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@dogpRegistered July 25, 2003Active 7 years, 4 months ago
1,461 Replies made

I’ve heard of using toothpaste for that too, though I’ve never tried it (I usually use Novus polish for polishing stuff like plexi). Never tried it on a VB eyepiece though. I can’t see your pics for some reason (just me, or everyone?)… how deep were the scratches?


Very nice! I’m really impressed with what you’ve got… I’d definitely love to see a full game based on this. And I always like the cool little things you add, like the moon going across the sky.


That’s pretty sweet! Definitely has a hint of Yoshi’s Safari, though the shotgun reload time really adds to the challenge.


Wow… great work! Did you write the emu from scratch, or did you base it off another emu? I had ported gnuboy many years ago, though the the performance was pretty aweful, and I never spent the time to optimize it. I’m quite impressed with what you’ve gotten this to do!


Thanks for the comments guys!

Heh, sorry… I might have made it more difficult than I needed to. I started it out pretty easy, but by the end of the night, I was easily making it into the 30s… so I decided to tighten it up a bit. I guess maybe I got kinda good at it while “play testing” (though yes, those downward moving pipes are the #1 killer of cheep cheeps for me 😉 ). It definitely gets more exciting after 25 though. 🙂

I did find it to be a bit easier to play on the real VB than an emu (larger screen size or something).


Interesting… I’ve never played that game, but it’s pretty fun, and well executed! Level 4 was starting to get pretty challenging.


Heh, that’s pretty cool! I’m not much of a crossword person, but the 3D technique is pretty unique.


Nice work! Just went through the demo… definitely looks like there’s some promise, hopefully someone (maybe you) is able to but the library to good use! 🙂


Craby wrote:
What about the Z-axys tape DogP ? Not tried yet ? I will get some in a few days/weeks, from a friend in Canada since i definitely can’t find it here at a decent price…

I have some of the Z-axis tape, but I don’t have any virgin non-soldered displays laying around to try it on.

I think the trickiest part about that will be removing the cable without curling it… if you peel the cable, it tends to curl, which will make it harder to reinstall. If you can soften the old adhesive so the cable comes off easily, it should be pretty easy (of course either way, you’ll need to clean the adhesive off both the cable and PCB).

I’m not sure about the best way to soften the adhesive though… heat could help (but not too much or you’ll damage the cable), or maybe goof off (which doesn’t damage the cable itself). I’ve removed a few cables, but never attempted to keep the cable in factory fresh form… so it may take some trial and error to get the technique just right.


Heh, believe it or not… that’s a Game Pak cover holder (it’s shown on pg. 5 and pg. 9 of the manual… someone was really proud of their idea 😉 ).


I finally got around to printing a replacement cable chunk… AND IT WORKED! The reason for this was a fellow forum member attempted the solder repair, but damaged the end of the cable beyond repair. Earlier in this thread I posted that I designed a near 1:1 copy of the cable, which is what I used for this. It certainly wasn’t as easy as repairing it correctly in the first place… but wasn’t too bad, and worked first try. Sorry, I didn’t really take pictures along the way, but I think you can kinda get the idea from the pics. Here’s a rundown of the process.

I printed the chunk of cable that I wanted (on Pyralux), etched it, and then tinned it (to keep the copper from oxidizing). I then cut the existing cable back behind the damaged area, exposed the copper, and then soldered that to the newly etched cable. This is where I almost messed up. I wasn’t really paying attention and when I started to solder, I had my iron set to 700F (normal soldering temp). The VB cables shrivel and melt at high temperatures, so on the end I started on, I had to heat it and use tweezers and pull the individual traces back in line after a few of them began to curl inward. Then I bumped my soldering iron down just below 600F and finished soldering the cable without issue (the cable still kinda melts at 600F, but if you’re quick, it’s fine). Because of the lower temp, and trying to minimize the heat to the cable, the solder job doesn’t look great… but it works, which is more imporant than looks. 😉

Then I verified continuity between the new and old half, and made sure there were no shorts (visibly, under the microscope, as well as electrically, with the multimeter). Once I was happy with that, I put a piece of Kapton tape on both sides of the cable to protect and reinforce the newly spliced cable. Then I put a small piece of carpet tape (very thin double-sided tape) on the display PCB and aligned then stuck the cable to it. Then it was just a matter of soldering the new half of cable to the display, which was easy (Pyralux is far less heat sensitive than the OEM cable). Once I did that, I again verified a good connection, and then wrapped that in a thin strip of Kapton tape to make sure it doesn’t peel away from the display and cause stress on the solder joints. After that, it was just a matter of hooking it up and testing. 🙂

