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@akumieRegistered October 27, 2007Active 2 years, 7 months ago
334 Replies made

Strange I searched and never found it.
Someone should upload that rom to the download section of Galactic pinball

Cant edit but it seems many people are trying to play full gameplay of every game for many systems he just happened to pick the vb

Its ok
I used to go around to some people on here and pretend I had a prototype of the Mario game just to see if I could manage to get some info about the game or if anyone even had the prototype but no luck
I never went around taking fake images or trying to sell it online because I am not a scammer and will prob

A multicart with all the official 24 games and all homebrew demos would be nice
Better than the 1+ min to load a new game with the flashboy

Is it just me or is this box not found on uncletusk anymore?

We all have our opinions but for me if the 2P function only worked threw internet on some emulator like that online capability that some N64 emulator (whatever its called now) had then it would be more then enough

The point is that it must work on hardware to be considered a vb game but when you actually play the game in the dark the Oculus rift in my opinion is a much better option then playing it on the Vb system itself
Much more confterbale and no stand means easier to play on it

Yes the games might not work 100% on emulators but if you see the 2 videos I posted and the other 5+ ones found on youtube you would see at least when you see the VB games being played on the Oculus rift that it seems to have no lag what so ever

Also you can buy the hardware like the system and the games if your a collector or a game programer but for the rest of us I think Oculus rift is a much cheaper option since we get the system, all the games including the homebrew and if thats not enough the Oculus rift has over 30+ non-VB games atm

Wish I had one but he said he sold his first one for $2500 and that is way over my budget just for a 1 machine of any sort

Lucky you,
Wish I had one of those but not paying that much just to stand and play video games on a small screen
Then again would be cool to have bunch of those for diff systems and open a small place where people pay/hour to play on them

Its an official store display and the price is 5000 Swedish kroner=$767

That worked, thanks and yes its me in the image 😛

Sadly I have no idea how to check the dimension of the image or how to make the image size smaller

Oh well guess I will just keep tha image and use on other sites lol

Great stuff indeed

Now lets not see only demos like the last competition but actuall finished games and ofcourse more Wireframe Library games
Maybe a Mario in Wireframe 😛

Thank you, finally worked
I was wondering why it never worked after seeing a image tutorial and I noticed the GBEMU.vb file was always empty then I tried the output file i named output1.vb and voila the games where in them
I read you need 2 mb to make it work on the vb hardware but whats the max mb that the flashboy will accept, 16 mb?

I still dont understand
Doesnt work at all

c:\rominjector.exe GMEMU.vb paperboy.gb
c:\rominjector.exe exe.vb paperboy.gb

I assumed the outputfile you could name whatever so I called it exe but either path cannot be found or its not an internal command…can someone plz make a video on this?

I am so confused with this one

I get a readme file that reads “…Open a
shell and type: rominjector.exe outputfile.vb rom0.gb rom1.gb … romX.gb
The created outputfile.vb will contain all specified roms.”

How to open a shell?
I click on a file I got called ROMINJEC.EXE and nothing happens, some black screen comes up and dissapears in a fraction of s sec

I drag a gb rom file to ROMINJEC.EXE but still nothing

I make a map called rominjector.exe outputfile.vb rom0.gb rom1.gb … romX.gb where I add the gb roms
I open the gb emulator but still no games in it

Also how are you supposed to add gb roms to the gb emulator and make it one vb file to use with the flashcart?

Affection: You can start by finishing the 2 virtual boy games Mario Kart: Virtual Cup and Mario VB then make a forum post once the game is finished and someone here will probably make a box art for you

The big problem is that not alot of VB carts around and the cheap once people already used so the key is to find cheap carts wherever and put your game into it unless you can make ur own cart with the chip insuide to store your game but finish the games and someone here will help you layer on with the box art, carts and so on

Would be cool if someone made for the vb a game with like 100 mini games in it or perhaps a warioware game

The video is fake considering game freak (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Game_Freak) never developed anything for the VB

Its fake like Earthbound and Zelda I once saw on youtube lol

I checked my old thread http://www.planetvb.com/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?post_id=23119#forumpost23119 and sure enough the video has been made private on youtube but seeing as I always think one step ahead I did save the video to my PC using dowloadhelper so here is the video uploaded to my youtube account http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TY0wquOml4g and yes its a fake video considering that game freak inc never made or developed anything for the VB http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Game_Freak