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@dogpRegistered July 25, 2003Active 7 years, 4 months ago
1,461 Replies made

Yeah, definitely make sure you have the cart inserted correctly (dust cap off, pressed in firmly). Make sure the volume is up, then turn it on and keep pressing start for about 30 seconds. Not all games have music before the title screen, so pressing start for a while should get you to the title screen if it’s going to get there.

The display is the most common problem, and really, the only other problem I can think of ever happening would be related to the voltage regulator… but if your mirrors are vibrating, that’s probably fine.


Interesting… I’d guess you either had a bad board, bad cable, or something wasn’t connected correctly. Reading the troubleshooting tips at the bottom: http://www.retrousb.com/product_info.php?cPath=25&products_id=44 , it says the PC should detect a game controller with just USB connected.

I’ll have to email them and see what the incompatibility is… I built mine about 5 years ago, and haven’t run into any problems. And if it works w/ SNES controllers, I REALLY don’t see why it wouldn’t work w/ the VB controller. But if there is a problem, I should update my page to warn of it.

That’s cool that the Raphnet one works though… I’ve never used any of his, but I really like how his stuff is open source with good documentation. I’ve personally bought several Retrozone things and have always been happy with them though.


andy[w] wrote:
Emailing them afterwards revealed that the NES/SNES kit is, in fact, incompatible with the Virtual Boy controller.

Really??? That’s very odd… the VB uses the exact same protocol as the NES/SNES, and both the SNES and VB transmit 16 bits (the VB has more buttons, but the SNES just transmits those extra “buttons” as not pressed). I’ve even hooked up NES and SNES controllers to work on the VB. Did it not do anything when you hooked it up, or were buttons missing, or something else?


I’m not familiar with that one, but I did build one from RetroUSB: http://www.retrousb.com/index.php?cPath=25 . They used to sell one labeled as a VB kit, which I don’t see on their site anymore… but it should be the same as the NES/SNES one (should email to verify). Here’s my writeup on building it: http://www.projectvb.com/mods/controllers/usb.html .


Cool… that’s great to hear. Is this able to be “packaged up” and distributed, or does it need to be built? I haven’t gotten a chance to mess with it in quite a while, but I don’t think my build worked… or I didn’t have my build scripts and stuff set up properly.

It’d be really nice to be able to just download a package, plunk it somewhere, add the correct environment variables, then go (maybe even have an installer do it for you). An example or two would be nice as well, to make sure the build works, and for a base to start from.


DanB wrote:
I got Pilotwings Resort with mine. It’s an OK game with really good 3D depth, but it gets a little repetitive if you already played the airplane game in Wii Sports Resort to death 😛

Aww… that’s what I was afraid of when I saw it was called Pilotwings “Resort” 🙁 .


Aww… come on Dan, you should have at least posted “SPOILER ALERT”. You ruined HT’s suspense and stole his thunder 😛 . That’s cool that it works though… not too surprising. Is that a new and improved Hunter that I see in the screenshot (hoping) 😉 .

I’m still on the fence about picking up a 3DS. I’ll have to drop by Gamestop tomorrow and try it out and see if there’s any games that I “must have”.


I always used mine w/ the old nVidia 3D driver (which they got rid of 5 or 6 years ago), and they worked pretty well. Of course there was some ghosting, but the flicker wasn’t too bad for mine because I had my monitor run at 100-120Hz refresh. I think that actually caused more ghosting (transition speed of the LCD shutter), but the less flicker was worth it.

I actually have a iZ3D polarized LCD monitor, but the ghosting on that is worse than the shutter glasses on my CRT IMO. By far the best is my 3D dual projector setup w/ polarized lenses.


mbuchman wrote:
Don’t worry HT, the rest of us find it at least mildly amusing!

LOL! I found that last quote quite amusing! 😉

Vaughanabe13 wrote:
Well it won’t work so the point is moot.


Vaughanabe13 wrote:
I’d be willing to bet my life savings it won’t work. The camera spacing on the 3DS would never be able to pick up each VB screen without crosstalk. Also I know how the display works, I just didn’t do a good job of explaining it. the camera would see a 2D array but it would be all blurred because the 3DS/DS has horrible cameras.

