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@atariwizardRegistered November 27, 2012Active 6 years, 2 months ago
8 Replies made

Pm sent

Pm sent

Here are mine,

VN100684506 (USA Retail)
VN100570502 (USA/CAN Retail)
VN102743584 (USA/CAN Retail)

Just Pm’d him

This reminds of what I used to do on my N64 Goldeneye with my friend. We would switch the controls to use 2 N64 controllers, one controls movement and items, other controls aim and shoot (Ment for 1 controller in each hand) but we each took 1 controller and made the single player a co-op game, Added a fun challenge to the game. I really recommend giving this a try to anyone who hasn’t.

I find it is the most comfortable to lay on my back, on a bed or couch, and rest the VB on my head with the stand sitting on my chest stabilising the VB. I think there is a picture of a kid doing this in a Nintendo Power magazine or something

Bought a flashboy plus from minestorm and he shipped it today, I’m looking forward to trying it out.

I already PM’d Minestorm last night and just got a reply from him. He said that a new batch will be finished in a few days. I just thought that if there wasn’t a new batch coming out I’d see if I could get one from one of the members. Care to enlighten me on the differences between a flashboy and a flashboy plus?