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@bigfredRegistered December 16, 2007Active 10 years, 6 months ago
9 Replies made

DogP schrieb:

I dumped the complete US and JP collection with my USB link dumper, and I checked all of my dumps against your database, and all ROMs match. I’d be glad to recheck/photograph any, except SD Gundam or Virtual Bowling, which I no longer own (though it sounds like Tauwasser confirmed the SD Gundam dump, and M.K. confirmed the Virtual Bowling dump, so you shouldn’t need confirmation from me for those).

I also checked for another Virtual Fishing here, and I didn’t find one… so I’ll see about borrowing my friend’s copy. Not sure when that’ll be though.


I’d be happy if you could do pictures of all games you checked. Thanks in advance. I’ll also add Virtual Bowling. I cannot add M.K.’s verification for now as I still need some kind of proof like a cart/PCB pic. Sorry about that but it has to work like that to verify someone as a dumper who you don’t know yet (unless it is very obvious).

Looking forward to Virtual Fishing 🙂

And I thought it was just me wondering about the K when adding everything to Dat-o-Matic 😀

Thanks again for the PCB-pictures and all the additional info 🙂

Innsmouth actually was a plain bad dump with some bytes different here and there – not overdumped. There appears to be some confusion here. I’m glad we got a match here from both sides.

goodvboy 1.01 from 2001 did only contain one dump of Virtual Fishing. The other one was added later but I don’t remember when exactly. However it really might be a “leaked” version of your dump so if you could get the cart from your friend we’d be on the safe side.

Do you have a complete list of all games you dumped with the USB-linker? Would not hurt to include all dumps – why waste your hard work? As I understand you also did Virtual Bowling and now you just don’t have the cart anymore. So I’ll add that as a verification as well. I think we can easily count you as a trustworthy dumper 🙂

DogP schrieb:

I checked the hashes from your database against my personal dumps, and they all match (including Virtual Fishing). As a double-check, I just re-ran those carts (except Virtual Bowling, which I don’t own anymore) through a CRC32 calculator program I had written, which runs on the VB and calculates the CRC32 of the cartridge in the system. The CRC32s all matched.

Now this is a very interesting tool. I can’t remember anyone having written something like that.

About Virtual Fishing: I remember I took the hash (crc32 526CC969) from your old list of hashes which also made it into Red Dragaon afair. Can you please tell me if this was a new dump when you did it and you “released” this dump to the public or did you never do such a thing and just confirmed what you already found in goodvboy at that time? Important to know if this is a one-time-dump or a real confirmation (even if your tool calculates the same hash in the past we encountered original carts which contained faulty chips resulting in “bad” dumps so we never apply a verified to a unique crc no matter how reliable the dumping method).

As I understand your new dumper does always give you the same output-file now? Especially important for this:

DogP schrieb:

Yep… with my old hand-wired dumper, I had problems with that one… I had redumped my collection with my USB link cable dumper, and (as expected) got reliable dumps (same hashes as your database).


Just to avoid misunderstandings: So this means you also redumped Innsmouth and you can confirm the “new” hash 83CB6A00 that was found recently? Would be very nice to have a confirmation.

Thanks a lot for all this valuable information. With M.K.’s confirmation of V. Bowling it looks like the complete library has now been redumped and verified. Time to celebrate 🙂

You need to click on redumps and then ROM status to get to the list where you can choose from verified/trusted/bad/not verified.

Verified means someone trustworthy confirmed a previously known hash. Trusted are dumps that are new, but we have good reason to believe they are fine. This applies to Innsmouth. You posted about some trouble dumping this game. It seems others had this problem too – the goodtools file is incorrect and so is the hash posted by enri. However Tauwasser’s dumper appears to be 100% reliable (he can tell you more details about this probably).

If you click on one link it will open a new page with all dump-related info for this game. All redumps including the data that the dumper provided – e.g. serials, scans and more. As you can see Tauwasser opened his carts and included chip- and PCB-serials. The more info the better.

