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@danbRegistered September 3, 2003Active 4 years, 5 months ago
420 Replies made

I agree this is a cool concept! I couldn’t put it down until I had solved the whole puzzle 🙂
Good job! :thumpup:

Thanks for the nice comments everyone!
I actually think this is a game I will continue to work on 🙂

thunderstruck wrote:

Still would be nice if I could make the demo run at the same speed as DanB. I double checked if there are some asm parts that are not activated by default (like in Gregs demo) but couldn’t find any.

No idea what you are doing 😛
One difference is probably that I still use the old pre-compiled version of gccvb 2.95.

Here you go. You just need to start the slope at the same angle (45 degrees) from the front as in the lower part.

What about using memcpy/blitting to manually draw the minimap to the framebuffers instead of using a world for it? Could that make it faster? You’d have to use a mask and AND/OR it in two steps to make it transparent of course.

Guy Perfect wrote:

What we’re doing with libvue is we’ve included a macro that makes use of the assembler’s .incbin directive to include resource files directly. You may want to consider doing something similar.

I was messing around with .incbin a few years back when I worked on my midi player, but I only ever succeeded in putting the files in the RAM area (which soon filled up after a few songs)… How did you map the files to reside in the ROM area?

S/N: VN104568918

No signs of a JP sticker beneath the US one, and absolutely no traces of a rectangle around the EXT. mark, no matter how close I look 🙂

Very cool! It sounds great, nice work! I just don’t get how simply changing the volume on a constant tone can result in such different sounds?

Keep calm, updates will come.
I’ve just been busy lately with work, life and all 😛

I’ve mostly been working on adding music so far, which will “soon” be done 😉

Unfortunately, there is no easy way to do this since none of the pins on the ribbon cable take any kind of standard video signal (vga/composite/s-video). It’s all proprietary stuff. I don’t know the details, but you would have to build your own hardware interface inbetween, which requires some serious electrical engineering skills…

Why would you clear the buffers manually by copying data, when the VIP will clear it to BKCOL for you each frame? And If you’re manually copying the same buffer to both eyes, you can’t have any 3D effect either ofcourse…

I’m also missing the Amiga CD32 on the list…

Maybe you should ask the elves instead? 😉

I actually like your older “US-style” box better. Plus the cart label is US-style, so isn’t it weird to not have them match?

Fun fact: The rom header in the Faceball proto still says “V-Tetris” and has the same game id (VTRJ) as that game, which might suggest it was developed by the same team, or even built on the same pc/using V-Tetris as a framework 🙂

Cool that you’ve made so much progress so fast! Did you find out if 10×10 squares is the maximum level size?

Luckily I told Eric about my plans and he said something like: Ähhhhh geez… you might not want to do this.

D’oh! I never got that memo! 😛

Thank you everyone for your support (and especially Eric for being such a cool guy about this). With his consent (and actual request of it) I’m now putting my rom back up for download.

I’m now thinking of going the Donkey Kong ’94 (awesome GB game) route with this, that is starting with the original levels, and then when the game “ends” a new game breaks out with lots of added levels and new features to the gameplay.

This will take lots of time, and I may or may not post updated roms as I go along. I’ll probably document my progress here though. In the meantime, enjoy Ballface in it’s current form. 🙂


lol at thread title 😎 :thumpup:

Sweet! I’ll be sure to get me a copy of the $100 version :thumpup:

I’m just curious, if there’s no Arena mode in the version you have, then what does the first screenshot on this page depict?


Clearly the HUD and font is very different from the rest of the game? Is it an earlier/later version?