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@anikiiiRegistered October 19, 2011Active 10 years, 2 months ago
12 Replies made

oh wow! no, i had no idea about the editor you had made. i wish i had before, as it would’ve saved me tons of time/work. thank you very much! i kinda exhausted most of my free time for a while doing the initial “soundtrack”, but when i have a chance i’ll need to make it a priority to redo everything including your flac files (super kind of you to share them) along with the unused track.

wow “02FE” actually loops? how neat! as for the sound effects, i usually try and include a few of the more impacting ones for the sake of nostalgia. for example, it would drive me nuts if i was unable to hear the “cry” after the title music (obviously it would be nonsense to put it right into the track, so i go this route). but i completely understand if some people aren’t into it.

overall, thank you again for all the info and help! i have a feeling i’ll also be able to use your editor to help with some of the dumb gifs i’ve been doing on the game as well. i’m pretty excited.




early techno japan is pretty cool, right?

NEAT ty.

L___E___T wrote:
Thanks for all of these! I’ve been playing them over Christmas while brushing my teeth in the morning (can’t without music) and the family love them.

I’ve been asked multiple times now
“what’s this?”
– do you like it? (muffled)

aw thanks L_E_T! post made my day.

KR155E wrote:
Thanks for these great rips, anikiii! Going to post about them on the front page asap.


thx for the comments everyone!

thanks for the link.

i noticed enough “audio tricks/right-left fun” in the 3 games i already ripped to feel the need to have it all in stereo, but that’s a matter of preference. i mean, it looks like you recorded the original audio directly (a difficult process), whereas i used an emulator with a built in wav recorder (much much much easier).

yeah, actually just rip it the way YOU want. i mean, the rips i make are ultimately made for myself, and i only post them in case others would enjoy them as well. for example, i like 2-3 loops and fadeout. that doesn’t mean others are REQUIRED to do the same with their rips and it doesn’t make my rips inherently “better” or anything, only more enjoyable to me specifically.

and regarding “precaution”, i agree it’s sound is completely unrelated to the rest of the game, but maaan i sure am glad they included it!

the more people posting up sweet vb audio, the better. respect, brother.

HorvatM wrote:

anikiii wrote:
these are just small samples of the audio from each game. none are complete, most are extremely low quality (with sound effects included), and a lot of them cut off even before the first loop is complete.

Well, thanks. Virtual League Baseball is almost complete (I think two or three songs are missing), does not have sound effects, and cuts off immediately after the first loop of each song (except in the menu song, which doesn’t loop from the start). It was ripped by me. It’s in MP3, but I still have the AIFF originals (uncut). Leave it to me.

wait, are you thanking me for the rips or are you sarcastically thanking me for what you may have perceived as discredit? i guess i should have mentioned that vlb was one of the few impressive rips posted here (specifically all of the country themes), but just the same, i feel like what i said about the bulk of the archived audio was true.

if you still have the raw and are planning on completing it, or have like looped stuff laying around or whatever, then that would be amazing. please please please post that up. i only am trying to rip things that i can’t find or that don’t already exist in a “completed form”, you know?

also, if you can, you should def try to convert at like 320kbs or like lame v0 and stereo or w/e. i mean, in my opinion the reason vb sounded so great was the fun tricks they played with the speakers more or less acting as headphones.

ultimately though, mad respect because ripping this stuff is harder than it seems…..

(btw the track “Precaution” is so fantastic!)

((edit- like seriously the track made me tear up the first time i heard it))

L___E___T wrote:
If you look in the Released Games section:

Then head to the Multimedia tab, scroll down and you’ll see audio rips for most of them, but they’re separate files and I’m not sure how complete they are.

Thanks again for your rips 😉

yeah. i assumed this is what akumie was thinking of. these are just small samples of the audio from each game. none are complete, most are extremely low quality (with sound effects included), and a lot of them cut off even before the first loop is complete. now, i’m not scrutinizing the resource (i personally find it amazing), but besides the galactic pinball audio section, none could ever be considered a “soundtrack” (and even the pinball audio seems to be the older, incomplete gp soundtrack that was floating around)……

fuuuu i was really hoping to check some games off my “list” 🙁

thanks L___E___T!

i mean i looked around and didn’t see any sound files myself….
nothing that was complete or of “higher quality” at least?
i mean, if there are already rips of all the games PLEASE let me know so i can save myself a bunch of work! man, i hope you’re right.

no problem, brother!
thread with warioland and red alarm, btw.

elreins wrote:
Great!! thanks for sharing. I belive this would be the right place to share them, in the beginning at first, maybe to references later. Any ideas?

I shall download right away!.

yeah, maybe.
i’ll def look into the “ref” later, but right now i’m satisfied that i didn’t preform a “forum mistake”…

also, you’re both welcome. thx for the quick feedback!

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