Wario Land for Virtual Boy FAQ/Walkthrough
by BHodges
Version 1.4
Created 07/15/02
Updated 10/25/10
This document Copyright 2002, 2008, 2010 by Brian Hodges. It may not be
placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance
written permission.
Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is
strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright.
All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their
respective trademark and copyright holders.
Table of Contents
I. Introduction
II. Adjusting the Virtual Boy
III. Automatic Pause and Low Battery
IV. Prologue
V. Basic Gameplay and Controls
A. Basic Gameplay
B. Controls
VI. Item Descriptions
VII. Wario's Forms
A. Normal Wario
B. Small Wario
C. Bull Wario
D. Eagle Wario
E. Sea Dragon Wario
F. King Dragon Wario
VIII. Walkthrough
A. Mini-Games
B. Game Progress Screen
C. Level 1
D. Level 2
E. Level 3
F. Level 4
G. Level 5
H. Level 6
I. Level 7
J. Level 8
K. Level 9
L. Level 10
M. Level 11
N. Level 12
O. Level 13
P. Level 14
Q. Second Quest
IX. Best Times
X. Secrets
A. Incorrect Serial Number
B. Level Select
C. Multiple Endings
D. Totaka's Song
XI. Game Review
XII. Special Thanks
XIII. Version History
XIV. Contact Information
I. Introduction
This is a FAQ/Walkthrough for the Virtual Boy game Wario Land. It contains
a list of controls, a full walkthrough, the locations of all keys and hidden
treasures, and a game review.
II. Adjusting the Virtual Boy
If you have never used a Virtual Boy before, here is how to adjust the
screen. On the screen that says 'Virtual Boy' and has squares in the
corners, turn the dial on top until you can see all four squares. Then use
the sliding bar until the screen is in focus.
III. Automatic Pause and Low Battery
Automatic Pause
If you leave this on, the game will automatically pause every 20 minutes
to remind you to stop and rest your eyes.
Low Battery
If a flashing battery appears at the bottom of your screen, then the
batteries are low and need to be replaced.
IV. Prologue
Prologue from the instruction book:
"I, Wario, have an interesting story to tell. One day during my vacation
in the Awazon river basin, I landed my trusty seaplane, Bulldog, and decide
to relax in the shadow of the beautiful Aldegara Waterfall. While basking
in the sun, I spied some strange creatures with masks entering the
waterfall. This piqued my interest!
I hurried over and followed them into the waterfall. Behind the falls
there was a large cave, and in the back of the cave ... there was a vault
filled with a glorious mountain of treasure!!
Some of the masked creatures jumped me, but I quickly overcame them.
"This treasure is all mine now!", I thought to myself and rushed to collect
the loot. Suddenly, the floor collapsed and I fell!
I found myself deep within the Earth! I was quite angry and vowed revenge
on these creatures, "I will get their treasure!!!""
V. Basic Gameplay and Controls
A. Basic Gameplay
After you press start at the title screen, you will come to the select
screen. You can choose from one of three data vaults, change the
brightness, and change the auto pause selection. If a data vault has a
bat over it, then it has a game from the first quest saved. If it has
two fairies, then it has a game from the second quest.
In each of the main levels, the object is to find the key to the exit,
then reach the exit. In each of these levels, there is also a hidden
treasure. There are three mini-bosses and one Big Boss. In each stage
you can collect hearts and coins. You have 20 minutes to complete each
level. At the end of each level, you have a chance to play mini-games for
more hearts, coins, and lives. The game is automatically saved when you
ride the elevator to the Game Progress Screen.
B. Controls
Left CP Move
A button Jump
B button Attack
R button Hold to run
Start Pause
VI. Item Descriptions
Collect these to play mini-games. Any coins you have left at the end of a
level are added to the bank at the Game Progress screen. You lose all the
coins you have collected in a level if you die.
Big Coin
These are worth 20 coins.
Coin Cloud
These are clouds that have a coin on the side. Throw an enemy into it to
get a big coin. Do this as many times as you like.
Collect 100 for an extra life.
Big Heart
These are worth 10 hearts.
These will give you an extra life.
There is a treasure hidden in all non-boss levels.
There is one of these in each non-boss level. It is used to unlock
the elevator at the end of the level. They will either be inside a ?
block or just sitting in plain view.
Garlic Bottle
Touch this as Small Wario to become Normal Wario. Touch this as Normal
Wario to become Bull Wario.
Viking Helmet
Touch this to become Bull Wario.
Dragon Crystal
Touch this to become Sea Dragon Wario. If you touch it while you are
Eagle Wario, you become King Dragon Wario.
Eagle Statue
Touch this to become Eagle Wario. If you touch this while you are Sea
Dragon Wario, you become King Dragon Wario.
VII. Wario's Forms
A. Normal Wario
Looks Like:
Wario with a helmet.
Become By:
You start each new life as Normal Wario. You can also touch a garlic
bottle as Small Wario to become Normal Wario.
Press and hold B, then press left or right on the left CP
Body Slam
After you jump, press down on the left CP.
Land on an enemy after you jump.
B. Small Wario
Looks Like:
A short Normal Wario with a buzz cut.
Become By:
Taking damage as any of Wario's other forms. Get hit again and you lose
a life.
The only thing you can do as Small Wario is jump on enemies.
C. Bull Wario
Looks Like:
Normal Wario with a Viking helmet.
Become By:
Touching a Viking helmet. You can also touch a garlic bottle as Small
Wario to become Bull Wario.
Power Barge
Like a normal barge except now it will break blocks.
Earthquake Body Slam
Press down after jumping. If you hit an enemy, you will kill it. If you
hit the ground, you will cause an earthquake that will stun all the enemies
on the screen. Any blocks you land on will break.
D. Eagle Wario
Looks Like:
Normal Wario wearing an eagle hat.
Become By:
Touching an eagle statue.
Jump, then press and hold A.
Flying Barge
Press B while flying.
E. Sea Dragon Wario
Looks Like:
Normal Wario wearing a dragon hat.
Become By:
Touching a Dragon Crystal.
