Here, check out “un-du”,
I used to use Goo Gone for stickers and the like, and while good, it wasn’t perfect. It has a citrus smell I can’t stand, and it leaves a residue behind.
un-du is a miracle worker, just check out the clips in the link, and you’ll see what I mean.
Hey John, life happens so no big deal on the delays, just glad to hear it’s still supposed happening.
Best of luck on the moves and storage, etc. I’ve done that more than I care to mention, and I’m planning to die at my current home if at all possible, as I’m not looking to move again. LOL
Awesome stuff, I’m all in! For sure put me down for one as well.
The best I could guess, would be that when the VB bombed here, it was exported to Mexico, as a way of getting rid of unwanted inventory. Think ET and the landfill solution. LOL
They where pretty much giving them away here once it was all over, and to think a place like Mexico grabbed them up for next to nothing, is more than likely what happened. As it was probably pretty good entertainment at the time, where a TV wasn’t required, as it was a self contained device.
In the past, when my smart phone is generations old, and no one in the US wants it, I can often sell it to users in other countries(and for rather good prices as well), where it may be more cutting edge, as the latest and greatest hasn’t reached there yet. One mans trash, is another mans treasure.
Snatcher is probably my most played adventure game EVER. I’ve finished it probably 5-7 times over the years. The story, voices, and music are all top notch.
I absolutely hate that Kojima continues to release Metal Gear over and over, with no love at all for one of his greatest titles. With today’s technology, I can only imagine how great a reboot would/could be.
Keep up the great work, and hopefully we can see a full release in the future. For sure put me down for a copy, if and when it ever gets to that point of course.
Here is my new updated listing:
Hi guys/gals, I’m sorry to say I am currently selling my homebrew VB titles, as I’ve had some rather expensive car repairs happen in the last few weeks, and with the holidays here, I’m selling some stuff to try and get back above water. Here is my listing:
Yeah, I know it’s a little on the high side, but I’m just trying to get the most I can in my current situation. Currently I’m not looking to break up the set, but If I’m offered a high enough price on a game, I may do it, but I would rather sale these as a lot.
If any PVB users are interested, please let me know, as I’m more than happy to offer a direct sale to anyone here, to save on fees and pass those savings along to you.
My asking price is also not set in stone, as I do need funds currently, but I’m not desperate(not yet anyway), so keep any offers within reason. Just like some of the Street Fighter listings, I would rather not sale these, as I know I’ll never put this set together again, at least not cheaply, so I’m asking a price that I can’t turn down.
I think I listed everything correctly, but if anyone notices an error in my information, please let me know and I’ll fix it ASAP.
Hey Dan, please add me to the list if there are anymore spots left, thanks!
Benjamin Stevens wrote:
jumpman wrote:
… As you can see in the videos, un-du can remove just about anything, from anything…I must say that the duct tape being removed from the toilet paper is by far the most impressive…
I’m not sure if I would actually use toilet paper that had duct tape removed from it… but impressive nonetheless.
Yeah, that is one of those head scratching moments for sure. I understand they are trying to show the “extremest” of situations, as the duct tape is about the stickiest tape around, and toilet paper is about the most fragile paper around, but as you have stated, who had a need to fix this problem? LOL
A great demonstration though.
I’ve used it on just about any and everything that was “stick” or “stuck” and needed to be removed from something else. It is a liquid, so if the materials in question are tissue paper thin, you may have a problem. As you can see in the videos, un-du can remove just about anything, from anything.
In regards to gaming uses, I’ve removed price stickers from shrinkwrap, stickers from the game boxes, and just about everything in-between. No issues personally, but you’ll have to gauge usage by your needs, and what may or may not be possible.
I will say, once this stuff hits the adhesive, it becomes undone rather quickly and can be removed with minimal pressure.
I’m not sure what your end game may be, but I recommend “un-do” for anyone’s sticker removing needs.
I used to use “goo gone”, and while it worked OK, it smelled, and left an oily residue behind. This stuff is a miracle worker, totally amazing stuff. I’ve never tried it on any warranty labels, but if anything can remove it undamaged, this stuff can.
thunderstruck wrote:
3Dhardcore wrote:
While I’ve been holding off playing Snatcher on my Sega CD until I finally get around to finishing Rise of the Dragon, I have seen enough to be glad you are going more like Sega CD than the Saturn version.I wish I had a sega cd and Snatcher so that I could play it myself. I do have a sega saturn but don’t speak Japanese.
Try and find an CD image, and run it through emulation, as it really is one of the best games ever made. It’s one of my 10 games for sure.
Every time Konami announces a new Metal Gear game, I’m like where’s the Snatcher love? But like most big companies now a days, they are stuck in the trap of what they know will bring in the big bucks, and to hell with anything else.
An updated or rebooted Snatcher done right could sale very well, as it is a very unique and well done game, even by today’s standards. Sadly, I doubt this game will ever see any “new” versions, so the Sega CD game is the way to go.
tetris911 wrote:
don’t worry about that because is known for having a bunch of immature trolls just posting negative comments since they got nothing better to do.
Yeah, that’s putting it mildly. I post there every once in awhile, but I steer clear mostly due to the blind “N” loyalty. If this was an unreleased “N” translation and was being released on the 3DS or WiiU Virtual Console, they would have been all over it.
