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@boom10fulRegistered August 5, 2009Active 10 years, 11 months ago
11 Replies made

DogP schrieb:
I’m not quite sure what you’re asking… but all pins are connected between both displays except the display select (pin 2 IIRC), and maybe pins 1 and 30 (don’t remember). So you can check continuity from the other display connector if you’re trying to find a place to connect.


It’s where the black connector on the mainboard is. I tried to remove it and ended up with a mess. So both the left and right connectors share the exact same traces?

Correct. I followed a guide made by DogP and went from there. Unfortunately I was impatient and tried to remove the connecter on the mainboard and ripped off a few pads. I’ll see if I could fix that using the same technique today.

I’m back! I managed to do the via repair, but in haste I managed to rip off the connector on the mainboard and also ripped off some pads along with it. I’ll try to repair this tomorrow. Anyway here are the photos so far.

Do you happen to know what he used to scrape the film near the vias?

Thanks! I’m planning to start this weekend so yeah I’ll start a new thread later on.

Do you happen to have the photos for the bypass surgery? The old post doesn’t have them anymore.

Does anyone have the photos for the bypass surgery fix? One of the flat pins on the ribbon cable broke off and this seems like the only fix. Oh and the photos don’t seem to be up on the original thread.

Also get V-Tetris! It’s addicting and fun!

Thanks for answering but i couldn’t open up the webpage.

Try doing this LEFT(on the right side of the control pad), B, DOWN(on the right side of the control pad), A, UP(on the right side of the control pad). If you did this correct any healthy(read: well functioning) Virtual Boy will show a screen with one horizontal line and two separate vertical lines crossing eachother. So if the vertical and horizontal cross it’s your games, if not your VB is probably out of alignment

Does anyone know exactly how long we supposed to leave the displays in the oven?