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@akumieRegistered October 27, 2007Active 2 years, 9 months ago
334 Replies made

yeah the flashboy was a bit expensive but since I loved the flashboy and so badbly wanted to try all the games I just had to buy it

Evem if so few games were made there is still hope that the flashboy might be used for some nice new homebrew game 😛

yeah I think most people dont care..I think making vb games is way to hard so for now me and many others we just wait for new vb homenrew games, full version of super mario maybe? 😛

Like I said, I dont care at all about codes and such but I guess its good if people use them to make new vb games 😉

the problem is people like me who have alot of free time dont know how to make games even with the noob tutorial and people who make games have little time so they only release like 5 games ayear and most of the games are just smnall games u can find on a mobile phone

20+ years and I think the vb will still only have with luck 100 games and of the 100 only like 30 max will be considered true vb games (not vb small games like vmu snake)

so do I

one thing you really should do is instead of releasing each mini game as a rom you should sell a vb catridge that has like 10 mini games in 1 catridge

haha epic fail 😀

works in the english section

not really, its not like Nesters funky bowling is my top 50 fav games to play, some day ill maybe be able to play it but until then I got 20+ games to finish

already played all vb games exept Nesters funky bowling and that game wont work on the flashboy even thought I have tried like 6 diffrent roms, including from this site
Not even on emulator does it work

The other thing is that what I wrote was just my thoughts on the flashboy, so if you want you can write your thoughts but I wont agreee since I already wrote what I think

Krisse does anything for money xd

well the person said many boxes threw the years have been broken and thrown away

just to anoy all of u I can tell u before the flashboy only costed 80 euro hehe

yeah I will cover all games and I will try to include all homebrew games/demos…haha well the Mario gag was so people would tell me who had the rare unreleased demos 🙂

sorry about my mario joke xd…anyways some people have said they love my video intro with the pic of me with the crazy eyes haha ^^

well yeah I saw a full atari jaguar review on youtube some time back and thats why I thought I would make the full vb review…maybe ill do a sega dreamcast or a N64 full review when my vb review is done

There was never a demo of Virtual Boy Barbi ^^


well I have a official virtual boy mario demo but will probably never realease it

nope, I dont think flashboy will be made again..I think Krisse was only planning to release some 100 ex of the flashboy at most, not to make new ones as demand increased since I dont think he wants to spend so much time making flashboys all the time

I dont get it, was the video supposed to be funny or does he really talk like a true nerd? and if its a joke then epic fail on the hair cut

wtf dude, the flashboy was out for more then a year, why didnt u tke the chance?

well I dont know, but of all the basic games I would really like to see a pacman game with some unique vd features…maybe pacman but a bit like in vertical force where the next level is under the first level, if u know what I mean