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@akumieRegistered October 27, 2007Active 2 years, 7 months ago
334 Replies made

I for one can`t wait for a full game of this 😀

I just love how we seem to get more homebrew finished games in 2012 and 2013 then from 2007-2011

Have not tried this game other then a quick 1 min on emulator and I love the fishes when you open the door 😛

Oh it just sounded by the creator that he was finished with this and is starting on a donkey kong vb game but as I said
I am judging this as a player and not as a programer

As a programer it is very good made and I give him full respect on that and it is fun to have something before faceball is released and I really do hope he finishes this game where the enemies can move and attack back and if possible add missions and a intro story

Just played it on hardware and it works perfect but as a game it is sadly dissapointing
You go around finding enemies that from what I could see dont attack back and then you got a timer

I was hoping more like golden eye 007 N64 where enemies attack back, you have missions and so on

Still very good made

haha a very old thread but I love it, cool to see how you all look
Such an old thread that I have not had long hair in like 18 month 😛

Ok 🙂
Just pojnting out er 2 homebrews not in the video

  • This reply was modified 12 years, 3 months ago by akumie.

I am a bit confused since I always though that ChuChu Rocket and Channel Sweeper where both vb homebrew games
If not then I need to change my video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ordTjzfduDk LOL

I think he records most of the videos threw emulator or just takes videos others have made

well if you want 3D games on the vb then try sega master system games or maybe vetrex

Well I am no game maker but the vb was 32 bit after all and pokemon is not even 8 bit so it must work even if it would be very hard considering you have to code the whole game so it shows in both eye pieces

Try atari 2600 games, should be way easier

Maybe he thinks because the system was never released in Europe that he can charge more considering the shipping from ebay is not cheap compared if someone would buy Vb from the country in Europe they live in

Yes it is the same box from the factory the VB games came in back in the day and 20 unsealed VB games/auction

This is what I am telling people
If 1 person can do this game in only 1 month how big game can be done in a month if 6+ people are working on it?

Like the game alot but would maybe like it more if I culd open those damn screws on the vb thats far inside the hole so I dont need to play the game with 1 screen

Just tried it on hardware with one screen lol and it works perfectly but it is hard as hell

One thing is that it tells me “you suck” no matter what I do
I assume you press when it is just on the line a the bottom of the screen

Nice to see that my thread is finally getting a game started
Lets just hope that if everyone plays the right part we can see 5+ games/year

Benjamin Steven: Well the video was made month ago so for many games I just took videos I could find on youtube
For some reason the best video of Galactic Pinball was Space Pinball
One day I will remake the video but for now it is good enough for people to get an idea about the VB

Morintari: I used to say that alot on the forums that to many demos are released that never get finished but in the end either I make the games or I should be happy at least the VB community is not dead
Would have been good though if lets say 10 people work on a section of a game (1 person does sound, another one does sprites…), realease a demo and then ask for lets say $10 to release it as a rom but people like us who do not make games should really not complain

Sorry but that just made me laugh

Anyway I will leave it at that and be happy the VB is more popular then such systems as sega 32x 😛

I do love the VB scene because it is not dead and that can be noticed when this site has almost every scan of any magazine that mentions the Virtual Boy

Guess I am just tired of waiting years for something I so badly want hehe but I do love it when things are finally released even if I would be happy to go back in time and make sure the James Bond game is released instead of waterworld

All I need is to play the stock market and I would have faceball in no time 😛

Well I guess I should be happy at least something is released from time to time

Really? and here I thought most people here wanted to help this small VB community not get something rare and release it month later

Ok if you tell us you have something rare like faceball, post proof and then say you will release it once people donate the same ammount it cost you to get the game/demo but just keeping it for no reason is just stupid

I mean sure the VB community is small but how do expect new people to come when either games people make are only made as demos then never worked on again or when you get something rare you keep it for years insteadof just saying you have it and asking for money or something

I have the boxes of about 8 vb games 😉