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    Stereoscopic screenshots of various Virtual Boy software titles for cross eye viewing

Stereoscopic Virtual Boy Gallery

見えないぞ! と思う前に
Before You Think It’s Impossible to See!

Once you know the trick, it will surely appear to be three-dimensional to you. It’ll be like when you thought, “That was so easy!”, the first time you could ride a bicycle. Try reading pages 6 and 7 again, or try the next section.

Vary Your Distance

It’s important for viewing to vary your distance when using both the intersection method and the parallel method. When altering the distance, be sure to do so slowly. If it moves toward or away in relation to you too fast, your eyes won’t catch up, so you’ll miss finding the right position.
The proper distance varies depending on the person, but it doesn’t vary significantly. Thus, it’s also a good idea to observe how much distance is kept by those who can see this book in three dimensions.

Move from Parallel to Perpendicular

本の上下を斜めにしたり、奥に倒したりして見ていないかな? 本と真っ直ぐに向き合い、自分の目と水平に本を置いて再挑戦してみよう。
Can you not view the book properly while its tilted upward or downward or while it’s set down on its back? Try facing the book straightforward, making the images level with your eyes, and then try again!

Even if you have it lying on a desk, are you facing squarely toward the book?

It’s not good to slant the book. Try making it level. You may not be able to view it properly if you look at it in just any position.

Take Off Your Glasses

It also seems to be good to take off your glasses and then view. However, there was an opinion in the editorial department that it’s easier to see while wearing glasses, so try both!

Clean Up Your Surroundings

机にこの本を置いて見ている人。周りはキチンとかたづいているかな? 慣れないうちは周りの余分なものが目に入るとやりにくいぞ。
If you’re one who has this book on a desk and is viewing it, is the area around you neat and tidy? If you’re not yet used to it, it may be hard to view when your eyes notice extra things around you.

If It’s Still Not Working…

For anyone who still doesn’t see it, it would be best to have someone who can see it in three dimensions next to you, who can teach you.
If you then still don’t understand it and don’t see it, you can resort to a specialized book from a library or book store. It also seems that it will be hard for one to see if one thinks that it cannot be seen or that it’s impossible to see.

A Game Using Your Eyes

If you stereoscopically view a stereogram from the original(s) with the intersection method, it looks like a strange object different from reality.
For example, let’s take two cigarette boxes and arrange them side-by-side in a parallel manner. When viewed stereoscopically with the intersection method, it looks like a deformed trapezoid with the bottom being swollen.
Even if cigarette boxes aren’t used, any two of the same thing will look strange. For larger things, it’s a good idea to view them from farther away. It might be amusing to have them lined up side-by-side as identical twins and view them from afar.

Try arranging two items like this.