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@deus_ex_noxRegistered March 10, 2008Active 15 years, 2 months ago
13 Replies made

Hey ya mate! Sorta jumped the gun and pm’d you 😛 Could you put me on the list for the next batch as well?

Currently 1 euro is worth around 2 USD. I have a question in the same vein, would you guys say Wario World and V-Tetris are worth $35?

Congrats mate! Thats a hefty buy, but I’m quite envious. You should post screens and tell us more about the game ;-D :thumpup:

Ah brutal, thanks for the help tho ^_^

Wonderful. Time to go fetch monies. Whats the conversion of the price to dollars?

You have a good point. We could always just trade games. Also I’ve seen it talked about what a friendly little community there is here, maybe people would do it to help eachother out. I think it’s worth a shot.

Maybe it’s just a lack of people on the site. I think it’s possible that the forum would be more accessible and might get more people to come back.

lol I suppose I should slow down. I haven’t even saved up enough for a flashboy yet. Is it still possible to get them?

Very nice find. I’m very curious to see how it plays.

Zelda VB would be so fun. Awesome mock ups, but now I want it. 😛

Speaking of 007, a multiplayer FPS would be so awesome. I have no idea what kind of work would go into something like that.

AVGN is awesome. I love the VB review. It’s fun to see all the games in one sitting. I wish someone would mail him a copy of Jack Bros, but I understand why no one would. I’d want to keep mine too.

Wow. Thats almost enough to make me want a Wii.

I’ve been lurking on these boards for a while now. I’ve always been a fan of the VB. I’ve always been a fanatic for virtual reality and the VB is the only console to really try and do it. I usually post on the gamefaqs boards, but the VB boards are long dead and don’t look like they’re coming back. I agree with all the reasons in this thread ^_^ VB forever.