I’ve been working with Morintari for a few years and will be doing the music for this! Very excited about the project, the artwork is fantastic. 🙂
You’re right of course; it was just a thought that I had in the moment. Thinking of creating a little tool that allows you to play with the waveform and uses the conversion tools of VBeat instead!
Oh my goodness I just discovered this. Being able to draw waveforms sounds amazing; I was resigning myself to typing out waveforms for DogP’s old VB sound generator but this sounds much more optimal!
Thinking of writing a little script that can generate every possible waveform and hand picking samples out of that, hehe.
This is really cool. I wanted to mess around with it a little, but it won’t quite work yet on Linux. I’ve left a few comments on the appropriate Github issue.
Wow, just wow. Really flexing some technical skills here, and it has great potential to make a game out of to boot. It almost feels scandalous to see a single other reply.
I haven’t been around at all but wow GuyPerfect, that’s quite a nice initiative to start a Patreon! I’ll try to spread the word around as well. 🙂
I’ve been learning more about the VB’s sound capabilities, as well as making samples that would be possible on the VB, and then using them in a sample-based tracker similar to MilkyTracker. So it’s more or less like what you’re talking about, DogP.
But there is a limit to this, and that is: you’ll just be making music that *sounds* (almost) exactly like what you can get on the VB. You won’t be able to actually get it on the VB unless you went through the effort of coding a player for every intricacy a complex sample-based tracker provides. Something like Deflemask or Famitracker would definitely be closer to what I’d say everyone wants, because it provides everything you need to both make the music and get it exported into something you can put into your homebrew.
And the video L__E__T posted is exactly that… It’d be VERY exciting if something like that were freely available. 🙂
You’re quite good at pixel art, and it really shows in this game. Really looking forward to it. 🙂
Yes, but you’d have to compile Mednafen yourself. Luckily, Mednafen’s emulation cores are also available for RetroArch, for which there is a Mac OSX version here.
I don’t have a Mac, but the instruction should be:
– Install the DMG package
– Run RetroArch
– Load Content > Select File and Detect Core > navigate to your VB ROMs and select the one you want to play.
Enjoy. 🙂 You might have to set up RetroArch a bit to your likings first.
This is very neat! It definitely looks like it would work well in 3D, too. 🙂
Hiya. I know I’m kind of detached from the community and stuff and mostly lurk, but I’ve been reading your posts on your plans and progress occasionally, and have some comments of my own!
First off, it is really a pity that you lost such useful work. I personally was looking forward to especially the audio composer. But I am also confident that even with this setback, you will succeed. 🙂
The vote quickly went to git for this one, but actually setting up a git repository isn’t one of those things I’ve experienced, so I had to look into making it happen. There’s a few options out there, but I’m okay waiting on KR155E to install git-hosting software like he wants to do eventually.
Meaning yeah, for now, no git repository of any kind. And that’s just fine, since it’s me working on the project alone. (-:
If I were you, I’d start setting up a local Git repository as early as you can anyway. Like, right now. The nice thing about Git is that repositories can live individually on peoples’ computers until the changes are pushed to the main online repository.
The thing is, if you start committing your changes to your local repo sooner rather than later, then you will be able to push not just your code, but every single revision with all of its log comments. That would be very beneficial for other interested developers to see more quickly what you’ve done, how and where you’ve done it, and what still needs to be done. It also makes it easier for yourself to revert/branch off any experiments you might be trying out. Although you probably have a system for yourself in place for that anyway. 🙂
(As for Git hosting: Github is a great place to host this on too, just so you know! An amazing amount of projects is hosted on there, including heavyweights like the Linux kernel, for example.)
Edit: I found this page on why using Git sooner rather than later is probably a good idea, too.
This is amazing. Really, there’s nothing about this thing that I don’t love.
- This reply was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by DaVince.
Morintari notified me of this a few days ago. And holy moly. This looks, in one word, amazing.
Can’t wait to get my hands dirty on it once I get the opportunity. 🙂
This is freakin’ sweet. Never would have expected to see this on VB (no, I don’t lurk enough to have known about the last attempt. :P).
Really, great job on this. 🙂
It’s not likely Nike doing anything; they have a proper marketing model and little need to advertise through spambots. My guess it’s just spambots being spambots and trying to misguide you into going to a site that looks related to Nike.
That said, I’ve never seen the spam. I guess they are deleted before I arrive…
Speaking of 3D Tetris, I used to have this game on my DOS PC as a kid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qTkxmE2AAoo
The Square Tube 3D screenshots instantly reminded me of this.
Wow, that’s neat, if somewhat impractical. I guess shoulder buttons weren’t really a thing back then; they would have made more sense than the B and A in the middle since that would allow you to use both D-pads and both buttons all at the same time.
That is brilliant. Wonder if it was designed like that on purpose…?
This thread is also very broken. Empty thread title, things lined out weird. I get the feeling these issues are just temporary.