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@chrislaustinRegistered October 21, 2007Active 7 years, 5 months ago
45 Replies made

WOW, this is taking me back. I think I may have read about it in a publication with footage from Shoshinkai from late 1994, but I may have first saw it at CES January of 1995, I just can’t remember which came first.

I also got to play it again at the first E3 that year as well. Sadly, I had just moved out on my own that year, so when the VB was released my funds where kind of tight. LOL

So when Blockbuster had there closeout sale, I grabbed a unit and some games for way cheap. I also remember seeing Target selling them new in the box at clearance for like $15 dollars. To this day, that is still one of my most regretted shopping moments.

Since I was new to responsibility and living on my own, and I already had the VB from BB, I just didn’t see the need to own another unit(new or not). Soon after that time, I started making decent money, and began to start collecting video games, and then I realized my mistake in passing on the new units at target.

I actually sold most of my collection a few years ago, but I still have my Blockbuster unit in its original hard case, as it is still one of my most prized purchases.

Cool, I thought I was falling off my chair or something, then I remembered what day it was.

HP Lovethrash wrote:
I’m assuming you can filter particular sellers from search results too? That would be more useful, there are two in particular that I’m displeased with but they keep popping up when I’m on the prowl for VB items…

I’m not sure about this one, as I’m the opposite of you in this regard. I hardly ever buy on Ebay and when I do, the chances of ever running across the same seller twice is slim and none, but there are a few I would add to a list like this.

Good to see the transaction worked out for you. I personally block any buyers once I’ve had any issues with them. There is a “block bidders” list in your account, and I’ve got probably 100+ buyers on my list. This way you don’t have to have issues with repeat offenders who scam or cause issues. It’s a great feature, and although Ebay SUCKS in regards to protection for the seller, it’s good to have a little piece of mind.

WOW, can’t wait to see more. Snatcher is on of my top 10 greats. I’ve finished it more than 5 times over the years. It’s probably my most wanted “reboot” game ever, sadly Kojima can’t seem to be bothered to give this title the love it deserves. Always glad to see the community deliver where the industry can’t or won’t.

Most cheap chinese “Andoid” devices can run it, as seen here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=phg9P-b7NoE

The Caanoo doesn’t have the horse power, but GWC should be able to run it, once someone ports over a proper emu.

For anyone who is really interested in a true emulation BEAST, try out the Nvidia Shield. It may be a little larger and more expensive than some may want, but the horse power and proper gaming controls can’t be beat.

Just ordered one. Thanks to the team for another great release. Also, thanks to UncleTusker for now offering a “first class” shipping option(for the US), as the priority only option was kind of expensive for such small items in the past.

MineStorm wrote:

Are there Any plans to make a cart of this game?

I’m definitely up for it.

I’m just finishing 50 x English Space Squash, then this could be the next cart (unless Tusk want’s something else first).


Just let me know when and where to send my money! LOL

Sorry to hear you need to part with your collection, it is super nice, and anyone of us would love to have it.

Life happens, and as long as your breathing, problems will happen. I’ve had to sell several of my collections over the years, for all different reasons(including my own VB collection).

Just remember that any items you have to sell, will go to a good home, and will be treasured by others. Take the good out of your current situation and move forward. Good luck on your sales.

Yeah, they do show are mention the VB here and there, so it may not be the “red head step child” of the past, but I don’t see them moving it out in the spotlight, but I would love to be proven wrong.

Actually, my wife is playing AC:new leaf, and she acquired a VB in game for her home. Sadly, she had no idea what it was. LOL

Yeah, this is the typical Nintendo BS spin. Iwata used the same backwards ass speak in regards to region locking: http://www.gamespot.com/news/nintendo-president-defends-region-locking-6411061.

I think it would be so cool to see these games released on the 3DS. The reality is that the VB is “N” biggest failure of the last 20 years(ever for that matter), and I’m sure they have no plans to re-live this system, or remind the masses about it.

Hell, they can’t even see fit to release HUGE sellers of their past(earthbound almost took an act of God to get released), so the chances of ever seeing VB are about “slim to none”, and slim has just left the building.

Dreammary wrote:
I am actually against re-releasing VB games as I have stated it would kill collectability!

I actually think it would have the opposite effect, and the collect-ability would only go up. This would introduce a whole new group of people to the VB, and many would like to enjoy the VB as it was originally intended.

Like others have said, all the games are already available in rom form, so I don’t see how releasing them on the 3DS would ever hurt the collectors market as it currently exists.

Sadly, this will only happen once the 3DS is hacked. Miyamoto said in an interview that it would be possible, but due to time, cost, and efforts required, we will never see it on an official basis.

I think they would sell rather well on the e-shop, especially if they are priced right. There are a handful of VB games that are actually very good, and would appeal to new gamers as well as old schoolers like myslef.

Also, for them to ever release VB games, would also be showing the public one of their past “Failures”, and Nintendo’s pride/ego are way to BIG to allow that to happen.

The red/black would also be an issue for most, so it really is unlikely, and without a HUGE push or want from the gaming community, I’m sure it will never happen(at least officially, Wink, Wink). LOL

Awesome work to all involved. This is one of the best community made sets that I have ever gotten(and I have gotten many over the years). If I didn’t know it, I would think this was an official release(Hell, even better really). Top Marks, A+++!

P.S. I really loved the “papertowel” wrapping paper/packaging. LOL

I’ll take #24, and I’m sending payment ASAP.

Thanks to all involved, I’m really looking forward to all of your future releases.

Here are my red 3DS XL pics. I would have put them up sooner, but Photobucket was having issues(at least for me).



The sticker fit almost perfect right in the middle, but I did have to hole punch the outer lower legs to fit inbetween the camera lenses.

I think it looks pretty good, comments are welcome. Thanks for the great stickers and fast shipping.

8bitmatt wrote:
@jumpman – thanks for the order! I’d love to see a pic of the 3DS XL with the sticker on it. 🙂

No Problem. I’m hoping the sticker will fit vertical on the top of the unit(so the stand legs of the VB fit inbetween the camera lenses). If that doesn’t work, I may have to put it on horizontal, but that won’t look as cool.

I’ll figure something out and post pics when I’m done. If it looks nice enough, I’ll post pics elsewhere, as I’m sure it will bring you traffic, as I have already seen many users who want to trick out their red 3DS XL’s VB style.

Thanks 8bitmatt, sadly my funds are little tight currently, so I am unable to get the shirt bundle(plus my size is already sold out), but I grabbed 3 stickers to support your efforts.

I’ve been hoping for a cool VB sticker that I could put on my red 3DS XL so I could pay homage to the OG.

I’ll take one, what the hell. I’m always looking to help out homebrew efforts.

2)Benjamin Stevens
5)Randy Jeffery
9) Bigmak
12)Robert Molander (Gamewarriors)

WOW, this is beyond AWESOME!

You do Gunpei Yokoi a great honor with this unit. He may be gone, but his creative spirit lives on in in guys like you, who can see a need, and completly create something from nothing. A truely wonderful work of art.

If you ever decide to sell this unit, or would like to make anymore, I would be truly honored to add this to my game room. Excellent work!
