Original Post

Well I try to unlock all the tracks and cars in Racing Evoluzione on Xbox… very taff game. πŸ™‚

90 Replies

I forgot I had the last Layton on DS, the Last Specter, spotted it on the shelf and was trying to think what the story was about, then my memory finally kicked in and I realized I had not actually played it, so I’m puzzling my way through that.

New here, My first post! Nice to meet you all.

I just found a working virtual boy at a yard sale a couple days ago and have been busy playing around with it. It was missing the stand and power cable, but my local game store happened to have both. Now I just finished playing 3d Tetris for about 2 hours straight. My eyes are burning. xD

Lately I’ve been playing a lot of Legend of Dragoon (finally getting around to finishing it) and playing around with my Super nes and Super famicom. Star Trek Deep Space 9, crossroads of time, being the most played atm.

MetroidHatchling wrote:
New here, My first post! Nice to meet you all.

I just found a working virtual boy at a yard sale a couple days ago and have been busy playing around with it. It was missing the stand and power cable, but my local game store happened to have both. Now I just finished playing 3d Tetris for about 2 hours straight. My eyes are burning. xD

Lately I’ve been playing a lot of Legend of Dragoon (finally getting around to finishing it) and playing around with my Super nes and Super famicom. Star Trek Deep Space 9, crossroads of time, being the most played atm.

Howdy new fella, welcome to the best VB site, I like your nickname.
Sounds like you got a right deal at that yard sale (saw the other games you also got with it in another post), good find.
I am sure you will have top fun with your new purchase, it is a great machine.
My only recommendation, buy a Flashboy, invaluable for VB gamers.

Howdy new fella, welcome to the best VB site, I like your nickname.
Sounds like you got a right deal at that yard sale (saw the other games you also got with it in another post), good find.
I am sure you will have top fun with your new purchase, it is a great machine.
My only recommendation, buy a Flashboy, invaluable for VB gamers.


The flashboy is something to play homebrew games right? I read a little bit about it on the site. Sounds pretty awesome. Where might I go about purchasing one?

“My games…playing right now”


Kid Icarus :Uprising
S. Mario 3D Land


Giana Sisters

Just played the first run through “New Super Mario Bros. 2”. It is a good game but very easy. I am also disappointed by the 3D effect. They should have looked at Virtual Boy Wario Land to figure out how to do a 2D game in 3D. I played through almost all of the levels (I missed one or two) but I still need to collect all of the coins.

I also finished Zelda Skyward Sword. That one only took me 55 hours. I played through all the side-missions and spent allot of time on exploring stuff. The controls are pretty good but sometimes fail in critical moments which can be quite frustrating. Also I somehow liked Twilight Princess better.

Just installed Batman: Arkham City… so that one will be next.

I’m playing “super demo world” (super mario world hack) on my PSP. (with an SNES emulator).

This game is well made and has few bugs.
I bought new super mario bros 2 and I stoped to play it for this game.


Land of the Dead: Road to Fiddlers Green on XBOX

Bound High! reproduction cartridge

ENTEX Defender.

I hadnt any idea what an ENTEX Defender was so I googled it and was quite surprised, it looks quite cool.


I just finished Rayman Origins on the PS Vita. I usually don’t like these ‘try-to-collect-everything’ games but this one is actually quite cool. I like the art style and that some of the last levels are pretty hard.

Another World 20th Anv. Android Edition.
The Immortal (NES)
A bunch of CPS1 games.

DreamCast :
Alone in the dark

Vextrex :
72 in 1

PC :
Diablo 3
The witcher 2

Dragon Quest 8


D post

The browser FF crash


I can’t put wave race 64 down at the moment, I always forget how good this game is. The wave graphics are still stunning today.

Just finished Batman: Arkham City. I liked it allot except for the last boss which was way to easy. However, they fixed everything I didn’t like in the first game which made it a very good game. I also liked the Catwoman missions but somehow they haven’t been integrated very smoothly. Somehow I hope Rocksteady picks a different Superhero for their next game.

I’m not sure what to play next. I was thinking about giving Dantes Inferno a chance.

3DS: super mario bros 2, collect them gold coins, its a good mario game but hasn’t hooked me like the others did.

Virtual Boy: enjoying some mario clash and bound high

Vectrex (my new addition) : mine storm (also got the 72 in 1 but for now just enjoying vector graphic ‘asteroids’ clone)
very pleased with getting one of these.


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