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@davinceRegistered February 15, 2010Active 1 year ago
250 Replies made

Don’t you think Red Alarm is a shmup?

Hey, now that you mention it… Yeah, I guess!

Yes, the movement and collision are a LOT smoother, good job. 🙂

I did notice that it’s very easy to fall off the top of the little wall parts sticking out, perhaps a bit *too* easy. Also, after touching the end door, collision detection stopped working on the sprites and I could jump through some of the lower ceilings.

(post edited)

You can actually get a very small amount of Wii/DSi points with them, if you have enough. I got one free game that way (after having registered TWELVE games and TWO consoles. Sheesh).

I think you definitely need to work on the movement and jumping.

I mean, the character jumps ONLY, and very slowly, when you hold the jump button. It should much rather just start jumping a certain fixed height, then slowly fall back down. You know, jumping physics. Even if you don’t do the whole gravity thing, you could still make sure there’s some sort of variable that remembers how long you’ve been jumping, to set a minimum jumping height.

Then, the jumping stops when you touch a wall. He falls back down. This should probably be fixed, too.

Also, the movement speed of your character is constant, so why bounce him back as heavily as you do in the game? You should be able to know exactly how many pixels your character is going to move to the left or right. So take preemptive measures and do a “will he be stuck inside the wall next frame?” check to decide whether he should move into that direction at all.

Movement is VERY important in platformers as a bad movement system will have the player fighting against the controls instead of the game designer’s intended challenges. And that will make them stop playing much sooner than you want them to.

Note that I’m not an expert in VB coding, but I DO have a lot of experience trying to make a proper platform system that works as I want it to (and without bugs/stuttering movement). I wish you much luck getting the platforming system to work right. 🙂

Well, there were at least twelve. Who knows how many still exist in working condition / not thrown away into the trash, though?

But you’re right, that’s a bit of a misadvertisement. Heck, I wouldn’t be surprised if this actually were to be a scam of some sorts.

Shipping is FREE

I like how FREE is all in capital letters. Yeah, it’d better be for that price, man!

Holy shit, that’s insane. 😮

Think it’ll sell?

(Can’t edit my post?)

red_electriccyan worked best for me! There’s some minor vagueness visible now occasionally, but the 3D effect itself works much better than the pure blue used before.

Thanks for the link.

Ahh, nope. I haven’t needed them yet, all (cheap) 3D I ever find is 3D that requires red/green glasses.

There are very few shmups for the VB because there are very few games for the VB, homebrew or not.

No homebrew scene? This site pretty much IS the homebrew scene. You really have to consider how little interest there is in VB homebrew development, though, and even less people who are proficient at it.

Also, pretty much no homebrew makes money. The only exception I’ve seen so far is Battle Kid on NES, but the NES was big (in the US).

I might actually make some sort of VB game when I find the time and a nice idea.

Yeah, they didn’t do a thing, just make things a bit darker. But you already told me it takes some special projectors for those to properly work, right? Edit: wait, no, I got confused because then you went back to talk about polarized glasses. Huh.

I’ll try experimenting with the settings, though I’m not sure where to do that in Mednafen. I’ll also try the pulfrich ones now that I’m not confused about “they won’t just work”, lol.

Right, I got the red/green 3D glasses in the mail!

I’ll be honest here… They work, but having them on too long is really bad for my eyes. 😛

Aw, man. That’s too bad. Did you ever get any legal threats like that? I would’ve liked to “fund” (or just reward) the hard work and time that’s going into this a bit.

For an initial implementation of the Virtual Boy, this is really, REALLY well done. Full speed, native saves and save state support, fast-forwarding… It all works, and it hasn’t crashed on me once yet!

I gotta donate to these guys. 🙂
Edit: except there’s no donate button in sight. Huh.

It’s been a while since this thread was updated… I’m thinking, could someone add this new release of Virtual Boy to the emulators section? Since there’s some improvements in emulation and the last release of RB was in 2008, it seems significant enough to me to update the section.

There are other advantages to this, though:

– Use official cartridges (meaning you play it legally) – no actual dumping required as far as I know.
– Save straight to the cart’s SRAM (if it has one).
– It’s simply a nifty device. Opinion, I know. But it’s kinda cool to be able to insert console carts into your PC, sort of. 😛

I really like what they’ve done. Makes the games at least a bit more accessible if you can’t find the console to play them on.

Whoa, thanks for all that info. That was very informative.

I figured I’d need red (magenta)/green glasses if I wanted to pick the cheapest way to do this… I’ll get one of those, then! All my LCD monitors go up to 75 Hz at most, which obviously isn’t enough for the shutter glasses, and I can’t cross my eyes, so that just leaves me with option #1.

Another little interesting fact… I just noticed the glasses I have now list some TV stations. Guess it’s from an age when they attempted 3D TV and it didn’t quite work out well yet!

I live in the Netherlands, by the way.

AWESOME. Looks quite close to the original!

Now I REALLY want this game and get cracking on some console classics myself! Why oh why is it released so much later here?!

You know, for someone who has visited this site on and off since the last few months, I really should try and get one, too. 😛

By the way, welcome!