The VB by nature has a very limited fan base, so of course the standard person playing games today is not going to be interested, but at least so called “N” fans should be happy to see a game like this getting made.
The VB could have had a much different life if games like this had come out originally, or if the great “N” hadn’t thrown in the towel so soon after release.
That pictures a classic, but I like the ones where Reggie is shrugging his shoulders more. LOL
Sadly, there are way to many pictures like this out there to choose from.
Great video clip:
Starting at about 2 minutes, these guys discuss how the new XL is more of the same really, and how the new standard one is the biggest improvement all around and how EVERYONE in their office is opting for the smaller unit(of course they are, it’s the better choice overall IMO).
More proof that NOA has their heads so deep in the cave(ass), there’s no way to ever see the light. NOE sales systems online, and offer choices. Reggie always gives shit excuses on how retailers don’t have room for tons of SKU’s, well guess what? You clowns do.
Sale as much shit as you can store in a HUGE warehouse some where and collect funds from all over the states for as long as you have inventory. WTF is Club Nintendo for? Offer special items and system there. How fucking hard is that? Why does ever major region except America operate in a sensible way?
Was Nintendo seriously daft enough to make the 3DS’ region locked?
You don’t know how daft they are? Just search any popular gaming forums, and you’ll find hundreds of topics on this exact issue, and how no one likes it.
Yesterday when I was telling another friend about my hate for “N” after this announcement, he asked why I didn’t just import like he’s known me to do hundreds of times over the years, and I had to explain how the 3DS was region locked, and his question was the same as yours.
Why, when all their past systems have not been. This is what they now do, and why their business is so in the toilet. Every other major system or console is region free, but not “N”.
This is the lamest shit “N” has done in awhile, and that’s saying something. I’ve had the 3DS XL since it was released here in the states, and while it’s not bad, I realized I really din’t need the extra weight, or the HUGE screens, so I was very much looking forward to the medium size screens of the N3DS standard size.
I was never really concerned that NOA wouldn’t release it, my only real issue was if we would get the white unit with Super Famicom button layout or not(or just black). WOW, how shocking that we didn’t get either.
I’ve really grown to dislike the Iwata/Reggie regime of the last 5 or so years, but as of yesterday, I’ve grown to actually hate “N” and these Ass Backwards decision they continue to make.
I want so much to support this great company I grew up loving, but it’s just getting beyond ridiculous to even support these clowns any further.
For anyone who uses Club Nintendo, we all get those crap surveys with every purchase to help the company make improvements, but how about asking through these channels what units consumers would like, and in what colors?
I’m now seriously looking in to “hack” alternatives to the N3DS, so I can import the unit I wanted(since NOA doesn’t want my money), and be able to play games from my region.
Petition signed, and then some.
Greg Stevens wrote:
Android 4.1.2 Samsung Galaxy S2. I like to ride that line between practical and cheapskate
Same phone, with the same mentality. LOL
Dave_ wrote:
This used to happen with me a lot, but I found adding some buying requirements helped.To select buyer requirements for all your listings:
Go to My eBay.
Click the Account tab, and then click Site preferences on the left.
In the Selling preferences section, scroll to Buyer requirements, and click Show.
Click Edit.
On the Buyer requirements page, select your requirements.
Click Submit to save your requirements.
My requirements are currently set to block anyone that:
-Have received 2 unpaid item(s) recorded on their account within 1 month(s)
-Have a primary delivery address in a location I don’t post to
-Have a Feedback score of -1 or lower {EDIT: this isn’t actually possible any more now they don’t let sellers leave negative feedback}
-Have a Feedback score of 5 or lower and no credit card on fileOn the preferences page there is also a link to a blocked bidder page, where you can add people to stop them bidding/buying on any of your future listings.
Great advice, as I have been using these measures for awhile now. I’ve been selling on Ebay for at least 10 years, and sadly, there is now way to completely remove these bogus buyers. Ebay is so pro buyer, that now doing business there has become a job in it’s own right.
I haven’t had the “kid” excuse in awhile, but I get deadbeats all the time. As stated above, I add any troubled buyers to my blocked bidders list, and as a point of reference, I have almost 100 users on my list thus far.
You can also offer “no returns”, and this will stop some of the non payers as well. If someone buys something, and you offer returns, it’s pretty much the same as them not paying, as they could pay and return the item anyway, so it’s a non starter.
Now, when you offer no returns, that really doesn’t work either, as Ebay will allow ANYONE the option to return any item as long as they complain. So it’s really dumb of them to even offer the option, but it will give pause to some of those who play fast and loose with the system.
Since Ebay has taken away any power from the sellers, we will all continue to get such situations on a regular basis. I under stand “the customer is always right” mentality, but Ebay really takes it to extremes, and does it so badly, that it also hurts revenue from sellers. As many new users like those here, will decide not to use this service due to the issues and headaches of it all.
So at the end of the day, they keep a few lame customers happy, at the cost of really good sellers who could potentially make them way more money than these deadbeats ever could.
UncleTusker wrote:
Restocked. This will probably be it for these. So, get em while they are hot!
I just placed my order and grabbed some clear protectors for all of these new VB games I’m grabbing. Thanks again to all those involved for your hard work and community efforts.