Gibts dafür irgendwo ne Anleitung? Zum Aufschrauben meinich? Sollte ich mir so n tool bestellen um das ding zu öffnen, oder krieg ich das auch im Baumarkt?
For my part I’ll help all the way I can. I’d asseble carts and do all the work that can be done without knowing lots about programming and electronics. Of corse I can do anything if I get it explained. Arrange Printing for Boxes and Instructions shouldent be a problem… But first some people please have to help jmo first, so this can get started.
Please guys. I mean imagine this gets realized. VB can enter a new generation.
jmo and others: If you have any questions or other things contact me on email:
The whole real 3D industrie is not going well anyway. I bought a pair of virtual IO 3D glasses years ago. It was such a flop they gave this to me for 180 swissfrancs headtracker inclusive(new in store). Initial price of bouth over 2000. even now though tecnology has encreased noone wants to buy stuff like that and there is no support from the gaming industrie. Don’t know why. But one good thing. Nvidea has brought out a stero plugin for g-force cards that allow tho play any 3d game in stereo. It’s a lot of fun playing UT 2004 or gothic 2. Havent tried farcry yet. Problem. Res. max. is 640×480 and the pixels aren’t propperly connected. What I mean is you get thin black bars between them making it look like neogeo arcade. Still happy to have bought this at that time. the only real support at that time were hexen(diden’t like it) and descent. There is a new version of the i-glasses by now. 600×800 isent too good though.
You could also think about bringing out rewritable cartridges and a reader/writer unit. Would prabably be easy to make all the cartridges rewritable if you realy go into makeing them. I love your Idea so keep on going.