Breathe Fire:
Press and hold B to Breathe Fire. It will come out in a continuous stream
for a short amount of time. This will destroy enemies and blocks. It will
also break fire blocks.
F. King Dragon Wario
Looks Like:
Normal Wario wearing a dragon hat with wings.
Become By:
Touching a Dragon Crystal as Eagle Wario or touching an Eagle Statue as
Sea Dragon Wario.
King Dragon Wario has ALL the special attacks. The only difference is
that your fire will shoot across the screen in a short flame instead of
being continuous.
VIII. Walkthrough
There are a total of 14 levels. 10 of them are normal levels, 3 contain
mini-bosses, and the last level contains the big boss. At the end of
each stage there is a mini-game screen and a game progress screen.
Also note that except for the key or hidden treasure, when
you leave a level all items and blocks will regenerate when you return.
A. Mini-Games
The first room you come to while riding an elevator up is the mini-game
screen. It has two doors. The one with the heart lets you play a game
for extra hearts and lives. The second lets you play for more coins.
After you leave each of the game's rooms, the door will close. You will
not be able to play the game for that level again unless you go down the
elevator and come back up.
Pay 100, 200, or 300 coins by hitting the block to play the heart game.
The more you pay the harder the game, but the bigger the payoff. You
play by jumping back and forth between the foreground and the background
while trying to hit the hearts and diamonds being carried by bats. You do
not want to hit the bats. If you hit a bat you lose all the hearts you
have collected so far. Get all the hearts and diamonds without hitting a
single bat to get a Perfect. The only reward for a perfect is a fireworks
You have three chances to bet. First choose a multiplier of either 3, 6, or
10. After placing your bet bats with 2, 3, or 4 globes will descend. Pick one
and hit it. If it contains coins, your current coin count will be multiplied
by the number you chose. If it contains spiders however, your coin count will
be cut in half! Either way you can bet two more times. If you want to quit you
can just exit the door.
The maximum amount of coins you can win is 9,999. If you reach this,
you will get a perfect. You will get a brief fireworks display before
returning to the previous screen.
B. Game Progress Screen
The second screen you see when going up the elevator is the Game Progress
Screen. Your game is automatically saved when you enter this screen.
Any coins in your inventory will be added to the bank. Once in the bank,
you cannot remove the coins. Displayed on the screen are the total coins
you have collected, all the treasures you have found, the total time you
have been playing, and where you are on the map.
C. Level 1
Note: I know that the guide for level 1 seems a little too detailed, but
I wanted to make sure you had the gist of the game down before I
move on to the other levels.
Power Ups: Garlic Bottles 3
Hidden Treasure: Cat
The first room contains three spiked balls that swing back and forth
between the background and the foreground. Move past them while they are
in the background. Exit the room to the right.
In the next room, hit the ? block for a single coin. Body Slam on the frog
to kill it. Barge into the next one. Break the three overhead blocks.
The middle one has a heart and the last one has a coin. Keep going right.
You will see a long row of blocks and ? blocks overhead. The first has a
coin, the 2nd has a heart, 3rd has a coin, 5th has a coin. The first ?
block has a big coin. The next block has a coin. The next ? block has
a garlic bottle. The last block has a coin.
Next you will see a cloud with a coin floating at the top of the screen.
Stomp on the frogs, pick them up, and put them in the cloud to receive
big coins.
Across the bridge there are two big blocks. Barge into them to break them.
They contain big hearts.
Next you will see three blocks on the ground. Earthquake Body Slam on them
to break them. The first block has a heart. The ? block has a big coin.
The last block contains a heart. The next ? block you encounter contains
a garlic bottle.
Jump across the lava pool. The bat you see in the background will come to
the foreground and try to drop a spike on you. Avoid its attack. The next
? block contains a big coin.
When you cross the bridge, you will see two blocks on the ground with
moving arrows. Stand on one and press A to jump into the background.
(You have to do this in order to bypass the large pool of lava.)
Once in the background, break the block on the left for a heart. Move
right, the first block contains a heart, the 2nd has a big coin, 4th has
a heart, 5th has a big coin, and the 7th has a heart. Move right till you
see another arrow block. Stand on it and press A to jump into the
foreground. Touch the key to add it to your inventory, then jump back into
the background.
Barge through the blocks to reveal a door. Stand in front of it and press
Up to go through it and enter the hidden treasure room. All the hidden
treasures are in rooms like this. The cat on the left is the hidden
treasure for this level. Jump onto the box and touch the cat to add it to
your inventory. Stand on the spot that says exit and press Up to leave the
Continue right until you reach the arrow blocks. Jump into the foreground.
Break the first block for a coin, 2nd for a big coin, and 3rd for a heart.
Jump up onto the ledge. Press and hold R to run across the gaps and
collect the coins. If you run, you won't fall in.
Keep going right, running right by the bat. You will see a group of
blocks. The 1st contains a coin, the ? block has a garlic bottle, and the
next has a heart. Go right, avoid the bat's attack and Barge into the
Earthquake Body Slam or Barge the block on the ground to reveal an arrow
block. Jump across and collect the six coins. Break the 1st block for a
big coin, 3rd for a big coin, 4th has a big coin, 5th has an arrow block,
and the last block has a big coin.
Jump back into the foreground. Break the big block for a big heart. Go
right and touch the elevator to unlock it. Go into the elevator and press
Up to exit the level.
D. Level 2
Power Ups: Garlic Bottles 2
Viking Helmets 3
Dragon Crystals 1
Hidden Treasure: Bust (a head)
This stage is a little bit more complicated than the first, but still not
that difficult. Just keep heading to the right.
The first ? block has a viking helmet. Earthquake Body Slam on the block
on the ground then again on the space to reveal an arrow block. Jump into
the background. The block on the far right contains an arrow block, so
you can jump back once you get all the coins and hearts.
The next ? block has a garlic bottle. Go right until you see a pipe.
If you jump one space to the right of the pipe, you will reveal a hidden
block that contains a viking helmet.
Now go down the pipe, through the door in the next room, and then go up
the pipe by jumping and pressing Up. You will come out in the background
you saw behind the first pipe. The last block on the right has the key.
