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@davinceRegistered February 15, 2010Active 1 year ago
250 Replies made

Didn’t seem to work, I still have to login at least twice a day.

KR155E wrote:
I am using a Xbox 360 Wireless Pad for Windows + XPadder to map the buttons. Works great! I can use the two sticks to emulate both DPads if needed.

P.S. Please use the image attachment function of the forum instead of hotlinking.

Similarly to this, a PS2 or PS3 controller works quite well, too.

First person view for Tron has been done before (not VB), and let me tell you, it’s REALLY annoying. A third-person 3D view like Armagetron shows would work better.

Good luck with your project!

GeoAnas wrote:
I see… I already have a Gameboy Player for my GameCube. Nintendo released a “Gameboy cart player” for every console she made, except for VB !…another proof how much Ninty hated(s) VB ! :rolleyes

Hated? The VB didn’t even get past the first generation of games before it flopped… It wouldn’t have made sense to create something like the Super Gameboy that early on.

I think Gameboy emulation through software should be possible, even if many tricks (and per-game tricks) WILL have to be exploited. Heck, look at what the DS can do with its ~90Mhz! Almost full SNES emulation.

I’d play one for the neat effects I could give it… Which I would be doing, were I to code a VB title. 🙂

But yeah, plenty of backlit handhelds out there.

akumie wrote:
to bad this is not on virtual boy

Heh, that’s the first thing you can think of?

This isn’t exactly VB material… When I think VB, I think using its 3D capabilities smartly. This is a pure 2D game, I’d rather be thinking about the NES than the VB there. 🙂

It wouldn’t be too hard to port… but I’d have to recode the entire thing in C. Yeah, it’s actually using JavaScript in a game engine. Hey, whatever works, right?

Someone mentioned porting Mednafen to Gamecube/Wii recently, I believe… Porting that app would certainly pass the VB support onto Wii, too. 🙂

In the meantime, maybe running Wii Linux and compiling Mednafen in there works?

The Wiimote would probably work out. I mean, heck, the N64 emulator for that thing has all the buttons used (with nunchuck).

Instead of keeping away the hacked versions it could do the same ZSNES does and show a “checksum: fail” label at the start of the game. Arbitrary code should definitely still be runnable, I think.

I mean, we do have an implementable list of GoodROMs, right?

Here’s what I think:

– Orange on purple? Not the most professional or appropriate color scheme. How about using a combination of black, red and dark grey? You know, the VB’s colors?

Why the N on a new line? Why a boring default font instead of a neat console font?

– Definitely needs some VB music. The music used now is pretty epic, but somehow still doesn’t seem to fit the theme (VB)… Also, the audio used IS copyrighted, which might be some sort of risk (like having the video removed or audio disabled).

– Prizes includes: just a typo, but since “prizes” is plural, “includes” should be “include”. 🙂

– You might want to put the Flashboy before the T-shirt. I mean, it’s the bigger prize!

Again a weird line break…

So, like the others said, I’ll say the same: Nice effort. But needs work.

Good idea (though it only uses buttons 1 and 2 in-game…). That’ll be added in the next release as I got several requests about it.

Thanks! 🙂

Heh heh. Well, you don’t HAVE to get the cupcakes on that second screen. It’s there for those who have played before and want to get a higher score, mainly.
EDIT: wait, the second screen is with the moving spike in the way, right? Just wait until it’s low and then float over it.

Since the game’s extendable with more levels, I guess I’ll be making an extra levelset that’s a lot easier to finish and include that with the release! 🙂

  • This reply was modified 14 years, 8 months ago by DaVince.

It could have something to do with different keyboard or keyboard language settings… I mean, I once had similar problems with DOSBox.

6 months? That should be more than enough to learn the VB API and give making a little VB game a shot… 😛


Looks more like topic 3919 to me? EDIT: Oh, I see. the 1337th counted one.

TIFF is a weird default format. 😛

Actually, Mednafen has a little GUI you can use to configure it… Just press F1.

Yeah, I did it really quickly to give just a push in the right direction, so there’s bound to be things missing. 😛 You’re right about that part, but it could be avoided simply by not adding to the yspeed (or velocity, in your case) at all when he’s on the floor (or one pixel above it, anyway).

True, a shmup will be a shmup when you’re flying any sort of craft, fighting off other enemy crafts. Usually in a set level.

Space Invaders IS a very native kind of shmup, though the major difference with it is that your own unit is on the ground.

(Where’s the 3D in Space Invaders?)

Wow, they sure did a lot of interesting projects… The homebrew section on the site’s a bit broken though (missing images).

Wait, nevermind… Something odd is going on on my side. Time to reboot I guess, sorry for the false alarm.

Edit: pretty good. There’s something about the animation that makes the movement speed seems like it’s varying, though. Not sure what causes it, maybe his back moving like it does.

As for jumping, something like this works decently (very much pseudo code):

yspeed = 0;
gravity = 1;  //Change this to whatever gravity value works well.

while (gameloop)
  yspeed += gravity;
  player_y += yspeed;  //You can divide yspeed or lower gravity to alter jump speeds.

  if (pressing jump key)
    yspeed = -some_value;  //You can tweak this value to alter jump height.

  if (touching floor)
    yspeed = 0;

Sorry for not having checked your .c file yet, if it’s obvious. :rolleyes

Also, the above system is VERY simple, not taking into account for pixel-perfect collision detection. You need a bit more for that (and to avoid your character getting stuck in the floor), but I’m sure you can figure it out from here. 🙂

EDIT: just checked the code… It’s a pretty big mess of if conditions I see. You can at least make the engine itself a bit more efficient by using “else if”s where appropriate.


if (x < 0) "something";
else if (x == 0) "something else";
else "something when x > 0";

Why is this more efficient? Well, if the first if ran, we already know that all other related conditions WILL be false (if x < 0 we know it can't be 0 or higher). Thus the engine doesn't actually NEED to check these extra conditions, and an else if / else in the code WILL actually skip them for you. That's less checking and code execution per frame. 😉

  • This reply was modified 14 years, 9 months ago by DaVince.
  • This reply was modified 14 years, 9 months ago by DaVince.

Crashes for me in Mednafen, not sure if it’s the emulator.