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@akumieRegistered October 27, 2007Active 2 years, 7 months ago
334 Replies made

hope some of these games will be made within 2 years, I really hope the castlevania one will be made…think about it, a unique castlevania game where you can jump in the background like in Wario land…Now that would be cool 🙂

yes I did read it and I still have not chnged my mind
“In this mod 1-Player mode becomes inaccessible, but anyway.”

sorry doesnt sound to good
If you will take of the 1 player mode then I think hardly anyone will play since hardly anyone can make the 2 player link cable and how many really have friends who also own a vb? you get the point

Well Some time ago I posted reviews of some demos like Snowball Wars, Tron and Mario VB

oh never mind I found out what was wrong
u just enter a game that has readers reviews but in title put in a game that does not have readers review, ah never mind

  • This reply was modified 16 years, 2 months ago by akumie.

well I don`t read here to often so I have no idea how to fix it, if I open it and start to screw around with cables it will just break more since I am really a noob at that

Maybe but a new virtual boy?

akumie wrote:
I can`t play any games 🙁
When I try to play the game shows all weird and I can hardly see at all

One of the 2 erm “visors” works but the other one shows hacked up images and so on

What to do?

Yes I know you have to probably open the vb and all that, but its sound very complicated

HAHA well I write stuff on my mind
I try to follow the tpoic, but mostly I just ask epeople about there threads and so on

hehe a housewife playng virtual boy 😛

Not the best pictures of me, but atleast you see me playing on the virtual boy


wtf, enjoy the game instead since as u have noticed with the flashboy u can play all games and as of late the 4 rare vb games were released as roms 🙂

  • This reply was modified 16 years, 2 months ago by akumie.

for me all the games works on the flashboy exept nesters funky bowling

  • This reply was modified 16 years, 1 month ago by akumie.

yes and maybe people can use the games source codes to make new homebrew games

  • This reply was modified 16 years, 2 months ago by akumie.

Yes and japanese game panic bomber that I have is also only in japanese, a bit dissapointing when I bought it but I have the flashboy so no worries

no point since it dependes on the seller, just expect the rare vb game to go for over $200

oh I see

oh no, on his site virtual-e the game has been on there for years
played tron like 6 month ago atleast

maybe no source code at all, just menu where u can add blocks, characters and choose from what the character should do at each part of the game (jump, run and so on) and so on….something like that would be easier for me

all the options to make the game is in the programs menu and u dont need to know source code at all

we will see, in my opinon the demo Krisse released to teach us noobs to make games was way to hard…source code is not my thing

  • This reply was modified 16 years, 3 months ago by akumie.

haha the so called new version was realesed this year that in my opinion has nothing new at all -_- but the original game was released 1998

so there was a homebrew vb game made before tron? hm……