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@arvesterRegistered January 16, 2014Active 4 years, 3 months ago
63 Replies made

I have a “special” cart that Richard kindly made in secret a few years ago and sent to me for free as my only purpose was and still is to allow french people to discover this masterpiece. I think time as passed and I can now talk about it. I asked nothing at the time, I just worried one time on the forum that I would have loved to have the game to spread the hype about it here in France. Richard then contacted me. Thanks again, Richard !

It’s the cart alone, no box, no manual. It even doesn’t have a sticker :p

So far I presented it in many events with a grand total over 20k visitors. I made a bartop enclosure for my VB so children can play with no risk for the VB to fall off the table (visitors already broke one of our VBs this way).

There’s also a little sign explaining the game’s story, how it was funded by one guy, and created by another one guy.

Some people traveled hundreds of kilometers just to try it.

Well, That’s not stereoscopic, but I use my GameBoy Camera as a webcam, without any hack.

GBCam in a Super GameBoy
SNES plugged to an USB video converter
USB converter plugged into a computer.

Et voilà !

The converter looks like this:

And the final result:

The quality goes from bad to the worst thing I ever seen in video, but it’s funny.

The same way, you can display your pics and a simple “print screen” push transfers your photos.

They made it on GameBoy. Maybe it could be worth trying the .GB rom on the gameboy emulator M.K. released, to see if it’s working ?

I don’t think it will happen. VB is kind of a shame in Nintendo’s history. They want to forget it. It’s not even in the official timeline:

Elrinth wrote:
now that we can build link cable, how far are we from building a rgb output device thru the link cable port? 😀

We are really, really far from that if you want my opinion.No game have been designed to export video data throught the ext. port. The only viable way is to hack the VB to pick all data througth a FPGA board that will convert the signal:


Elrinth wrote:
now that we can build link cable, how far are we from building a rgb output device thru the link cable port? 😀

We are really, really far from that if you want my opinion.No game have been designed to export video data throught the ext. port. The only viable way is to hack the VB to pick all data througth a FPGA board that will convert the signal:


You find the same stamps on a lot of cartridges. GameBoy carts have it too.

Unfortunately, usually old molds are destroyed.

Really hyped!! That’s a price I can afford :p

@Minestorm: a cheaper cable than the one existing would interest me. Sadly I can’t afford the one made by Mellott124, so another solution would be awesome.

That’s so cool ! I’m still waiting an answer from Furrtek, normally he should be making a few A/V out boards (I asked him to do so and it should be on it’s way) but I don’t have anymore replies from him since a few weeks ago :/

Video is really cool, but the mouse adapter catched my interest !

I take a ticket for one copy for a friend so we could play against each other.

Yes, it’s totally what i’m looking for. I work currently with red and blue anaglyph on my computer but the result is bad. Or at least, it would be better on a VB.

Here is another example I made with ProMotion NG: the spaceship in 2001: Space Oddyssey. I think the red and blue looks good because I conceived the picture from start with anaglyph in mind, but it’s not as good as it would be on the VB. So all I need is a little software where I indicate left picture, right picture, and the software saves them as a rom, 2001.vb for my example. Then I put this rom into the Flashboy, and I can admire my work in full 3D. (of course the spaceship has too much colors, I used 12 colours, but it’s just an example).

It would be to the artist to be sure his pictures are in the good format (384*224, maybe .gif or .png, no alpha, 4 colours)

I update with a little idea I’d love to see realized, but infortunately I don’t have the skills to do it by myself, even if it should be easy to do.

I spend much time drawing in stereoscopy. But I can’t really see what I’ve done because red and blue anaglyph doesn’t work exactly like a full rendition on two displays. So I wonder if anyone could create a little piece of software to display anaglyphs on VB.

The software itself should just be two paths to complete, one for the right view and one for the left view. Then the software could write the two pictures inside an image viewer inside a VB rom. You then put the padded rom onto the flashboy, start the VB and can look at your picture in stereo on your VB !

I know the 3dVBConverteer, but it works differently, as it cannot “invent” the missing pixels. For example:

On the right view, 3dVBConverter cannot recreate the pixel along the right border. So you have to create two separate pictures to obtains full view.

So, is there anyone willing to help me (and the community altogether) by creating a software to merge two 2D pictures into one viewer rom ?

It’s a great news !
As the only french to have a cartridge of the complete version (maybe I’m wrong but I think so because I never found another frenchie with a cart), I spend a lot of time running from a show to the next one to let people discover this game, because it deserves more fame. I already visited about a dozen shows in the northern half of France with the cart in my pocket, asking the crew to let me show the game, telling its history, how it was made (at least the part we know^^). I’m even currently making a VB-to-TV output to display the game on stage.

A public release is the best news of the day.

That’s a great news, maybe too great as nobody answered my question LOL.

Arvester wrote:
A friend of mine wants to build a link cable. The problem is: there is to pinouts on planetVB !

In the wiki, we found at this address the following diagram:

(click for full size)

But in the workshop section, we find this diagram:

COMCNT? 1 ———- 1 COMCNT?
+5 2 –o o– 2 +5
Clock 3 ———- 3 Clock
Receive 4 ———- 8 Send
/we 5 –o o– 5 /we
Sync? 6 ———- 6 Sync?
GND 7 ———- 7 GND
Send 8 ———- 4 Receive

Pins 5 and 6 are different.
So, wich one is the good one ? Thanks by advance =)

A friend of mine wants to build a link cable. The problem is: there is to pinouts on planetVB !

In the wiki, we found at this address the following diagram:

(click for full size)

But in the workshop section, we find this diagram:

COMCNT? 1 ———- 1 COMCNT?
+5 2 –o o– 2 +5
Clock 3 ———- 3 Clock
Receive 4 ———- 8 Send
/we 5 –o o– 5 /we
Sync? 6 ———- 6 Sync?
GND 7 ———- 7 GND
Send 8 ———- 4 Receive

Pins 5 and 6 are different.
So, wich one is the good one ? Thanks by advance =)

There are used an taken apart from pinballs that were going to be destroyed by their owner. I bought them to save them ^^

Here is my gameroom, small but well filled. I don’t have photos of it so like my french buddy I’ll show it to you with a video.

Speedyink, I store my cartridges the same way. But I don’t have a dust cover for each game.