e5frog wrote:
You could get another controller and change the wiring…
That wouldn’t be so good because you might still want the original controller setup in the menus and such… And hot-swapping the controller when the game begins isn’t a very good idea with a virtual boy 😉
Ok, here goes. I haven’t figured out the complete formula of whats wrong, but I can at least show it with a few examples using the OBJ pointer demo.
Now, the way you’re supposed to view this is that the “files” (numbered tiles) are the objects, each one sitting in one of the 4 available OBJ worlds. The “folders” are normal worlds, acting as separators between the object worlds, used only as a visual clue to which OBJ world one of the numbered tiles is currently in. 🙂
So, looking at Exhibit A, I have 16 objects and all 4 OBJ worlds enabled. Setting SPT3 to 15, and all other OBJ pointers to 0, Reality Boy places object 0 in OBJ world 4 (closest to the viewer) and the rest of the objects in OBJ world 1. But the correct behaviour would be to put the rest of the objects in OBJ world 3 (as seen on hardware).
Moving on to Exhibit B, I reduce the number of used OBJ worlds to 3, and set the SPT pointers to 4, 1, 7, 0 respectively. RB then puts objects 0-7 in OBJ world 3 and simply hides the rest of the objects. But here the hardware puts objects 1-7 in OBJ world 3 and all other objects in OBJ world 2…
Sorry for rambling, but hopefully you can make some sense out of this. 😉 And thanks for finally looking into it :thumpup:
Yep, the bugs that my old OBJ pointer demo shows are still there as well. (Objects being put in the wrong world when you are using several object worlds and certain pointer values).
And no, I’m not going anywhere with this “game”, the only purpose of it was to make this point. It’s free for anyone to pick up and continue work on though 😀
Reality Boy also has all those features, KR155E. You just need to run the debug exe, press V to get the display started, then D to get the game running like normal. After that you can press Esc at any time to get to a menu with CharMap/BGMap viewer etc…
Heh, my bad… that code actually does work on hardware. I was fiddling with different values that didn’t work, then eventually I only tried stuff in rb, where it doesn’t 😛
I guess it all depends on where your focal point is…
If you focus your eyes on an object in the distance, and alternate between closing your right and left eye, then objects closer to you will move further apart and objects further away will “stand still” more and more the closer they get to your focal point.
But if you focus your eyes on an object close to you, the opposite occurs, and the object in the distance will move the most apart… so it’s the angle of the eyes, or cameras that decide.
In Yeti3D, I have put the cameras a bit apart, but their line of vision is completly parallel to each other, like staring infinitly into the distance. It looks pretty good right? And it causes the walls in the distance to appear closer to each other than the ones in your face, aka the opposite of that picture in the manual.
Is this the correct way to do it though, or how do I know how far into the screen the player should focus (the angle between the cameras)?
There is still room for improvement, if some stuff is rewritten in asm for example.
I took the screenshots by timing my press on print screen just right 😉 I also used an older version of Reality Boy, that works a little better for this.
About the controls, I figured in fps games on pc you turn with the mouse (right hand) and walk with WASD keys (left hand), so I wanted to mimic that (and find a good use for the right D-pad).
At first, I thought it felt really awkward too, but you’ll get used to it and then you will love it 😀
The R-trigger for shooting feels most natural, I think.
I did some more work on this, and I’m happy with the results so far, so I’m releasing a second version now. 🙂
+Stereoscopic gameplay in full 3D!
+Fullscreen display
+Changed some wall colors in the level for clearer view
+Improved controls:
Left D-pad = move/strafe
Right D-pad = turn/look up and down
L trigger = jump
R trigger = shoot
+Still slightly faster than previous version 😎
(Enjoy responsibly 😛 )
This reply was modified 15 years, 2 months ago by DanB.