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@brunorogRegistered December 1, 2005Active 6 years, 5 months ago
16 Replies made


This is AWESOME!!


congratulations!! :vb: :vb:

I liked the idea!

I wish you a nice work !

Very good idea…

I’d like to create a mini-game…

I’ll stay tunned to this post…

Excellent work!

I’ll download and try it on my FlashBoy!

Thanks for the rapid answer!!

This is good news for me !

This is EXCELLENT! Congrats 4 the tool!

Hello sjp2!

Some years ago I had a strange idea for a “case mod”…

Consisted in: Use the VB case (with the red lens), take off all the hardware and even the mirrors and leds…

And…put a computer inside…the screen would be the 2 views (with the red lens), but using a red ton of windows….

I didn’t plan the “3D” effect on that time…..

It woul’d be only a windows with a small hardware to fit VB case, and with red tons to “simulate” Virtual Boy….


Back to 2016 and your topic:

– The idea is good, but I think: why not some old unix system? it’s very, very, very small (bytes) than a windows or macintosh system, and can fit inside a Flashboy+ cart.

– How about the 3D effects? the old unix system I mentioned I guess has no graphics…only text….


I read the stories and like it very much! Congratulations for the jobs & VBs knowlodge!

Hello! …

works on Gear VR (Samsung add-on) (by the same company, Oculus) (https://www.oculus.com/en-us/gear-vr/) ?

Thanks a lot for the help & explanations…but I ended buying a FlashBoy+ (here: http://www.planetvb.com/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=6377&forum=3 )

Anyway… the topic was very helpful to me, to understand the idea behind “hacking” the Virtual Boy cartridge (and its PCB, battery…)

The package arrived!

Many thanks to DarrylFC for the good communication…
I recommend him for market purposes!

Hello folks,

I made deal with Coleman and hope to enjoy FlashBoy kit.

Hello RunnerPack! Thanks for your help!

After your explanation, I’ll definitely not build a “ugly” “frankenstein” cartridge, but one with an original VB Cart basis.

I got some more doubts:

– I guess that on an original cartridge, the pins connector talk to main PCB, that talks with the ROM…on an EPROM self-made cart, the pins connector talks directly to the EPROM (via wires, correct?).
How this schema recognize the battery to save games (of course, on the cartridges that has this circuit on the PCB) ?

– I got curious about the PCB layout program…if I order this kind of service, how exactly will I get away of the “wires job” ?

By the way 🙂 , I’m doing several researchs to find the best EPROM model & recorder & eraser (actually, the expensive stuff will be the recorder and the eraser EPROM machines).

Thank you for the compilation!

Not so much technical subjects, but there’s a lot of information about the console & games.
