J-Code: 032085
VB ●アクション
VB – Action
Human Corp.
Expected Release: December, 1995
Expected Price: 5,800 Yen
Flying Henry
Warm yourself up during the cold winter with some heart-warming action!
The Strange Creature, Henry
大きな耳(手?) の不思議な生き物ヘンリーが活躍するアクションゲーム。ヘンリーの自慢は空を飛べること。ダンボのような巨大な耳(手)をパタパタと羽ばたかせて、ゆっくりと宙を舞う。この浮遊感覚が実に楽しい。まるで、宙に浮かぶ風船を自分の意思で動かしているかのようだ。このヘンリーの存在が大きな魅力なのだ。
It’s an action game where Henry, a strange creature with big ears (hands?), plays the active role. The pride of Henry is that he can fly in the sky. He slowly flutters through the air by flapping and fluttering his huge Dumbo-like ears (hands?). This floating sensation is really fun! It’s as though a balloon floating in the air is moving in accordance with the player’s will. This Henry’s presence is a major attraction!
[With Top Screenshot]
The game’s stages contain two fields: a front one and a back one.
Slow and Relaxed
The player’s goal is to clear multiple stages, each of which is comprised of 3 areas. Each of these areas has requirements for clearing it, such as collecting the items and defeating all of the enemies, and the final area has a boss that you have to confront. Thus, the circumstances here are similar to those of typical action games.
What’s interesting, though, is that you don’t feel a brutal sense of tension from the action scenes. You see, you have a dash attack, which uses stored-up power, as well as an attack to the back of the screen, thanks to the unique features of the Virtual Boy, and doing these attacks is somehow heartwarming. At least, the relatively slow pace of the character Henry and of the action might cause you to think so. You might even forget that it’s an action game, since you’ll want to play it slowly.
Development on the game is almost completed. This is the kind of software that will be able to help relieve the cold of winter!
[With Bottom Screenshot]
The game progresses slowly, without the need for quick reflexes.