Keep going right through the waterfalls to find a not so hidden room.
Go back to the arrow block and jump into the foreground.
Earthquake Body Slam on the ground to stun the four enemies, then throw
them into the cloud for big coins. The ? block after next has a garlic
After the next ? block, bounce on the big block that acts as a step to
reveal a door. Go in the door to find a room with a diamond.
After coming out of the hidden room, continue to the right. The next ?
block has a viking helmet. Hit the fourth crate looking block on the
ground with an earthquake body slam to reveal an arrow block. Jump into
the background, get the goodies, then jump back.
Go to the right and into the next room. Jump up one step from the entrance
to find a hidden block with a viking helmet. Hit the second crate on the
ground to reveal an arrow block. Jump into the background, get the
goodies, then jump back and head right.
The next ? block contains a dragon crystal. Use fire to break the fire
blocks on the pipe, then go down it. In the next room break the two blocks
at the end of each side for big coins. Go up the pipe to the left. Jump
into the background, get the goodies, then jump back.
Go to the right and destroy the fire blocks to reveal a hidden door. Go
in and get the head on the left. This is the hidden treasure for the
level. Leave the room and break the blocks overhead. Jump out and head
right until you reach the elevator.
E. Level 3
Power Ups: Garlic Bottles 2
Viking Helmets 1
Dragon Crystals 3
Hidden Treasure: Chicken
This is an underwater level. It is also the first one where it is possible
to get lost so be careful. Hold R while swimming to swim faster.
Use fire to break the big block over the elevator to find a big coin, then
head right. The first ? block contains a dragon crystal. You can break
the last two big blocks at the end of the row at the bottom for big coins.
Use fire on the fire blocks, then swim up and hit the ceiling to break it.
Swim up into the hidden room and get the goodies. Watch out for a fish
that will swim from the school in the background to the foreground to
attack. The last block on the right has a garlic bottle. Go back down and
head right. Swim into the pipe.
In the next room, the ? block on the right that is above the other two
contains a garlic bottle. In this room, giant fish will come out of the
holes and try to bite you. Wait until they come out, then quickly swim
past them. Travel to the top left of the room and exit through the pipe on
the left.
In the next room, the second ? block contains a dragon crystal. Watch the
bubbles, they will push you in whichever direction they are flowing. Exit
the room through the pipe on the left.
In the next room, break the two big blocks on the bottom left to find a big
coin. Go to the top left and go through the pipe on the left. Hit all the
? blocks, the one on the far right has the key. Get all the goodies, then
leave the room the same way you came in. Head right, you can break through
and go straight to the pipe at the top right of the room. Go through it.
Go to the right. The first ? block has a dragon crystal. Break the two
big blocks and the fire blocks to get to the pipe. Go up it. There is a
diamond to the left. Go back down and go through the pipe to the right.
Go right, then up, then left, then up. Break the lone fire block and crawl
through to the passage to the right. Hit all the ? blocks, get the goodies
and go back to the left.
Go up and to the right. The last ? block before the elevator contains a
viking helmet. Get the helmet, then go back down the ladder. Earthquake
Body Slam on the big block under the ladder to reveal a hidden door. Go in
and get the hidden treasure, a chicken. Exit the room and go back up to
the elevator.
F. Level 4
This is a mini-boss level. Before you can fight the mini-boss, you must
defeat the guardian (the thing with spikes for hair). When it jumps in the
air and tries to land on you, dodge it, then jump on the flashing part.
After you hit it twice, it will return to the block it started on and that
block will become an arrow block. Jump on the arrow block to face the
The mini-boss is a small dinosaur with a spiked ball and chain on its head.
That is what it attacks with. The boss starts out in the background. Run
side to side to avoid its attack. When it comes to the foreground, stomp
on its head, making sure to avoid his weapon. After you hit him, he will
retreat into the background. Hit him a total of three times to beat him.
After you beat the mini-boss, lots of big coins will fall from the ceiling.
Collect as many of these as you can. You will then be transported back to
the starting room for the level and receive the key to unlock the elevator.
Head right, unlock the elevator, and head up.
G. Level 5
Power Ups: Garlic Bottles 5
Dragon Crystals 7
Eagle Statues 5
Hidden Treasure: Pocket Watch
This level is a forest. You can stun the enemies in the trees with an
Earthquake Body Slam.
Start out by heading left. The first ? block has a garlic bottle. Barge
or Earthquake Body Slam into the first stump to reveal a hidden door. Go
in. The ? block on the far right contains an eagle statue.
Exit the room. Above you is a coin cloud. Bounce on the woodpeckers and
throw them in to get big coins. Continue to the left. The next ? block
has a dragon crystal. Go left and then go through the pipe.
In the next room, don't worry about going up. You will return to this
intersection later from above. Head left and go into the pipe.
In the next room you will have to travel from the foreground and background
to go around the trees. Start by jumping into the background. Go left to
the next arrow block and jump into the foreground. The ? block on the left
contains a garlic bottle. Jump into the background. You can break the
trees to your right with fire. Head left. You can also break parts of
this tree. Jump into the foreground. The ? block contains an eagle
statue. Go left and under the bridge and into the pipe.
On the ledge above you is a dragon crystal. Go left and onto the bridge.
Earthquake Body Slam on the center of the bridge to gain access to the
arrow block underneath. Jump into the background. Go right and break the
stump to reveal a hidden door. Go in. You can break the tree at the
left. Go through and break the fire blocks. Shoot at the middle of the
tree across the spikes to the left to reveal two hidden blocks. Jump on
these, then over the tree to reach the diamond. Head back out the way you
came in.
Once back outside, head left. Destroy the blocks at the end to find an
arrow block. Jump into the foreground and head left. Go through the pipe.
Head left and under the bridge. The ? block contains an eagle statue. Now
head up. You can break the space between the two branches on the left.
Head through and break through the trees on the left. The ? block has a
dragon crystal. break the tree here on the bottom right to reveal a hidden
door. Go in and get the pocket watch. This is the hidden treasure for the
level. Go back to the right until you come out between the two branches.
