Thanks a lot for these ROMs! It’s nice to see previously unreleased games unofficially released. 🙂
But I can’t avoid thinking that with more respect regarding extremely rare ROMs, prototypes and such, it would have been better.
Well, it’s a prototype, what do you expect? Such complete rarities as Earthbound Zero on the NES barely exist and could rather be considered “premium ultra rare”…
AS2 is still a lot like JS, it’s all in the syntax. I myself have had a hard time going to C or C++ while I know JS pretty well, though, but that’s probably just on a personal level. Stuff’s hard.
Yup, that worked, at least for the front-end side of things!
At least, I think it worked… I’m running the app through Wine on Linux right now instead of Windows 7… Not sure if Wine would’ve handled it properly before. Probably not.
I might have found the problem… Dragging the test1.vb ROM onto the executable works just fine, but when I drag-and-drop the Virtual Boy Wario Land ROM from a different folder onto it, it crashes… This might be an absolute path/relative path problem, I guess? Because running the same ROM using a relative path on the commandline DOES work…
I wouldn’t mind creating a little Python-powered front-end (including a proper, standalone EXE version of course), but I’d need to know the commandline flags, and the emulator binaries seem to lack a –help (or similar) option to list those.
DaVince wrote:
All of these crash on my Windows 7 system, for some reason.
Has anyone else tried this on Windows 7 (or Vista)? Did it work/not work? I’ll try to test it on my friend’s Windows 7 box, but I’m not sure when I’ll be able to.
DaVince: Was there any error message, or did it just crash. I assume you’ve got the allegro dll referenced earlier in the thread?
Yup, and it just crashed. Standard Windows “send error report” window popped up.
It doesn’t play nice with Windows 7 Desktop Composition. I don’t know if that’s an easy fix or not, but many emulators have these problems it seems…
Well, with the original version Windows just tells me that display compositing was disabled automatically while the app is running. But this version flat-out crashes.
I can run in a terminal if it gives me any extra output… Or perhaps there’s a parameter or special version you could compile that logs everything that happens into a file?
@RunnerPack: you’re right, I should test it through the commandline too… But the frontend is just so damn convenient! :rolleyes
EDIT: Well! Seems like the emulator would run just fine when run from the commandline. The frontend’s just a frontend, what could be so wrong in the way it calls the emulator? Perhaps some arguments the emu can’t handle properly, like (as suggested) the color correction flags?
This reply was modified 14 years, 11 months ago by DaVince.