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@benjaminstevensRegistered April 27, 2011Active 4 weeks, 1 day ago
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Preliminary English Translations for Page 9 of the Instruction Manual:

[At the very top of the page]

Now, Let’s Play the Game!

[In the top white bar on the green field]

Graphic Type Select Screen

[In the green field beneath the top white bar]

ここでは、 ゲーム中に表示される背景のタイプを選ぶ
ことができます。 十字ボタンの左右で選択、 Aボタン
(またはSTARTボタン) で決定です。
Here, you can choose the type of background that appears
during the game. Select one using left or right on the
arrow pad, and then press the A button (or START button)
to decide. Since there are two types of backgrounds, let’s
choose your favorite background to play on.

[Going vertically down the left side of the chart]

Game Mode

[Going across the top of the chart]

背景A ———– 背景B
Background A — Background B

[Column: Background A; Row: Mode A]

ンティック。 でも、 見と
A romantic night sky studded with
stars, but if you watch them too
long, you’ll make a mistake.

[Column: Background B; Row: Mode A]

If you watch the little people,
you feel a certain courage, don’t
you think?

[Column: Background A; Row: Mode B]

よ。 のんびりした雰囲気
Fish swimming in the water. The
atmosphere is laid-back, the
puzzle is just as serious.

[Column: Background B; Row: Mode B]

小人、 お城にドラゴン…
とくれば、 もうファンタ
Dwarf, castle dragon…
with this comes a world
of fantasy.

[Column: Background A; Row: Mode C]

Enjoy a background rich in
variation, for there are
many different phases.

[Column: Background B; Row: Mode C]

2 dwarfs holding onto balloons,
where are you trying to go?

[In the black bar]

When Background A is
chosen with Game Mode B

It has to be the case that the software that is banning the uploads is only banning words that contain exactly the word “Virtual.” If that is the case, then I think that “VB” or “V Boy” should be used.

Thus, if one is selling the console, it should be marked as “VB Console.” Virtual Lab should probably be marked as “VB Lab,” etc.

To answer some of the questions:
The reason why the other “Virtual” titles are on there is probably because they were already on the site before the new ban was placed. It would be wrong for Ebay to remove those items ex post facto.

I believe a “Virtual Good” refers to anything that is simply downloaded from the site and not any tangible object that is sent via the mail.

PS – Virtual Jockey, are you trying to sell Virtual Lab? ‘Cause if so, I’m right here. 🙂

Well, Richard is the one who makes them. His screen name on this site is MineStorm.

I suppose that if he’s okay with this, then it is okay, but I remember him saying that if he saw anyone trying to sell Bound High on Ebay then he would discontinue making them. We wouldn’t want the same thing to happen to the Flash Boys!

At least the Ebay seller lets the potential buyers know that he originally purchased it on Planet Virtual Boy. If the potential buyers were smart, they would first look into how much they could get it for from Richard and Chris before throwing large sums on the Ebay auction, but I have a feeling that people are more comfortable with using Ebay then they are with a site unknown to them. Thus, Virtual Boy fans who aren’t familiar with this site would probably take the Ebay route and pay needlessly high sums just because Ebay is something that they’re familiar with.

Unfortunately, Planet Virtual Boy members could take advantage of this and make good money off of Richard’s work, which just doesn’t seem right to me. Hopefully, the seller isn’t trying to do this and just happened to come across an unexpected, tough financial situation, but that would be hard to tell.

Alright, who did it? I believe that it was hoped that nobody would try to do this:



On page 8, where it reads:

if you chose “SILENCE,”

It should read:

if you choose “SILENCE,”

Preliminary English Translations for Page 8 of the Instruction Manual:

[Dark green point 2]

Music Select

[Beneath dark green point 2]

ゲーム中の曲を選択することができます。 曲はA ・
B ・ Cの3タイプがありますが、 「SILENCE」
を選ぶと、 曲は鳴りません。 十字ボタンの左右で選択、
Aボタン (またはSTARTボタン) で決定します。
You can select a tune in the game. There are 3 types
of tunes: A, B, and C, but if you chose “SILENCE,” a
tune will not sound. Select one with left or right on
the arrow pad, and then press the A button (or START
button) to decide.
★If Game Mode C is chosen, a music selection is not
performed because a dedicated tune is prepared for
Mode C.