I believe the missing not verified dumps are actually good – except for Virtual Fishing. Different dumps are floating around and enri even posted a 3rd crc on his homepage so this is a case that needs to be solved.


this is great. You are referring to these hashes?

CRC32: 20688279
MD5: 5B11D402F7E322C71A7D4FA6503631FA
SHA-1: A5BE7654037050F0A781E70EFEA0191F43D26F06

For a proper confirmation we will need some more data unfortunately (unless it’s someone we know very well but even then there should be a minimum that needs to be reached). A cart picture and serial would be great. Can you open the cart? A PCB-picture is also very valuable at times. What method did you use to dump it?

Did you verify the game’s hash indeed or is this the cart that the dump released in the internet was drawn from? If so this would count as trusted only. Otherwise – if this is a different cart – we can add a nice verified tag. Thanks in advance!

I’d like to bump this old thread because Tauwasser has built a reliable dumper on his own and he already redumped 2/3 of the Virtual Boy library. As expected most games were a match but indeed Innsmouth was dumped improperly until now. This time however it appears to be just fine and the read is the same every time.

Now you see it is always important to verify all games even if they are out since long. It is not the first time we encountered badly dumped games in old sets. This also helps to improve emulator development because you can now 100% rely on the game’s code.

So before wasting lots of money for nothing to find the remaining games I’d like to ask if anyone of you is willing to borrow his games for redumping purposes? Shipping costs (insured if required) will be covered by us of course. These games are still in need of a proper redump:

3-D Tetris (USA)
Jack Bros. (USA)
Mario Clash (Japan, USA)
Nester’s Funky Bowling (USA)
Panic Bomber (USA)
Virtual Bowling (Japan)
Virtual Fishing (Japan)
Virtual Lab (Japan)

I’m especially looking forward to Virtual Fishing because the current dump info is contradictory.

You can either post here or get in touch with us over at no-intro.org

–> http://forums.no-intro.org/

You may also mail to shippa4@hotmail.com

Thanks a lot in advance!


I never understood why the availability of a rom-image should affect the value of a cart. It’s the same as if a rare stamp would drop in price if I could view a picture of it online or if Mona Lisa wasn’t worth anything because I could have a reproduction for a few bucks. Or a rare book when I can view the content of it in digital form. I can get movies and MP3 for free everywhere and people still hunt for rare vinyl/DVD-editions. It’s normal that I can get copies everywhere. But it doesn’t change anything concerning the rarity of the original. Just video game collectors appear to think this way. Isn’t it weird? Besides there appears to be a different view on roms and ISOs. Anyone ever heard of people complaining about Radiant Silvergun-ISOs available online? No one cared and bid hundreds on this one everytime it appeared on ebay etc. I never understood this. I don’t pay that much money just to play a little bowling game. I pay because it’s rare.

If you find your notes I would highly appreciate this.

From what you tell me I’d like to get a confirmation of the data from a second source to put them all to verified status once and for all.

There is that page from “Enri” with a few unknown crcs:


Virtual Fishing – CRC:3950987c – differs from your dump

Innsmouth – CRC: 5f55f0d8

The Virtual Collection differs too from yours:


He put a comment about the rom but I can’t read that.

Thank you for checking your carts. Just thought so. All these appear to be 1.0 versions so far.


This sounds amazing. I need to know which games you actually redumped. Do you mean ALL games or just US? Do you mind posting the list together with crcs and maybe a pic of your carts? You know – to be really accurate we have to follow certain rules. We don’t want to end with buggy databases. I’d be in your depth 🙂

And are you definitely sure your dumps are correct meaning did you verify them more than once? Dumping errors caused by the hardware or dust etc. happen too often. Are all your games 1.0 as described before?

I remember a very old thread where crcs were posted by a dumper – guess that was what you mean. I based my current database on this. Still a few games were marked bad like Innsmouth. We probably need a few more redumps.