A test program to write to Virtual Boy flash carts during QA to quickly test for hardware faults.
Boots directly to a test screen which writes and then reads a value to/from SRAM and outputs the result on the screen. Also tries to initially reads SRAM to see if a previously written value was held.
Outputs some audio clues as well so peeking into the VB isn’t even necessary for testing:
- Double success sound: Successful read/write test and previous value could be read
- Single success sound: Successful read/write test, but no previous value could be read
- Failure sound: Read/write test failed
Contains a low battery indicator and an alignment check screen that can be activated with the Select button.
There are versions for various flash carts:
- FlashBoy Plus
- HyperFlash32
- HyperBoy
- HyperBoy Plus