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@danbRegistered September 3, 2003Active 4 years, 6 months ago
420 Replies made

Done! It’s great 😀

around $10 or $20 without the usb cable, programs and reference card. those thigns are expensive!

This thread is turning into a full step by step tutorial with example code on how to make a game 😀

It is because of your if statements. Instead of:

if (level=2) …
if (level=3) …

they should be:

if (level==2) …
if (level==3) …

Man, that was hilarious! 😀

I can’t watch it, WMP crashes and even VLC shows just a grey image :/
Does it use some special codec?
It looks good on the thumbnail preview in explorer though 🙂

Congratulations, that looks very good! The glue really looks like solder. I hope you can find the pin(s) that are causing the remaining lines. I believe it could be almost anyone though, there is not one specific pin that causes that 🙁

jojobean wrote:
i dont think you should sell that at all. its just a rom that was put on a cartridge.

Name a single game that is not just a rom that was put on a cartridge 😉

You can’t. This is just a demo to listen to the included songs. There is no way to add your own songs to the player yet, you would have to recompile the rom from source code. (or do some serious rom hacking 😛 )

Cool! I like the small badges showing in the forum posts now 😀

It sounds like more than a few people are already familiar with the dump(s) of this game…

If you’re completely new to linux and makefiles, it’s not a bad idea to start small with a script you can actually understand and go from there…

Plus, that simple script can handle more than one source file. That’s what the *.c is for, you know 😉

It’s not that I’m against makefiles, I’m just saying that writing a makefile with only those two lines can be a good start.

Then read it a third time akumie (!)
The game is not FOR vb, so you won’t need a vb link cable to play 2 players. It’s a mod for a wii game, which still makes it a wii game, that you play on wii (!)

I have tested it in Windows 7 (public beta) and it works fine.

Enough already. realyst, if you think all roms should be made available for free to the public just because they “deserve” it, then that makes you a communist.

C’mon RunnerPack, don’t be so harsh 😛
IMO, that makefile is a huge overkill for someone that just wants to compile some simple demo code.

fobbio, just use the two simple commands provided by David Tucker in the build.txt file:

//to build a project
v810-gcc -O -I. *.c -o test.elf
v810-objcopy -O binary test.elf test.vb

Good luck!

Jeez, how about you just calm down and learn to live with things how they are?

I wouldn’t call several posts a day REALLY dead, but otherwise I agree with DogP.

(There, now I too have contributed with a meaningless post :P)

I would have to say game boy actually, it meant a lot to me growing up with all its great games, also being my first nintendo system aside from game & watch.

For dev stuff and programming new games and demos I prefer the virtual boy though, mainly because of the small scene and because everything hasn’t been done twice already for it.

Any one of those will work just fine, since the VB AC adapter doesn’t draw more than 9W. The 45W is probably cheapest, so I’d say go for that one, if you don’t plan on using it for other (more power hungry) devices too.