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@burninRegistered August 20, 2004Active 16 years, 9 months ago
39 Replies made

Damn! I nearly forgot this topic, sorry!
I have an eyeshade, controller and Mario tennis to sell with the headunit, too, if you want!

Otherwise I’d like to get 20$ for the headunit.

What do you say?

The Forum is much better like this! Well done!

I have a head unit for sell! But one screen doesn’t work… I think it’s the famous cable that does the problems (as described somewhere on this site), but I wasn’t able to open it. It could be easy to repair it.

Edit: I just saw that I answered you twice… 😀

I have a head unit for trade!
It looks good but unfortunately one of the screens isn’t working. I think its this special cable, that has to be replaced, but I wasn’t able to open it.
I can send you photos if needed.

Edit: excuse my english… 🙂

Why do I just own two? Where are my 98 additional ones? 😀

What about giving some brain away?!? Or some eyes to read?!? 😀

Will this nonsense ever end?

Have a lot of fun with it! Some people should have a look around first!

WOW! Congratulations to the buyer! Unfortunately its not me… 🙁

Ridiculous! What about the CD-i? There are many worse Consoles than the VB! Doesn’t sound very reliable, does it?

So this is an usual problem? I can’t even imagine it! What is the problem exactly? Only if my VB gets th same one some time…

Or I have to get another VB for reserve…
(sorry if my english is bad)

Why should any do this? I’d only collect an original. My VB never changes places, so there is no need to protect it that way.

But apart from this it’s no bad idea!

Sounds strange! Is it a comlete third image? Upside down, or what?

Are you sure that you’ve set the VB correctly?
But it can’t be the VB itself, if it appears only with baseball, I think.

In what condition was the VB? And what exactly did you pay 70£ for? Was it boxed? Certainly baseball was new, was it? So this is improbably, too.

Anyway I think you’ve got an unusual problem. Hard to solve this way…

Edit: I just saw your post and your VB in the marketplace! Have you tested other games? It must be the baseball game! With a VB in that condition… oO
Post Edited (07-06-05 14:56)

Thats the main problem! By the way how could anyone ignore all these explicit clues on this site?!?!

In the beginning I thought there were just a few people who can’t see the difference between PBV and that emu!
I never thouht that it will never stop! Just ridiculous!

Definitely it looks weird! It must be kind of protection thing…

If I only had the Money to buy that game! ;(
30GBP or 50€ can be a lot…

I’ve tested these bits and the don’t work, as RunnerPack said! Believe him! 5 of that 12 screws are too deep for that bit!

Just begun collecting, but here it is anyway:

US Virtal Boy (without box and manuals)
2nd Headunit (defective right screen)
2nd Controller
2nd Eyeshade with holder
US AC Adapter

Software (all US):
Galactic Pinball (cardridge)
Golf (complete)
2 Mario Tennis (one complete)
Red Alarm (with manual)
Virtual League Baseball (like new)
Wario Land (complete)
Post Edited (02-18-05 15:21)

Your only chance would be eBay again, I think! Or you’ve got to look for a private seller.
There is no official shop anymore, thats selling vb parts. (or I don’t know it)
I don’t know where you live, but ebay.com is the best place to get any part for vb. I saw several battery packs with or without controller for less than 10USD.

But why don’t you demand on that guy for the battery pack, If you paid for it?