Jump up onto the branch directly above you. The ? block contains a dragon
crystal. Go to the right and up the ladder. The ? block contains the key.
Jump to the ladder on the left and go up it to reach the elevator. Before
going up, you can head to the right for more coins and hearts.
Fly to the right and go in the pipe. The second ? block contains a garlic
bottle. The ? block over the ones on the spikes also has a garlic bottle.
Break the stump to reveal a hidden door. Inside are a dragon crystal and
an eagle statue. Go out the door. If you kneel and shoot fire to the
right, you will reveal some hidden blocks. One of them contains a dragon
crystal. Head right. There is a garlic bottle in the first of the two ?
blocks. Shoot at the fire blocks to reveal some more hidden blocks. The
last ? block before the pipe contains a dragon crystal. Go in the pipe.
Head down, the first ? block contains an eagle statue. Continue downwards,
collecting the coins as you go. When you hit the ground, you will be at
the intersection I told you about earlier. Now head back up and to the
left. Keep going left until you reach the elevator again. This time go
H. Level 6
Power Ups: Garlic Bottles 3
Viking Helmets 1
Dragon Crystals 7
Eagle Statues 6
Hidden Treasure: Dress
This is the waterfall level. There is some swimming involved here.
Start out by heading left. The first ? block contains a garlic bottle. To
swim against the current, hold R and pump A.
At the first ledge after the bat, you can break the middle blocks with an
Earthquake Body Slam to get a big heart. The next ? block has a viking
Break the two blocks on the ground to reveal a pipe, then go in it. DON'T
KILL ANY ENEMIES YET! Instead, go right, break the big block under the ?
block, then hit the ? block for a coin cloud. Now Earthquake Body Slam to
stun the enemies, then throw them into the cloud.
Jump into the background and go in the door. In this room, break the
overhead blocks for goodies, then go through the door on the left.
You will now be back in the foreground where you found the coin cloud. The
first ? block contains an eagle statue, the next a dragon crystal. Break
through the fire blocks, then Earthquake Body Slam to stun the enemies,
then throw them in the cloud. When you are done, go back up the pipe.
Now continue to the left. The next ? block has an eagle statue, the next
one after that contains a dragon crystal. Drop in the water after the
dragon crystal and let the current carry you back so you can collect the
coins and hearts. Head back left. You can break part of the block in the
air and also part of the overhand right before the exit to the room. Exit
the room.
This room contains the waterfall. Drop down into the water, straight down
is a ? block containing a dragon crystal. At the bottom left, break the
fire and regular blocks to reveal a pipe. Go up it. Break the fire blocks
then jump on the plunger. Go back out through the pipe.
Head up. You can break the wall to the left at the bottom of the
waterfall. Use fire on the second pipe to reveal a pipe, then go in it.
Head right and go through the door. Start by breaking the top blocks and
working your way down. When you are finished here, use the arrow block on
the far left to jump into the foreground. To your right is a ? block with
a garlic bottle.
Head left. Break the middle of the wall and head through. The first ?
block has an eagle statue and the last one has a dragon crystal. There is
also a diamond here. Now head back right until you reach the waterfall.
You can climb up the waterfall by pumping A. Start heading up. On the
left side is an eagle statue across from it on the right side there is a ?
block with a dragon crystal. Go onto the ledge above the dragon crystal.
Break the blocks and enter the pipe. Go down and to the left. In the next
room, the third ? block has the key. Now go back to the waterfall.
Go to the left side of the waterfall, then go up a little ways. Hit the
plunger to clear the way to the arrow block. Jump into the background and
go in the door. Get the dress, this is the hidden treasure for the level.
Head back to the waterfall. The ? block on the right contains a garlic
bottle. Go up to the top of the waterfall. Hit the platform on the right
side of the waterfall to reveal an eagle statue. Hit the one on the left
to reveal a dragon crystal. Go through the pipe on the left. Head left,
get the goodies, then continue left and go through the pipe.
The first ? block contains an eagle statue, the next a dragon crystal. Get
all the goodies in the room, then break the fire blocks on the bottom right
and head down. Get the goodies, then head back up. Go through the pipe on
the left. Shoot the ? blocks with fire, get the goodies, then exit in the
elevator on the left.
I. Level 7
Power Ups: Garlic Bottles 2
Viking Helmets 1
Dragon Crystals 5
Eagle Statues 5
Hidden Treasure: Apple
This stage takes place in a desert. You have a new type of obstacle here,
quicksand. If you land in it, jump repeatedly to escape. If you touch the
black things at the bottom of the quicksand, you will take damage.
The first ? block contains a garlic bottle. You can break the two blocks
on top of the elevator to find big coins. Now head left. After the first
pool of quicksand, break the column to reveal a hidden door. Go in. The ?
block contains an eagle statue. You can break part of the wall on the
right to find big coins. Go back out the door and continue left.
The next ? block contains a dragon crystal. Jump on the mini tornado and
ride it across the piranha plants. Duck under the platform, then hop onto
the next tornado. The next ? block contains an eagle statue.
Continue left. When you reach the sand pile, break the bottom block of
each column to let the tornado through. It will disperse the sand and
reveal a door. Go through it.
The next room contains a coin cloud. The first ? block contains a viking
helmet. Go through the door on the left. Jump up three blocks from the
right to reveal a hidden block. Jump up and to the right and break the
overhead block.
Jump from the two blocks and fly across to the left. Break the fire blocks
to reveal a hidden door. Go through it, get the goodies, then drop down.
Break the blocks over the rope ladder and climb down. You can break the
overhead blocks for coins. There are an eagle statue and a dragon crystal
inside the ? blocks.
Go through the pipe on the left. You can break the last block above the
little crawlspace. Jump into the water. Hit the space where you dropped
in right below water level to find a hidden block containing a dragon
Travel right and break the first half of the wall to find big coins, then
go left. The ? block on the left. Break the blocks and head up to find
the key.
Head back up out of the water and to where you first entered the room.
Jump up in front of the crawlspace to find a hidden block. Use it to jump
up. If you jump up you will see a block. Fly to the left from this block
and break part of the wall and go through it. The 2nd ? block contains a
dragon crystal. Jump into the background.