[Dark green point 3]

Level Select

[Beneath dark green point 3]

ることができます。 ゲームモードのAとCを選択した
揚合にはレベルを選ぶことができます。 十字ボタンの
左右で選択、 Aボタン (またはSTARTボタン) で
決定します。 ゲームモードBを選択した場合には十字
ボタンの左右でレベルの選択、 Aボタン (またはST
ARTボタン) で決定後、 ラウンドを選択します。 B
Before you start the game, you can set the level for each
mode. If you choose Game Mode A or C, you can only choose
a level. Select one with left or right on the arrow pad,
and then press the A button (or START button) to decide.
If you choose Game Mode B, select a level by using left or
right on the arrow pad and pressing the A button (or START
button) to decide; then do the same to choose a round. You
can return to the previous field with the B button.

[Beneath screenshot]

For more details, please read the
explanations for each game mode.

Preliminary English Translations for Page 7 of the Instruction Manual:

[At the very top of the page]

Now, Let’s Play the Game!

[In the top white bar on the green field]

Title Screen

[In the green field below the top white bar]

す。 デモ中に何かボタンを押すことによって タイト
When the title screen appears, press the Start button
or the A button to go to the game’s Mode Select screen.
If no button is pressed, it enters into an automatic
demonstration. You can return to the title screen by
pressing any button during the demo.

[In the bottom white bar on the green field]

Menu Screen

[In the green field above dark green point 1]

ここでは、 ゲームモードや曲の選択、 レベルセレクトができます。
Here, you can select a game mode, music, and a level.

[Dark green point 1]

Game Mode Select

[In the green field beneath dark green point 1]

A ・B ・Cの3タイプの中かう、 自分のプレイしたい
モードを十字ボタンの左右で選択、 Aボタン (または
STARTボタン) で決定します。
There are three different modes: A, B, and C. Select the mode
you want to play by pressing left or right on the arrow pad,
and then press the A button (or Start button) to decide.

I overlooked a sentence on page 6. After where it reads:

“★In case you want to adjust the eye width during gameplay, after pausing the game with the Start button, you can enter the adjustment screen by pressing the Select button.”

The next sentence reads:

“Press any button to return.”

Preliminary English Translations for Page 6 of the Instruction Manual:

[Starting at the top of the page]

1. 十字ボタン (左側)
メニュー画面での項目の選択、 ゲームプレイのブロックの移動に使
用します。 (下に押すと、 ブロックの落下スピードを速くすること
2. Aボタン
メニュー画面での項目の決定、 ブロックの右回転ができます。
3. Bボタン
メニュー画面での項目のキャンセル、 ブロックの左回転ができます。
4. L·Rボタン
「ゲームモードC」 でのフィールドの左移動、 右移動に使用します。
5. スタートボタン
メニュー画面での項目の決定、 ゲームプレイ中のポーズのON/
6. セレクトボタン
ゲームプレイ中のネクストブロック (次に出てくるブロック) のO

1. Arrow pad (left)
Used to select an item in the menu screen; also used to move a block during gameplay. (When pressed down, the fall speed of the blocks can be sped up.)
2. A button
Used to decide on an item in the menu screen and to rotate a block to the right.
3. B button
Used to cancel an item in the menu screen and to rotate a block to the left.
4. L & R buttons
Used for the left movement and right movement of the field in “Game Mode C.”
5. Start button
Used to decide on an item in the menu screen and to turn the pause on and off during gameplay.
6. Select button
Used during gameplay to turn the next block (the block coming next) on and off.

[At the bottom of the page]

★ゲームプレイ中に目の幅調整をしたい甥合には、 スタートボタンでポーズをかける→セレク
トボタンを押すことによって調整画面に入ることができます。 何かボタンを押すと戻ります。

★In case you want to adjust the eye width during gameplay, after pausing the game with the Start button, you can enter the adjustment screen by pressing the Select button.
★The arrow pad on the right is not used.

Preliminary English Translations for Page 5 of the Instruction Manual:

[At the very top of the page]

Controller Operations

[In the top black bar]

コントローラ (表)
Controller (front)

[In the bottom black bar]

コントローラ (裏)
Controller (back)

Preliminary English Translations for Page 4 of the Instruction Manual:

この機能を使用することにより、 ゲームを約30分
き、 ポーズ (一時停止) 秩態となります。
適度な休憩を取り、 目や体を休めてください。
なお、 ポーズを解除したときは時間のカウントは0
By using this feature, the Automatic Pause Function activates
when you play the game for about 30 minutes or more, in which
case the game is paused (stopped).
Please take a reasonable break and rest your eyes and body.
When the start button is pressed, the game enters the usual paused
condition; press it once again to resume the game.
Furthermore, when you cancel the pause, the time count for the
next pause returns to zero.

