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@arkleyjoe-aol-comRegistered December 29, 2018Active 5 years, 4 months ago
4 Replies made

Hi @RunnerPack,

I have checked out the continuity etc and so my conclusion is that the servo board has a problem.

If you have a spare one you could sell me please let me know?



I’d like one of these if you are still doing them.


Hi @RunnerPack,

After all this time I eventually acquired a known good mirror assembly from Japan. With this connected in has exactly the same problem where one mirror does not stabilise.

I will replace the caps and check connectivity as my next step but my gut is telling me something more serious is wrong with the servo board.

If you do have one for sale by any chance I would appreciate it.


Hey RunnerPack,

Thanks for replying, much appreciated.

Just to be clear, when you talk about “disconnecting” things, you’re talking about the mirror galvanometers, and not the LED display cables, right? The two systems are independently controlled by the VIP.

Correct I am referring to the connectors going to the smaller board in the nose of the VB not the ribbons going to the displays.

I will open it up and give it another clean, and recap the board they are connected to and let you know how I get on.

If that does not work out and you have a spare board that would be hugely appreciated!