Head right. At the top right you can break the wall to reveal a big heart.
Go below the ledge and break the wall to the right to reveal a hidden door.
Go through it. Get the goodies then go through the door to the far top
right. Get the apple, this is the hidden treasure for this level. Go back
out, then back left and out the door. Then go down.
Jump into the foreground, then go right a tiny bit. Earthquake Body Slam
on the second block of the flat section to reveal an arrow block. Jump
into the background, get the goodies, then jump back into the foreground.
Head left and go through the pipe.
The first ? block contains a garlic bottle. Kneel and shoot left to find
a big coin. Then head left. Break the column right before the piranha
plants to reveal a hidden door. Go in, get the coins, then go back out and
continue left.
Hold R and run across the platform over the piranha plants. After the
plants, you can break the middle platform to find a big heart. Ride on
the tornado, then go through the pipe.
You can break the two blocks in front of you. Go up and to the right. Go
up the rope ladder. Break the block on the left to reveal a hidden door,
then go in. Get the goodies then go through the door on the right. The ?
block on the right contains a dragon crystal. Go back out and return to
the rope ladder.
You can break the block above you on the right. Jump up and get the
diamond. Go back down. You can break the third big block from the right.
Go down, the ? block contains an eagle statue.
Go through the pipe on the left. The ? block has a garlic bottle. Go into
the elevator and head up.
J. Level 8
This is the second mini-boss level. Like before, you must defeat the
guardian before you can face the mini-boss.
The guardian will shoot three missiles at you, one at a time. Duck or
jump over them. After the third missile, he will jump up and try to land
on you. Avoid him, then when he lands upside down, jump on the flashing
part. He will keep doing this until you hit him twice. After you beat
him, jump on the arrow block to face the mini-boss.
The mini-boss is a swordfish wearing goggles. He will jump from the
background into the foreground. When he is about to land on you he will
make a sound, this is your cue to move. When he lands he will break
through the floor. After a few seconds, he will stick his head up to have
a look around. After he lands, stand on one side of him. When he is about
to put his head out, jump to the other side of him. When he comes out, he
will look to the side where you were and a question mark will appear above
his head. Jump on his head. Hit him a total of three times to win. Next
collect the coins, then once you get the key, head right and go up the
K. Level 9
Power Ups: Garlic Bottles 3
Viking Helmets 2
Dragon Crystals 1
Eagle Statues 2
Hidden Treasure: Ship
Head right. The first ? block contains a garlic bottle. Go down the pipe.
Watch out for the moles, you CANNOT stun them with an Earthquake Body Slam.
Instead get close to draw them out, back up, then barge into them when they
turn around to head back to their holes. The first ? block contains a
garlic bottle. Go back up the pipe and head right.
You can barge into the big watermelon to find a big coin. On the conveyor
belt, sometimes enemies will drop bombs, sometimes a melon. Catch the
melon and carry it to the switch that has a sign that says "Put On". Look
at the background, when the button in the back is on the second conveyor
belt, drop the melon on the switch to launch the melon into the background
and hit the button, causing the watermelon with the eyes to explode. If
you miss, go back and get another melon and try again.
Continue to the right. The next ? block contains an eagle statue. Barge
into the next watermelon to get a big coin. Go down the pipe. The ? block
on the left contains a viking helmet. Now jump into the background. Head
down. Break the big block to find a big coin. When you reach the bottom,
jump into the foreground.
The ? block on the bottom right contains a coin cloud. The ? block on the
left contains an eagle statue. Drop down and break the box on your left,
then go through. The first ? block contains a dragon crystal. Stand on
the bottom and shoot left to break the blocks. Get the goodies, then leave
the room.
Go to the right and jump up to the third block. Fly left, break the box,
then go through. In the next room, shoot left, go to the end, get the
goodies, then drop down and shoot to the right to find a diamond. Go back
right, jump into the background, go to the top, jump into the foreground.
Go up the pipe, break the watermelon, then go in the door. Break the
watermelons, get the goodies, then go back out and head right.
Get a melon on the conveyor belt and head right to the button. Drop the
melon on the button as soon as the machine on the background appears on
the left. If you hit it, it will send the key into the foreground so
you can get it.
Continue to the right. The next ? block contains a viking helmet. Break
the watermelon and go in the door. Fly across to the left and break the
big block to find a diamond. Drop down and jump into the background.
Travel to the top, then work your way down, breaking blocks and getting
the goodies as you go. Jump into the foreground, go up, go through the
door and head right.
Catch a melon on the conveyor belt and head right to the button. Drop it
when the first basket in the background in on the last belt. Then go back
and get another melon. Drop this one when the second basket is in the
middle of the next to the last belt. Once you hit both baskets, the
watermelon will explode, revealing a hidden door. Go in and grab the ship,
this is the hidden treasure for the level. Go back out and head right.
Shoot the two watermelons, the second one reveals a door. Go in it. Get
the coins and diamond, then go back out and continue right. The second ?
block contains a garlic bottle. The next watermelon contains a big coin.
The elevator is on the right.
L. Level 10
Power Ups: Garlic Bottles 1
Viking Helmets 1
Dragon Crystals 6
Eagle Statues 6
Hidden Treasure: Horse
Start out by heading right. The first ? block contains a garlic bottle.
In the next room, you will see an enemy with blades on the sides of its
face. He will regenerate if you kill him. Go right to the next room.
Jump into the background. Barge the wall to the left to reveal a hidden
door. Barge the other part of it to find a big coin. Go in through the
door. The ? block on the left contains a dragon crystal. The one on the
far right contains an eagle statue. Go back out the door, jump into the
foreground and head right.
The ? block in the next room contains an eagle statue. In the next room,
Earthquake Body Slam on the second half of the second wooden thing on the
floor to break through to a hidden area. Drop down and shoot to the right
to find a diamond. Then go left. The jar in the next room will spit out
a big coin if you throw it and it lands right side up and an enemy if it
lands on its side. You should just ignore it and go left. In the next
room, pick up the jar then jump into the background. Go through the door.
The first ? block contains a dragon crystal, the second an eagle statue.
