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@bigscheafRegistered December 15, 2017Active 2 years ago
7 Replies made

Any updates on this project? Sounds like a cool game to bring to the system, and would potentially bring the Virtual Boy homebrew games to a new production level.

I have a couple more N64 than VB games, but that’ll probably change soon!

Nintendo definitely took inspiration from the VB controller, but I’m not sure they’d admit it.

I’ll be checking out Faceball as soon as I get my hands on a FlashBoy+. My goal is to enjoy all of the games on the actual hardware.

Shucks! Thanks for the quick response.

Acedout1, is your FlashBoy+ still available?

Otherwise I’ll contact Richard for a new one.

KR155E wrote:
8. Writing: if you’re good at writing, then you could help out homebrewers with game story, dialogues, manual text and such.

I’m fairly new to the Virtual Boy scene, but I would love to contribute to the community as it a system that deserved more content and was underrated as a whole. Unfortunately, I’m not experienced with coding or creating pixel art. I can, however, offer my services to assist with story writing and editing of content. I’ve dabbled in script writing, which I think would work well for developing a video game.

I might even draft a couple ideas I’ve had for the system already. I feel like it’s begging for a Metroid game based on Mars. Maybe that’s just the red LEDs getting to me, though.

Is it too late to get on the list for one of these adapters? Be amazing to try out a Virtual Boy controller on the PC. I might even try it on my Switch just to see if it will work. For science, of course.

Thanks guys! Seems like the best location to learn more about the system. I was pleasantly surprised when I tested the system and found both screens to be in perfect working order and no strange noises from the mirror mechanisms.

And speedyink, the N64 is still one of my favorite systems. Just so many quality games for it.

I always thought the GameCube controller was the most ergonomic option from Nintendo, but I think the Virtual Boy is potentially better. Everything is placed perfectly- for my hands at least. Kind of a shame they didn’t make an FPS for it.

My wife caved from the excitement of giving me everything and had me open it all yesterday – the system and 5 games: Wario Land, Mario Clash, Mario Tennis, Teleroboxer, and Red Alarm. The quintessential starter pack! Not going to lie, I only made it past the first opponent in Teleroboxer by button mashing.