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@coliver80Registered April 18, 2017Active 7 years, 5 months ago
3 Replies made

I’m assuming USA. VN102208717.

So I did a continuity test from the array board to the opposite end of the ribbon cable where it plugs into the motherboard and it passed with flying colors. So I’m assuming that unless there is something that can be fixed on an array board its not fixable. Is this a common problem? Just wondering as I plan to get a parts unit that had faulty displays from ebay or something. Are a majority of them fixable with the solder fix?? Thanks. I’m uploading another attempt at pic too.


Yeah the pic kinda sucks.. took it with phone as it was the only thing I had at the moment. I’m pretty sure its dead leds. Prior to soldering the black lines never went away but if you even slightly touched the ribbon cable you would get all kinds of garbage on the screen(minus where the black lines are). After the soldier fix no more garbage but black lines are still there. Much more then one or two leds though… if it has 224 leds then id say more like 10-20 are dead. Going to check ribbon cable tonight make sure there’s no broken leads as that seems like a lot of failed leds.