I sold a couple things, and have some spare money. I have enough to buy a VB game from Uncle Tusk, and am trying to decide which one to get.
I already have a Bound High cart (thanks Minestorm) and while Space Pinball is a lot of fun I’m more into Galactic Pinball. So now I’m been trying to pick between Blox, and SD Gundam Demension War.
I always wanted to get SD Gundam Demension War, but didn’t want to pay $100s. Then with Blox, always liked playing it on emulators.
Tricky question… I would say if you are looking for a fun game to play go for Blox. If you are looking for a collectors item you play once in a while go for SD Gundam Demension War.
If patient enough I would suggest to wait for either Faceball or SpaceSquash.
The translated SD GDW is $80. For $20 more you can get a FlashBoy+ and enjoy every game, hack, translation, and homebrew. Unless you are a collector a FB+ is a better buy.