  • Possibility to tilt the existing cuboid collisions, to allow things like slopes
  • Support for the Link Cable, to allow for 2 (or more) player games
  • Revamped music support

Last but not least, there’s also that mysterious new game we have in the works. If you’re one of our backers, make sure to check out the exclusive first look we just posted! A proper public announcement as well as a first demo for our backers will likely follow in a few weeks.

2 Replies

What’s the timeline for vbde? I actually made a number of changes to it and libgccvb which I would like to add. Not everything is in a perfect state right now though.

What’s the timeline for vbde? I actually made a number of changes to it and libgccvb which I would like to add. Not everything is in a perfect state right now though.

VBDE 1.2.1 will be out tomorrow. Let’s merge in your changes for 1.3.0 when you’re ready. 🙂


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