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apparently theres this band called “Last Chance To Reason” which I just recently heard of that is releasing a new CD called “Level 2” in April, and if you pre-order this CD you are entered to win a Virtual Boy thats boxed and comes with Wario Land and Red Alarm!

I have never listened to their music before but according to Wikipedia they are a band that plays Progressive Metal music and in their songs they make many references to videogames such as Super Metroid

heres the link to their store: http://www.shopbenchmark.com/lastchancetoreason/

I’m surprised there is any contest relating to the Virtual Boy (that isn’t from Nintendo or a magazine) and especially even now where the Virtual Boy is nearly 16 years old and with the 3DS coming out too! 😛

has anyone seen a contest giving out a Virtual Boy way after 1994/1995/1996?

1 Reply

Holy whoa! For real? They’re giving it away WITH VB Wario Land? That’s pretty crazy! They’re pretty crazy but that is awesome!

Now, if they’re a good band I may consider actually preordering stuff, and probably never win that VB… 😛


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