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  • WHAT'S VB (2/3)

How the VB Works and the Secrets of Stereoscopic Images

Why the VB looks three-dimensional is that there are secrets in the two screens at the back of the goggles. These two screens are made using parallax, and the position of an object depicted on each screen is slightly different.
When comparing the two screens below, it is clear that the displacement of the position of the hand is greater than the displacement of the position of the face.

There are two screens in the back. Given that there is a partition, the effect cannot be seen by only one eye.

A 3D object that pops out!

左右の画面の位置のズレの幅が大きい部分ほど近くに見える。 逆に小さい部分ほど遠くに見えるのだ
The greater the width of the gap between an object’s position on the left screen and its position on the right screen, the closer it appears. Conversely, the smaller the gap, the farther it appears.

A Game Using Your Eyes

左目を閉じて右目の前に※がくるようにして、⃝ を見よう。そして、この本を遠ざけたり近つけたりすると、⃝ が見えなくなる場所があるぞ。その場所は盲点と呼ばれている。これは、視神経というものと網膜が接している部分で、映像を感知する細胞がないためだ。
With your left eye closed and the ※ directly in front of your right eye, look at the ※ while keeping notice of the ⃝ . Now, when you move this book away from or closer to you, there will be a place where the ⃝ disappears. That place is called a blind spot. This is because there are no cells that detect images in the part where the optic nerve and the retina are in contact.

逆に左目のときは ⃝を。見えない部分は盲点なのだ
Conversely, when using your left eye on the ⃝ , the place where the ※ disappears is a blind spot.