Go down the pipe. Break the overhead blocks to get the goodies, which
include a diamond, then head right and go back to the room where you did
the Earthquake Body Slam.
Climb up the ladder and go to the room on the right. To beat the smiley
face, jump on one of the three things he attacks you with, then throw it
at him. Now go right. The first ? block contains a dragon crystal, the
second an eagle statue. Head back left to the room with the ladder.
At the top of the ladder, jump straight up while standing on the block to
reveal a hidden block. Now jump across to the left and go in the room.
Kill the smiley face, then go left. The ? block contains a dragon crystal.
Go to the room to the left, kill the smiley face, get the diamond on the
left, then go back to the previous room on the right.
Jump into the background. Go through the door. The ? block on the left
contains an eagle statue. Go through the door. Shoot fire to the right
and fly to the door. Go in. Use fire on the fireblock and go through the
door on the right. Grab the horse on the right, this is the hidden
treasure for this level. Go back out the way you came to the door you flew
Now drop down. Go through the door on the right. In the next room, go
through the door on the right. In the next room, go through the door on
the right. In the next room, go through the door on the left, then go
through the door on the left, then go through the door on the left. You
should now be in a room with three clocks. Wait for the middle one to
open, it contains the key. When the key pops out, jump up and grab it.
Now go through the door on the left. Now go right and jump into the
Go right and kill the smiley face. Continue right. In the next room, drop
down to the floor and head right. The first ? block in the room contains
a viking helmet. Destroy the big block to reveal a hidden door. Go in.
There is an eagle statue and dragon crystal in this room. Once you get
the goodies, go back out and continue right. The last ? block contains a
dragon crystal. Continue to the right, the elevator is in the next room.
M. Level 11
Power Ups: Garlic Bottles 5
Viking Helmets 1
Dragon Crystals 4
Eagle Statues 4
Hidden Treasure: Robot
Start out by heading right. The first ? block contains a garlic bottle.
Watch out for the little flippers above the lava. When one flashes, it is
about to drop. Break the first big block after the guy that shoots the
laser. Go in the hidden door. The last ? block on the left contains an
eagle statue. Go back out the door and continue right.
Break the fire blocks to reveal a hidden door. Go in and get the two
diamonds. Go back out and continue right. The last ? block before the
exit contains a dragon crystal. Go right and exit the room.
The first ? block contains a garlic bottle. Now jump on the third flipper
and let it throw you into the background. Break the block on the left to
reveal a hidden door. Go in and get the diamond, the go back out and
continue to the right. Now break the next block and go in the hidden door.
Go right and break the blocks under the ? blocks to find a diamond. Go
back out and head right.
Break the block after the ? blocks after the flippers to find a hidden
door. Go in and head left. Get the goodies, then go back out. Continue
right. At the arrow blocks, shoot to the right to find a hidden door. Go
in and grab the robot on the right, this is the hidden treasure for the
level. Head back out head right. At the last arrow blocks on the right,
shoot to the right to break the blocks, then jump into the foreground.
If you need them, to your left you will find three ? blocks containing an
eagle statue, dragon crystal, and garlic bottle. Go right and exit the
The next ? block contains a dragon crystal. Watch out for the fans, they
will push you in the direction they are facing when they are on. You could
end up in the flames if you are not careful. The next ? block contains a
garlic bottle. You can break the overhead blocks right before it. At the
end of the room you can also break the overhead blocks. Exit to the right.
In the next room, break the blocks next to the fan to reveal a pipe. Go
down the pipe. The last ? block on the right contains an eagle statue.
The last ? block on the left contains a dragon crystal. Go back up the
pipe, the fan will help you jump.
Now ride the fan to the left of the pipe upwards. Ride the fans to the
top right. The block on the end of the ledge above you has a viking
helmet. Break the blocks to the left of it to reveal a hidden door. Go
in and Earthquake Body Slam on the big block and go down and break the
blocks to get some goodies. Head right, you can break the blocks at the
end. Get the goodies then go back out.
Drop down to the fan and over to the two that are together. There is a
garlic bottle here. Use the fans to fly to the upper left and get the key.
Fly to the left under the double fans and break the fire blocks and head
through. You can break the block above you. Go left, get the diamond,
then go back out.
Drop straight down, then go right and exit the room. Travel to the right
until you reach the elevator.
N. Level 12
This is the last mini-boss level. Like before, you must defeat the
guardian first. He will shoot three laser blasts at you, one at a time.
Duck or jump over them. After the third shot, he will jump into the air
and try to land on you. Jump on him when he is upside down. Hit him twice
to beat him. Afterwards, jump on the arrow block to face the mini-boss.
To beat the mini-boss, jump to whatever side he is on. Then jump over his
fire and on to him. This will cause him to pop out of the machine.
Quickly jump on him while he is out to damage him. Damage him three times
to win. Afterwards, collect the coins and the key and head right to the
O. Level 13
Power Ups: Garlic Bottles 2
Viking Helmets 2
Dragon Crystals 7
Eagle Statues 2
Hidden Treasure: Pen
Start off by breaking the top part of the elevator to reveal a hidden door.
Go in and grab the pen, this is the last hidden treasure. Go back out and
head right.
The first ? block contains a garlic bottle. Go past the spikes when they
are at the back of the block. Exit to the right.
In the next room, jump up onto the ledge on the right. Earthquake Body
Slam on the last block on the right to reveal a dragon crystal. Jump up
on the block above you. Use fire on the block to your left to reveal a
dragon crystal. Jump onto that block. On your upper right is another
dragon crystal. Now jump left two blocks. If you look up, you will see
the key. The only way to reach it is to come down the pipe above it. The
? block on the left contains a viking helmet. Go under and to the left of
it to the next room.
There are two dragon crystals and a diamond in this room. Don't destroy
all the blocks right away, you will need to use them as stepping stones to
reach the upper ledges. When you have gotten all the goodies, go back to
the right. Don't go down the pipe, it takes you back to the beginning of
the level.
You should be back in the key room. Now go to the upper left and go in the
room to the left. Jump up on the platform in the middle to break the
overhead blocks and reveal a pipe. There is a viking helmet to the left
of you if you need it. Go up the pipe.