Preliminary English Translations for Page 3 of the Instruction Manual:

[At the very top of the page]

Before starting the game

[Within the white bar on the yellow field]

オートマティック ポーズ機能について
About the Automatic Pause Function

[In the yellow field beneath the white bar]

バーチャルボーイ専用カートリッジには、 プレイヤーの目の健康を寺るた
め、 適度な時間でゲームを自動的に休止する 「オートマティック ポーズ機
能」 があります。
For the eye health of the player, all Virtual Boy
exclusive cartridges have an “Automatic Pause Function”
that automatically pauses the game after a reasonable
amount of time.

[In the yellow field to the left of the first screen]

調整画面で調整を終えた後、 STARTボタンを押す
と、 右の画面に切り替わります。
十字ボタンの左右で、 「オートマティックポーズ機能」
のON/OFFが選べます。 この画面で再びSTA
RTボタンを押すとデモが始まり、 きらに押すとタ
After finishing the adjustment in the adjustment screen, press
the START button to switch to the screen at right.
With the left and right buttons of the four-way controller,
you can turn the “Automatic Pause Function” on or off.
When the START button is pressed again in this screen, a demo
begins, after which the title screen appears.


From where did you retrieve that intro story for SD Gundam?

Below, I have the story found in SD Gundam Dimension War’s instruction manual.

If anyone wants to have a go at trying to convert it, here is the OCR program that I use:


I’ve already tried to convert the first few sentences and have found that translating this material is currently beyond my skill level.


幾多の争いに火が着いては消え、 悲しみを繰O返し

そしてまた、 今も続く戦いの中、 戦況が悪くなった

Preliminary English Translations for Page 2 of the Instruction Manual:

[In the white bar near the top]

About the Eye Width Adjustment Dial

[In the yellow field, right below the white bar]

This is the adjustment that adjusts the display inside the Virtual
Boy to the width of the player’s left and right eyes.

[In the yellow field below the previous one and to the left of the picture]

調整画面を見ながら、 本体上部にある 「目の幅
調整ダイアル」をまわし、 画面の4すみにある
While looking at the adjustment screen, please turn the “Eye
Width Adjustment Dial” located on top of the main body until
you can see a mark in all 4 corners of the screen.

[In the yellow field to the left of the orange arrow]

このように、 4すみのマークが
Like this: please adjust it so that you can see a
mark in each of the 4 corners.

[In the yellow field beneath the orange arrow]

ますが、 3つ見えていればゲームに支障は
★また、 ゲーム中に再調整することも可能
です。 (詳しくはP6をご覧ください。)
★In some cases, all 4 marks may not be visible, but
if there are not at least 3 visible, then it will
interfere with the game.
★It is also possible to readjust this during the
game. (Please refer to page 6 for details)

[In the white bar at the bottom]

★その他の機能については、 バーチャルボーイ本体取扱説明書をお読みください。
★For other functions, please read the instruction manual of the Virtual Boy itself.

Preliminary English Translations for Page 1 of the Instruction Manual:

[At the very top of the page]

Before starting the game

[In the yellow field, above Point 1]

バーチャルボーイには、 いろいろな調整をするところがあります。
The Virtual Boy has different places to adjust.
Please be sure to make these adjustments before starting the game.

[Point 1]

くセッ卜してくだきい。 カートリッジをセッ
卜後、 コントローラの前面にある電源スイッ
チをONにすると、 しばらくして右の画面が
Insert the cartridge properly into the main body
of the Virtual Boy. After inserting the cartridge,
turn the POWER switch located on the front of the
controller to the ON position; after a little while,
the screen at right will appear.

[Point 2]

STARTボタンを押すと 「目の幅調整画面」
に切り替わります。 各調整はこの画面を見な
When the START button is pressed, it changes to the
“Eye Width Adjustment Screen.” Each adjustment can be
made while looking at this screen.

