Virtual Boy Memorial Commemorative Guidebook (Page 10)
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At the Very Top:
Special Sneak-In Interview

In the Explosion Bubble:
Nintendo Co., Ltd.’s General Manager,
Yamato, an Extremely Good Guy!

In the Oval:
“I am deity!
I send those who
oppose me to hell!”

Beneath the Illustration:
(General Manager Yamato talking feverishly to the interviewer)

Interviewer: “So, it didn’t sell well.”

Manager Yamato: “Grrrrrr!” (with his eyes menacingly glaring)

Interviewer: “Although the initial target was 3,000,000 units in the first year, there is, in fact, information indicating that not even 300,000 units came out.”

Manager Yamato: “Raughh! Grrrrrr!” (sullenly chewing a chicken’s neck with his sharp fangs)

Interviewer: “I heard that Mr. Yokoi, the developer, was held accountable and got sacrificed to an evil giant monkey god.”

Manager Yamato: “Mppphhh…” (With a cruel smile, he points to a skeleton hanging from the ceiling of the cave.)

Interviewer: “Even so, I haven’t heard good talk these days, what with the departure of Square and the great folly of the Satellaview.”

Manager Yamato: “Ooh ooh ahh ahh!” (suddenly attacks the interviewer)

Interviewer: “Oh, no! Aaahhh!” (gunshots, screams)

(After the incident, the tape, which stopped recording here, was found, along with scraps of the interviewer’s clothing.)


(株) 荏天堂



●インタビュアー 「売れませんでしたね。」

◎山肉社長 「ガルルル!」(威嚇するように目を剥いてみせる)

●インタビュアー 「当初の目標は初年度300万台とのことでしたが、実際は

◎山肉社長 「ガルッ! ガルルル!」(不機嫌そうにするどい牙でニワトリの首を噛みちぎる)

●インタビュアー 「開発者の横井さんは責荏をとらされて邪神ケべべモモンガの

◎山肉社長 「グフフフ・・」 (残虐な笑みを浮かべて、洞窟の天井から

●インタビュアー 「それにしてもサテラビューの大コケ、スクウェアの離反と、

◎山肉社長 「ググ・・ググ・・グギャオー!」 (突如インタビュアーに襲いかかる)

●インタビュアー 「うひゃあああっ!」 (銃声、悲鳴)