And even if any of this were possible it still wouldn’t work because sources say the “3d picture” feature of the 3DS is crap and doesn’t even work well at all.

I don’t know what the spacing is on the cameras, so that’s definitely a possible problem, but I don’t know why there’d be any crosstalk (by that I’m assuming you’re talking about one eye seeing the other eye’s image). As long as the cameras were looking into the eyes of the VB (as HT was proposing), each eye would only see its own image. If the spacing was too wide or narrow though, you could have a depth bias though, unless that’s configurable.

And you don’t really need good quality cameras, but you do need everything to be very steady. I played VB crosseyed on my PC screen w/ two $10 webcams (640×480) many years ago. The picture quality wasn’t great, but it was playable.


The Japanese tap doesn’t work with the US SNES AC adapter, but it will work with a US VB. It will need the JP AC adapter, or an AC adapter with the same plug. It’s the more standard type plug though, compared to the funny one the SNES used.


Vaughanabe13 wrote:
All you would see on the 3DS screen through the cameras is a couple of red dots at best. If you think about the way the VB displays work, there isn’t an actual LCD screen displaying the images, it’s all done via a 2D array of LED’s and scanning mirrors. If you tried to take a picture of it with anything, the picture wouldn’t have any discernible image because unlike your eyes, it can’t use the persistence-of-vision effect to piece together the image over time. The only way would be to use some kind of long exposure picture, but even if that was possible there are a host of other problems that would make it impossible.

That’s not true… cameras do have a sense of persistence of vision… it’s the exposure time. That’s why we can take pictures of the VB screens, as well as a CRT. If you have a really short exposure time then yes, you’ll only see what has happened on the screen in that short amount of time, but in the VB’s case, 1/50th of a second isn’t that long of an exposure (especially since it’s fairly dim, so an auto-exposure will likely be at least that long).

And just to be anal about your argument… it’s actually a 1D column of LEDs (not 2D array, that’d be like a plain LCD display), and with a really fast exposure, you’d see a column, not just a few dots 😉 .

I do think it’d sorta work, but probably be low quality, and maybe too laggy to play. That’d be really cool if they had a video input to the 3DS… then I could hook up my VB TV adapter and play it in high resolution digitally converted goodness 🙂 .


I almost bought one a few times, but nope… I don’t have one. The games just really didn’t look very good.


I saw this the other day: http://www.nintendorepairhut.com/repairsupplies/snesrepairsupplies.html – Professional 4.5mm Nutsetter Screw Driver. Kinda expensive, but looks nice… and should work. I’ve got some other stuff to order from there, so I may order one of them as well.


This is probably the only forum you go to that also doesn’t have the option to stay logged in 😉 .


Heh, I was gonna ask how Proto Man made it into the all VB picture… then I noticed that’s your username 😉 .


I’ve heard Batteries Plus (a battery store in the US) will weld the tabs on new batteries for you. I’ve never tried it though.


No… you can’t. Those are really old rumors which are untrue.


HorvatM wrote:

akumie wrote:
I was not complaining just wondering why so many demos are made instead of everyone working on 1 game?

Yeah DogP, when will we start working on that community-created game?

Well… anyone is welcome to start anytime, but I’ve been putting some effort into libraries, so we can have a good consistent base to start from.

I also tried setting up the compiler with the latest gcc and patches, but I think I failed 😛 . I haven’t gotten a chance to jump back into that 🙁 . It would be very nice if we got it set up so it could just be downloaded, rather than built (then everyone would be set up the same, and it would be easy to just make it work).


Akumie whining about homebrewers not finishing their projects? Oh, right… the same thing as all his other posts.

Next time I have something to release… if it’s not complete, I’ll ask KR155E to hide any reference to it from Akumie, because apparently it’s better to release nothing than release something unfinished.

Regarding releasing source so others will finish it… yeah, that’d be nice, but why don’t we have a new Super Mario Bros game? Jorgeche released his code to that in 2008, yet AFAIK nobody has made a real attempt at using that code. Same with the code from this last coding comp.

Rather than whining about it, how about you pick up a book on programming, or read some tutorials… or even just get the compiler set up on your computer and start changing existing code until you get an idea of what it’s doing. Oh yeah… because it’s too hard.
