If you’re asking because you just want to play it then you would be much better off with a FlashBoy+. $100 will get you a FB+ and then you can play all the ROMs, hacks, translations, and homebrew.
If you are a collector then the NA release is worth more.
The game does have some text but you can get through it without reading any of it, from what I can recall. It has been a very long time since I beat this game and I only did so once.
Its totally playable in Japanese. You just can’t read the intro text, or the “tutorial” text they give you along the way. Most of it is pretty self explanatory, don’t step on spikes, this enemy runs fast, this stuff blocks your view.
I actually prefer the Japanese version, Jack Ripper is a much cooler name than what they called him in the US version =P
I put the US one on my flashboy to play through once, just to read the text cause I was curious, but not being able to read it won’t be much of a hindrance.