AFAIK I didn’t change any of that stuff. I’ll take a look though.
Yeah, it doesn’t work for me either (and hasn’t for a while)… I just go to, and they have a CGI:IRC that works.
The new versions from David Tucker don’t require that file because he statically linked the dll… his old versions (built w/ VC6) didn’t, and my builds are based off that, which requires the dll file.
Okay… whether anyone cares or not, I just checked and the code is the same, so I made this patch for the JP version.
Not that anyone probably cares (besides maybe Brian 😉 )… but here’s a patch for Virtual League Baseball (US) that allows you to select any team in the normal game (Regular teams, plus All Star and Miracle/Galaxy).
Because of the limited space to do any tricks, I had to modify how the selection worked. Now, rather than wrapping left and right when you get to the edge of the team selection, it goes to the next or previous team. It only wraps at the first team (USA) and the last team (All-E-League). To select the new teams, either go left from USA or right from Switzerland. I also made it so you can play against the same team. There’s a glitch that the COM selection square appears at the top when selecting some of the new teams as your opponent.
The patch only works on the US ROM, though it probably wouldn’t be too difficult to make it work for the JP version if anyone was interested (it’s probably the same code, but apparently in a different place in the ROM).
BTW, I didn’t see an easy way to allow you to select the new teams for the Pennant Race… when I did, it locked up because there weren’t enough other teams in the same league.
Do you have any experience programming? Do you know how to program in C language? If yes, it shouldn’t be too difficult… just download gccvb, VIDE, and some examples… get the examples working, modify them a little until you get the hang of how everything works.
If you have no programming experience at all, you should really start simple with an easier language than C, and on the PC (something like Visual Basic is pretty simple). Once you get the hang of programming, you should learn at least the basics of C, but again, on the PC. Once you understand how to write good, working C code, then you should be able to answer yes to both of my first questions… then just follow those steps.
That’s mbuchman’s video, from this thread:
I played through a bunch of Mario’s Tennis, trying to exercise as much code and data as possible (selecting all characters, playing different modes, etc)… so here’s the map. It’s getting pretty well mapped out, and I looked at this… I believe all the “extra” code is at 0x015fdc and before. I don’t see anything particularly interesting, though there’s still a lot of code, so it’s hard to try to make sense of it all.
I didn’t beat any tournaments in Special mode though, so if someone has some spare time and is any good at it, please upload a map of beating Special Easy, Medium, and Hard (and when you get to credits, menus, etc, let them play through as much as possible).
Yes, the Mario’s Tennis box was just a display box for Blockbuster, and is printed on the box. The game was never sold seperately new in the US, so it never had a real box.
The display boxes were sold w/ the carts when Blockbuster cleared out their rentals.
Heh, well… actually, it was just unclear (and I was making assumptions from the pictures and other text that DT must have as well).
Basically, the sequence on 5-9-2 says it all. It’s all modulo 1024 of course, but it’ll search from SPT3 to SPT2+1, whether or not SPT3 is > than SPT2 (the figure on 5-9-1 made it seem that SPT0
That does look pretty nice… much better than wires spliced and hanging out of the controller.
I doubt OTP EPROMs take any less power… I believe they’re the same EPROM, except with no window (it’s cheaper because they can use cheaper plastic for the package, rather than a ceramic package and clear window that can withstand intense UV light).
I don’t see the difference… that looks like the typical display box. Isn’t the black line just the box lid that’s open and flapped over the front?
Heh, I was looking at some of the dictionary search stuff yesterday and noticed RIFF and WAVE in Golf (both versions). This stood out, because those words are in the header of a wav file. I looked, and there are actually 2 wav files in the ROM (header and all). I pulled them out with no modifications (looked at the header to see how much data to copy), renamed it to .wav, and it played on my PC.
They’re attached to this post, and you can find them in the ROM(s) at 0x04d128, 0x04e684. The one is definitely the club swinging, the other is either the club hitting the ball, the ball hitting a tree, or maybe both/others (I didn’t pop the game in to check). So, I guess you should be able to pretty easily plunk your own wav file in if you wanted to change it (or maybe overlay someone yelling in the club swinging sound for some humor, and an excuse for why your shot sucked 😀 ).
RunnerPack wrote:
You know if you had posted it anywhere I wouldn’t be asking… I am the official VB dev digital packrat, after all! 😀
Heh, that’s very true… good point 😉 .
>1. Are the pin numbers listed with the PCB in this orientation (i.e. is pin 1 in the upper right of that image)?
Yes… the numbers correspond to the markings on the main PCB, but they’re in the same direction as those.
>2. Which pin is used by the VB to “select” the display? (Or is /Reset just held low on the “other” one?)
Pin 2 (/reset) is the select… so basically, the display is selected when that’s high.
>3. What is/are the function(s) of pins 1 and 30? (If the caps are for decoupling, they must be grounds, right?)
Actually, I just looked at this again, the caps are on the main board side… it goes (VCC)-||-(disp pin), and then it goes to somewhere on the IC (not any of the other pins). It’s probably just some weird requirement for the display IC (you could probably look at the datasheet of another LPH and see the same thing).
>4. 16 (data lines) times 8 (serial bits) = 128. So, how are all 224 (256?) LEDs written?
The 16 data lines draw 8 pixels at a time (2bpp), so it’s clocked 28 times per column drawn (shifted in by the clock).
>5. What do the “D” and “L” in DCLK and LCLK stand for?
D is Data, L is for Line (maybe C for column would make more sense, but too late, I already named it LCLK 😛 )… it’ll make more sense when you look at the attachments. LCLK is pulsed at the start of a column, D is clocked 28 times to shift the data in.
>6. Are CLK(A,B,C) just (as I suspect) inputs to an OR gate that enables the LED drivers?
They’re the CLK pins described on 5-23-1.
Attached are pics connected to my logic analyzer… one shows multiple columns drawn (right after /reset goes high), the other is just a single column. It should be easy to pick out which pins are which (except the data lines).
Cool… that was pretty easy. Attached are the new RB executables w/ fixed object handling.
Okay… I think I’ve fixed the incorrect object handling from the “files” demo. I’ll look at the ball demo to see if I can get that bug fixed, though it might end up being tomorrow (it’s kinda late).
I’m looking at this right now… it seems that either the dev manual is unclear, wrong, or I don’t quite understand it. I think I see how the hardware is handling it though, so I’ll see if I can get this taken care of.