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@danbRegistered September 3, 2003Active 4 years, 5 months ago
420 Replies made

Awesome, that was all it took! Thanks dasi! 😀

That’s great! Congratulations!

It does apply. A screen with red lines and a completely black screen are caused by the same problem: bad connection in those cables.

They don’t look like they are broken…
Why don’t you just try the suggested methods to fix them?

Let’s see if I understand this correctly.
Your left display did not work, so you opened the VB up and changed places of the displays, and as a result the right display doesn’t work.

That means that one of the display boards are fine and you have isolated the problem to one particular display board (with cable).

Since you are technical enough to do what you just did, it seems to me you should also be technical enough to fix the display. The problem is not the display itself, but the cable that connects to it. There are several ways to repair the cable, just have a look at the sticky thread at the top of the forum.

I would suggest trying the oven method first, just to see if you can get any life signs from the display at all.

I know you stated first of all that you have no patience, but good luck and don’t give up! 😉

Cool, this looks interesting and impressive, although it also seems almost more difficult than the bypass method 😉

In that last method, do you get any solder in underneath the cable (between the cable and the pcb), or is the soldered connection restricted to the very edge of the cable? (and the whole top of it I guess, which would be enough…)

  • This reply was modified 16 years, 7 months ago by DanB.

@nitrosport2000: What? no atari lynx? 😛

I found out when messing with yeti that using the bitstring instructions are the most efficient way to draw long vertical lines to the framebuffer.

Zooming was a feature I thought of adding to the Advanced map editor plugin, but it didn’t make it to the release 😛

This sounds interesting… you mean the VB has some cache memory that we’ve never used before? Maybe this could relight the spark in my yeti projects 😀

I get the same ugly results as you in Red Dragon DogP, but you should try Reality Boy .83 (10/05/2005). It looks very good there and there are no crashes either. Good work btw 😀

It’s the 0.82.2 win alpha package, but the title bar of the emu actually says 0.83

Thanks everyone 🙂

Yes, it’s 30 gauge kynar wire. it’s nice to use because of the high melting point of the kynar.
If it weren’t for that, some standard old floppy ribbon cables would have been much easier to handle 😛

Yeah, what are you talking about Deadly-D? The SNES came out at least 2 years BEFORE the VB 😛

Awesome work DogP!
Would it also be possible to use it to stream the video ram to the PC to use the PC as a VB display (reverse Virtual-E project 😛 )
That would eliminate the need of a TV-out adapter 😀

I’ve now made the plugin work on Windows 9x as well as NT, for your convenience 😛
I rebuilt it using Visual C++ 6 under Win98 without problems…
The download link in the first post has been updated.

Have fun! 😀

Hmm, even though I think that noone should still run 98 since that is more of a punishment than an OS, I’d still like this thing to be backwards compatible… I’ll try to look into it. But my other plugins work fine? Maybe they won’t anymore either if recompiled with Visual Studio 2008… I obviously used an older IDE with other settings (?) when I made them.

According to this article, Visual Studio doesn’t support Windows 9x anymore 🙁 Looks like you would have to rebuild it using an older compiler…

I installed win 98 on a virtual pc under vista tonight and you’re right, it doesn’t even show up in the VIDE menu there. Neither does the swap colors plugin which was built with VS 2005, so I guess you never tried that one? 😛

Anyways, you don’t really need to be able to see the whole window to use the plugin. Just use the default timer interval and refrain from using the bottom tiles in the charset 😉

  • This reply was modified 16 years, 8 months ago by DanB.

I have the same problem. It’s the ribbon cables. They can cause both the horizontal lines problem and miscoloring of the entire display.

Try the oven trick (I did, but it got worse 😐 , oh well…)

Hehe, I don’t think you’ll have that much fun playing waterworld in particular 😛 it’s a weird game 😉

Congrats on your purchase though!

Ok, my ID is T***********! 😛

Thanks dasi, that works for reading the pad. And just for the record, it turned out my problems didn’t have anything to do with the interrupts.