Go left, get the goodies, then head right. Break the block on the far
right to reveal a hidden door. Go in, at the end of the room is a ? block
with a dragon crystal. Break the blocks above the middle platform and go
up the pipe. Jump up and hit the second block from the left to reveal an
eagle statue, then head right.
In the next room there are three spiked balls similar to the ones in level
one. The easiest way to avoid these is to jump to the front part of the
platform they are swinging above, then when they go to the background, run
and jump across. The ? block contains an eagle statue. Now go down the
Now head left. The ? block contains a dragon crystal. Go through the
door on the left. You can break the fourth and fifth blocks from the
right. Head up and go through the door on the right. You can break the
wall to the left for a big heart. Now jump into the foreground. Go down
the pipe on the left. You will land on the key.
Now go back to the top left and go into the next room. Go up the pipe,
then through the door on the right. Go down the pipe, then through the
door on the left. Go up, this time go through the door on the left.
Go right, then jump into the foreground. The ? block contains a garlic
bottle. Now go to the right to reach the elevator.
P. Level 14
This is the last level. Before you can face the final boss, you must first
beat the guardian. This one will shoot a homing missile at you before he
jumps up. Keep moving to avoid it. If you are daring, you can try jumping
on the back of the missile to destroy it. Jump on the guardian when he
lands upside down. Hit him twice to win, then jump on the arrow block to
face the final boss.
You must hit the final boss five times to win. His weak spot is his nose.
If you press A while standing still you can jump between the foreground and
background as if there were arrow blocks. To hit the boss in the nose,
jump from the foreground to background.
You can get in a cheap shot if you jump as soon as he looks down at you at
the beginning. After you hit him, he will go up off screen and will drop
down after a few seconds with his claws. Run right and left along the
full length of the screen to avoid him. He has three other attacks. He
may spit fire at you. The fire will split in two, when it does, jump in
between. He may swipe at you with one hand, then the other. You can jump
over them. He may also try to drop his claws on you. After he is done
attacking, he will start bouncing up and down and moving side to side.
This is when you should try to hit him in the nose. If you don't hit him,
he will turn invisible after a few seconds. Once he reappears, he will
resume attacking.
Q. Second Quest
The second quest is unlocked once you beat the game with all the hidden
treasures. There will be two fairies instead of a bat over the data slot.
All key and hidden treasure locations are the same. The levels will now
be littered with spikes to make progress more difficult. The enemies and
bosses are also more aggressive.
IX. Best Times
These are my best times for completing each quest. When you beat the game
with all the hidden treasures, you time will be displayed at the bottom
right corner of the title screen. If you beat the second quest with all
the hidden treasures, it will show that time underneath the first quest
Note: Please don't send me emails saying that you have beaten my times.
First Quest 1:01:26
Second Quest 2:35:26
X. Secrets
A. Incorrect Serial Number
Not really a secret, but an interesting bit of trivia. If you look at the
serial number in the bottom right corner of the label on the cartridge, you
will see the letters VUE-VWCJ-USA. For every Virtual Boy game, The middle
two letters of the middle group are the game's initials. For example,
Galactic Pinball has VGPJ as its middle group. The reason Wario Land's
has WC instead of WL is that the original name of the game was Wario
B. Level Select
There are several level skip codes and tricks listed on the internet, but
I have been unable to get any of them to work.
C. Multiple Endings
The game has six endings. You get endings A - D if you fail to collect all
eight treasures. Which of those you receive depends on how many coins you
managed to collect. You get the second best ending (A+?) by finding all
eight treasures and if your time is over 2 hours. To get the best ending (A++?)
you need all eight treasures and must beat the game in less than two hours.
Your coin count is ignored if you get all eight treasures.
When I got the best ending (the one with the girl in the bunny suit) I
beat the game in 1:01:26 on normal difficulty and collected all the
hidden treasures. I had died a lot, so I think you just have to beat the
game in under two hours with all of the treasures to get the best ending.
Several years ago I received an email from kara4evah with information on all
six endings. Unfortunately I misplaced it and finally found it today so here
it is completely unedited:
Email from kara4evah:
- Endings -
? - ? ? ?
A - 50,000
B - 20,000
C - 5,000
D - 0
Unlike in the original Wario Land for Gameboy, the
treasures are worthless by themselves. Instead of
adding a few thousand coins each to your total, he
always leaves them in their "cubbyholes" and unless
you have every single one the door won't open.
Endings A - D:
Wario frowns, he can't open the treasure door, but he
leaves with a bag of the coins he's collected. Back
in the opening screen where he left his plane he sees
a beaver running off with a propeller. When he turns
around he sees that the beavers have turned his plane
into a fort or something, it now sports a flag with
their likeness on it. Wario runs after the head
beaver and starts roughing him up. After putting him
down the beaver seems to be explaining something to
him. Wario nods a few times and smiles, then runs off
screen, the beaver waves goodbye then takes his coin
bag and leaves on the other side of the screen.
As the credits roll your total coins determine your
mode of transportation.
A: The best transportation you can get without all the
treasures is a remote controlled rocket-ship/plane
which looks kind of like Daisy's ship from SML1 only
it has missiles and a large antenna on back. Wario has
a helmet on and is holding a rather large control box
with a long antenna.
B: Wario is smiling and sitting on a flying dragon
thingy. It has pointed ears (like him) a bird beak,
and is trailed by its three children. I wonder if its
taking him home or to its nest to eat him, hmmm...
C: For this one Wario is pedaling a bicycle attached
to a mini-zeppelin which has a stylized "W" on it
(with an extra thing at the end so it looks kinda like
this = vvv). It also has a pair of polka-dotted boxer
shorts, a T-shirt, and a ribbon trailing behind it.
D: The "worst" ending is also the funniest, or rather
most absurd. Wario now has to fly home under his own
power. He has a fan in each hand and is seen flapping
them (toward the camera to show off their 3D effects)
and sweating a whole bunch. You'd think with his
girth it'd be easier to just walk and/or swim home.
