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@10yllRegistered March 16, 2008Active 10 years, 5 months ago
2 Replies made

This Post will probably be deleted/edited so read while you can.

So yeah, ofcourse you shouldn’t download these roms. Besides being illegal, the source is very VERY old and have been protected for many years. Agreements were made, deals were done etc. Oh and not to mention they are not yours.

Lets take a step back and look at some very important points.
There is a world of unreleased “items” for the Virtual Boy. They exist and you will now almost certainly not come to know their name let alone ever play them. Ever.

The VB inner circle is very tight, the people who are in it already know who leaked these and why. Now anything that is held even by 1 person will be held even tighter.

Your host here has had many of these roms, and the “Mr Anonymous” is actually, well no lets not spoil that. But the host and Mr Anon are very good friends.

Mr Anonymous who is good friends/source of this site is a brilliant scam artist. Many Fake burnt eproms, labels, auctions, photos even.
But wait he had bound high.. he had xx. Oh yes he did, but only 1 which is long gone. All that remain are copies, and many of them.

I wouldn’t be surprised that the real vr of Bound High will leak next. That is in so many peoples hands right now. But really Bound High is like finding a hidden truck load of US Mario Tennis Pack in carts compared to what is still in existence.

I don’t blame any of you who download it, I would myself if I didn’t have them. It’s the way/people who let them out went about it.

The games are:

A) Commercial Releases
B) Dumped

If you really want to try and get anything reasonable for them, you would try them out and detail what is so unique about them. It looks to the average viewer that these are no more than eproms, flashed with readily available rom dumps of commercial games.

Anyone with blank eproms and an eprom programmer could make them. All people are really buying is the board. Check the links on this website and you can make your own.

You are buying the board really. Say $200 – $300 US worth.
Didn’t someone say already they were off Yahoo Japan and only went for a few hundred US….

Finally there are more than 11 eprom Nintendo boards in the wild… many more.

I am all for rare games and auctions, but trying to deceive people is wrong.

Do your research people, this website alone contains many answers.