Hey Protoman85,

I actually already tried to look into that before, and all I can say is that one of the suggestions already given to you by another user is a lot better than what I can presently do. It does seem that proper names are contained within it, and right now, I wouldn’t know where to begin with translating proper names. If you have already ensured that all of the Japanese characters are converted correctly, then I can’t be of further help yet. I do know, however, that while a Japanese character might LOOK correct, Google translate might not actually be able to read it properly. You sort of have to try to break each word up individually through trial and error and enter each one into Google translate and see if Google Translate will offer you a suggestion for what you meant to type. Sometimes, its suggestion looks exactly like what you already have, but nevertheless, if you click on the suggestion, it will then recognize the word or words, and then you must save that as the actual text conversion. I’m getting a lot of mess with what is currently there, so I don’t know if that might be one of the problems, but I’m thinking that there are a good bit of words in there that just can’t be recognized by the online tools.

Sorry I can’t be of more help.

And here is what I have so far for the back of the box:

[At the very top of the box]

The 3-D puzzle game, V-Tetris, is born.

[In the upper left, red field]

Tetris has returned as a 3-D puzzler.
Enjoy a revolutionary action puzzler with the
3-D sensation from the Virtual Boy,
while retaining the simple fun of Tetris.
V-Tetris is a boldly new game that is
necessary for every puzzle game fan!

[In upper right, black field above screenshot]

A 3-D version of Tetris? “Loop Tetris”

[Beneath upper left, red field, on sun-looking object]

なった。 テ卜リス史上初の立体
Let the fun begin with the 3-D
Tetris puzzle game for the
Virtual Boy. Play the first-ever
stereoscopic Tetris puzzle game.

[In the black field above the yellow field]


[In the yellow field]
●ご使用になる方及び保[?]者は、 注意書及び取扱説明書を必ず
読んでから使用して<だきい。 ●バーチャルボーイは必ず屋内で使用して<だきい。 ●長時間ゲームをするときは、 適度に休憩して<だきい。 ●疲れた状態や連続して長時間にわたるご使用は、 健康上好ま し<ありませんので避けて<だきい。 ●バーチャルボーイは適切な調整をした上で使用して<だきい。 ●目の成長過程にある0才から6才までは、 使用をご速[?]<だ きい。 ●Be sure to read the instruction booklet and precautions booklet before using this product. ●The Virtual Boy is for indoor use only. ●Take appropriate breaks when playing for longer periods of time. ●Avoid prolonged and continuous use and playing when tired or with undesirable health. ●Only use the Virtual Boy after making the appropriate adjustments. ●This product must not be used by anyone whose growth process of the eyes is from 0 to 6 years old. [In the lower left, red field] *[?][?]によつては、 バーチャルボーイで立体に見えない人がいます。 Some people may not see three-dimensionally with the Virtual Boy.

Well, I have a feeling that the information in the U.S. versions is very similar to the information in the Japanese versions, at least in the instruction manuals, maybe not on the back of the boxes.

The main reason why I only want to focus on the Japanese only titles is because of the large amount of time and effort that will be needed for converting those alone. I suppose that if those go well, though, I could then take a look at the other Japanese games, but I don’t plan to add those to my collection, so someone who actually owns the manuals and boxes for those games would then have to send me high quality scans of them. The scans of the instruction manuals on this site aren’t high res enough to get the job done.

gunpeiyokoifan wrote:

I thought that quote meant “I wish I bought a truckload of VB games for fifteen bucks so later when it became a collector’s item, I could sell them on ebay for about twenty to forty bucks”

Yeah… after looking at it again, you’re probably right.

I may need your help, colesonwilson, in the future. As far as I know, nobody has ever translated the instruction manuals and the information on the back of the boxes of the Japanese only games into the English language and made it available online, so I’m going to try to be the first. I have to use translation programs, though, and while I know from personal experience that such programs and online dictionaries work very well with the German and Spanish languages and I’ve become proficient at translating these languages, I have yet to try to translate the Japanese language using such means.

My plan is that at some time in the not too distant future, I will begin the “English Translations of Instruction Manuals and Boxes of Japanese Only Games” thread on this site, where I will post my initial work, and then those who know Japanese can critique it and make any necessary corrections. But first, I have to see if I can even begin this project, once I see how well the software programs and online dictionaries work.

In order to begin the project, I first have to make high resolution scans of each of the Japanese only instruction manuals and boxes, so that I can then convert the text into digital format using an OCR program. I have all of the boxes and instruction manuals for every Japanese only game except for Virtual Lab. Thus, if anyone out there owns the box and instruction manual for Virtual Lab and would like to help me out in this, please get in touch with me and send me high resolution scans of each page of the instruction manual and the back of the box, and we can begin to get this material translated into the English language.