Ending ?:
There are actually two endings if you collect all the
treasures. When all 10 treasures are placed back in
their "cubbyholes" the door opens and Wario grins
evilly. Inside is a mountain of gold coins and stuff,
after a few seconds all of the coins are put into a
bag (the bag is always the same size BTW). As Wario
starts to carry the bag away a magical carpet and
bottle-thingy jump out and follow him.
In the first scenario (if you took over two hours) he
will be sitting on his new flying carpet with the
bottle and his coin bag.
In the ultimate best-ever possible ending which
probably should have spawned some controversy, but
didn't; he is sitting on the carpet with a sexy/sleazy
girl in a Playboy bunny outfit, who is fanning toward
the screen for no apparent reason other than to get
one more 3D element into the game.
Whatever you got, a 3D "END" appears and after a while
(or if you press the button) Bull Wario will come by
and flex, then after another while (or if you push the
button again) he'll dash through it.
D. Totaka's Song
You can hear the 19 note song composer Kazumi Totaka hides in most of his games
by beating the game and staying on the word END for 1 minute and 15 seconds.
I came across this on Wikipedia, it was added there by the user
Iamstillhiro1112 and I want to be sure he gets credited for it.
XI. Game Review
Wario Land was released in December of 1995 for the Nintendo Virtual Boy. It
was produced by Gunpei Yokoi, the designer of the system. It is considered by
many to be the best game that was released for the Virtual Boy.
This game plays a lot like the 2D Mario/Wario games. There are a total of 14
levels or floors in the game. Four of these are boss levels where you must
fight a guardian first, then an actual boss. In each of the ten regular levels
there is a key and a hidden treasure. You must find the key to unlock the exit
to the level, but the hidden treasures are optional. There are also the
standard coins, hearts, and powerups. Powerups come in the form of hats that
transform Wario into different forms that give him special powers like the
ability to breathe fire or fly. At the end of each level you can use your
coins to play two bonus games, one that gives you hearts and 1-UPs, the other
gives you more coins. What sets this game apart from the other games in the
genre is the 3D aspect. In Wario Land, Wario and enemies can travel back and
forth between the foreground and background which adds an extra dimension
pun intended) to the game. What seems like a harmless goldfish in the
background suddenly becomes a giant piranha in the foreground. Traveling back
and forth between the two is also crucial for bypassing obstacles and finding
items. All in all, gameplay is innovative while sticking to the tried and true
platform formula.
In this game Wario is vacationing in the Awazon rainforest. While he is
checking his eyelids for light leaks, he is rudely awakened by some beavers.
When he looks around, he sees some strange creatures wearing masks entering a
cave behind a waterfall. When he follows them, he sees a room filled with
treasure. After he overpowers the guards he tries to steal the treasure, but
just before he enters the room, the floor collapses and he falls down to the
very bottom of the cave. Wario vows that he will then steal their treasure.
This story is presented to you in a brief cinema scene when you start the game.
You are also treated to a short cinema after you beat the game, which one you
get depends on how well you did. It is a nice change of pace to play the role
of a bad guy in a video game. The story sets up the game well and the cinemas,
while short, are nicely done and very funny.
The controls are absolutely perfect. Running, jumping, and attacking work just
like you think they should. Surprisingly flying is a breeze, all you have to do
is hold down A after jumping, no running to charge up a power meter or
In a word, WOW, the graphics are just amazing. Everything from the characters
to the levels are incredibly detailed. In my opinion, the first two boss levels
have some of the best graphics available for the Virtual Boy. The game also
makes great use of the Virtual Boy's 3D.
Sound is the category that most Virtual Boy games have trouble with. The sound
effects in Wario Land are on par with those of Super Mario Bros 3. They could
have been better, but are still okay. The music is good, it fits the levels
really well.
This game has ten hidden treasures, a second quest, and multiple endings so you
will be playing this one a lot. The only drawback is that compared to Super
Mario World and other games of this genre, it seems a little short.
This is an amazing game. If this game had come out for any other system besides
the Virtual Boy, it would be one of the classic greats. If this game had been
available at launch or if there could have been a few more high quality games
like this one, the Virtual Boy might have made it.
This is THE must own game for the Virtual Boy. If you have a Virtual Boy and
don't have this game, you should buy a copy immediately. If you don't own a
Virtual Boy, you should buy one (they're pretty cheap now) just to play this
+ Excellent graphics that make good use of the system's 3D capabilities.
+ Controls are very responsive and easy to use.
+ Game has a battery so you can save your progress.
+ There is a second quest for those who finish the first one.
+ Multiple endings and the hidden treasures up the replay value.
+ Being the bad guy for once is a fun and refreshing change of pace.
- Compared to Super Mario Bros. 3 and Super Mario World, the game seems
really short.
- More should have been changed about the levels in the second quest
besides the addition of spikes. It would have been nice if they had
moved the keys and hidden treasures.
XII. Special Thanks
Very VERY Special Thanks (and apologies for taking so long to update) to
kara4evah for the excellent Wario Land Endings info!
Special thanks to Iamstillhiro1112 for the info on Totaka's song.
XIII. Version History
1.0 07/15/02 Completed FAQ.
1.1 01/30/03 Updated best times. Updated contact info. Made correction
to level 9 description, told how I got best ending.
1.2 09/15/08 Added some more legal stuff to the header. Expanded the
Table of Contents and section label. Rearranged some
items so they are better organized. Made some formatting
changes. Added Totaka's song Easter Egg to the Secrets
1.3 09/19/08 Updated info in the Coin Mini-game section. Added Special
Thanks section. Finally (after several years) added the
ending information sent to me by kara4evah to the Multiple
Endings section.
1.4 10/25/10 Updated legal info. Updated Review section. Made various
formatting tweaks and edits. Fixed some more typos.
XIV. Contact Information
You can contact me at Bhodges080@aol.com
Please leave constructive comments. I especially appreciate emails letting me
know if I have missed anything or if you have any ideas on improving this FAQ.
Be sure to let me know if you find any mistakes or if I have missed anything.
VB Wario Land GameFAQ
GameFAQ by Brian Hodges • Last updated: Oct 25, 2010 • Version: 1.4