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Hi everyone. After seeing the possible retail price and conditions of the Flash Boy, I was just wondering who’s going to buy a Flash Boy for sure, just to see how many people are interested. I’m one πŸ˜€

61 Replies

AFAIK only 4 games are not available for Flash cart. They have been dumped but not released. Which sucks because not everyone would want to pay around $500 for Virtual Space Invader collection or other extremely rare Japanese releases.

Of the undumped games, only Virtual Bowling and Space Invaders are good games to play. The others are crappy. Better play Blox!

Well, I guess I didn’t understand that rom’s were already created for most of the games and demo’s. It would be interesting to see the dolphins/starfox demo. From what I understand you can only keep one game/demo on the flashboy at a time ? Also without the flashboy..how did someone play some of the homebrew games ? did they just write over a game ?


For most of us, the only possibility to play homebrewn games was via an emulator. The people with electronic and soldering knowledge could also follow DogP’s schemes to “cannibalize” a game cart and make themselves a reprogrammable cart using the board of the game and some standard EPROM chips.

And regarding the capacity of the Flashboy, the answer is yes, it only fits 1 game at a time, and you have to fill the remaining space (2MB or 16Mb, as you prefer) with as many duplicated images as possible. But the flashing utility which (I think) DogP developed does this automatically.

First of all, I need to get a Virtual Boy….

But the flashing utility which (I think) DogP developed does this automatically.

Pat wrote the padder, it detects and automatically pads files < 16MBit. It works really well and takes only seconds to prep all your commercial ROM's in one go. Homebrew files will load a bit differently, with only portions of the flash written to (due to the small size). This speeds up loading to only a few seconds for some files.

Thanks MineStorm for clearing it out πŸ™‚

Changing the subject a bit, I like what you did with your Blox box. I hope the sticker’s Chris and I are using will look as good.

It’s good that the boxes from the donor carts won’t be wasted, I like recycling.

Thanks, it took a lot of work to get it like that, since I didn’t use stickers, but Premium Photo Paper for LaserJet which I then cut and stuck using a glue similar to Pritt bars, but a bit more sticky.

As for what I know from Chris and the stickers you will use on the box, it should look even better, since from what I understood from Chris, the sticker for the box is not made of four parts as mine (front, back with sleeves, and two sides with the sleeves), but of a single sticker which should “wrap” around the box. If this info is right, it should hide the borders of the box. In my Blox box they are not hidden, but since I used a Vertical Force box and the labels I made are also black, they go unnoticed πŸ™‚

How did you make the cart, was there a limited run of Blox PCB’s ?

BTW if anyone wants to distribute a VB game, the FlashBoy PCB can be used with just the Flash. And I have a batch of about 50 chips which would be suitable for this (but not the FB).

Well, I didn’t make it, I just paid for it πŸ™‚ It’s on an EPROM cart, so there weren’t any special Blox PCB’s made, sorry.

Put me down for 2 (two). Richard’s products are the BEST!


Put me down for 2 (two).

Sorry, only one per person (for now), so as many people as possible can get one of the first batch.

And, just to prevent any confusion, this is NOT an ‘official’ pre-order thread. πŸ˜‰

Chris, approximately how many units will the first batch consist of? Thanks.

25 units, another 40 will follow shortly after those.

I will for sure buy one, i can set aside money starting now ( $9.60 so far lol)

:] For sure im saving and buying one! ( god i sound like such a child having no job stinks)

I want one… yes, i NEED one…

Edited out my rant.. don’t mind

I wondering, does the complete set come with box etc?
and can i see a picture of the label?
I didn’t seem to catch one anywhere, if i did pass over one sorry.

yes, box, cart, cd-r, cable. all that info is on the flashboy page. label here: http://www.vr32.de/modules/hardware/index.php?type=flashcarts&v=fb&sec=images.

I’d like to add my name to the list of people wanting one!


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