Yes, I could have printed an entire cable, but I chose to reuse the good part of the cable for several reasons. The part that goes in the LIF socket should really have a finish other than bare copper… and simply tinned with solder isn’t very good for that either. It also needs a stiffener (that thin piece of plastic attached to the cable that makes it easy to insert/remove), which I probably would have taken from the original cable. Also, the cable at the display PCB end would have been upsidedown from how I wanted it, since my cable is single sided (bare copper would have been facing down, meaning the copper wouldn’t be exposed for soldering, and it’d be easy to short out pins if you don’t have it perfectly aligned).

We’ve also talked about getting new cables professionally made (here: http://imall.iteadstudio.com/open-pcb/pcb-prototyping/2layer-flexible-printed-circuits-fpc-10cm-x-10cm-max.html ). I sent my design to verify that they could manufacture it, and I didn’t hear back, and shortly after, it changed to “Back Order”, and has been for several months. Not sure if that means they’re done offering that service, or if they will actually resume sometime in the future. Most of those places are probably still closed for Chinese New Year, but maybe we’ll know more in a week or two.


speedyink wrote:
I played Virtual Lab for the first time last night, and now I see what you mean! Sooo basic. Also hilarious how the chick’s boobs stick out and bounce slightly..must have been what they spent the most time on =P

Exactly. Between the bouncing boobs and her getting excited when you clear a big chunk of intestines… that accounts for 90% of Virtual Lab’s development time.

speedyink wrote:
But I’d have to say I’d rather play 3D tetris..mainly because I’m not quite sure how to create full “intestines” (what I’m gonna call them). The end pieces don’t seem show up enough =P Need more practice I guess.

You don’t really need the end pieces very much… you can (and should) use the walls to complete your intestines as well.

Oh, and only kinda related to this thread (since we’re talking about bowling)… I bowled a 279 tonight (IRL). 11 strikes with a 9-spare in the 4th (Grr… so close).


VirtualChris wrote:
Also, is there a way in C to say “if (SomeVariable doesn’t equal 7)…

if (SomeVariable != 7){}


Definitely Nester’s Funky Bowling… I used to play that for hours on end until I FINALLY got a 300. Ugh… I don’t know how many 299s I got along the way… I think the game cheated. 😛

I also really enjoy bowling in real life, so maybe that has some influence. Sadly no 300 yet there (268 is my high :-/).

3D Tetris… I dunno. On the technical scale, I think it’s a good game… but I just don’t find it to be that much fun. I’ve probably played V-Tetris more… and definitely played Virtual Lab more (and though the game is horrible technically, I think Virtual Lab is actually fun).


Yeah, I thought the game was way too easy (because the AI isn’t very good). Pretty much my entire game consists of hitting the ball to the left side of the court, then if they hit it back to me, hit it to the right side.


Cool… thanks HT! For fun, I’ll fire up the printer tonight and print it. I’m sure it won’t look good, since the front isnt flat, and the support material doesn’t usually break free from the rest of the print very cleanly… but it’ll be interesting to see. 😉


It’s sorta been on my todo list for a while, since I do have a few broken stand medallions. If I attempt it, I want to do it right though (stronger and better than the original), so it’ll take a little bit of time to do… which I just haven’t gotten around to.

I think it’ll work, though we still have to overcome the poor design of the plastic stopping the legs. Why they didn’t just stamp the metal to stop the legs, like they did the nub in the middle to click open and closed… I dunno.

I think Hedgetrimmer modeled most of the VB parts, though I’m not sure how well the original medallion model would translate to a 3D printed part (doubt it’d be any better than the original, unless it’s maybe a bit more flexible). He also made the milled plastic ones, which are definitely strong.


I’m just giving you a hard time. 😉 The WiFi “cable replacement” is just not technically feasable… and IMO, it’s probably too early to really be considering a WiFi link dongle (almost nothing uses the simple regular link cable).


That topic has come up a few times… but none of my systems have ever experienced it, so I’ve never had to troubleshoot it. My best guess is dirty/failed/misaligned opto/flag.

Here’s a post where I posted a lot of details to help Lester Knight troubleshoot the problem: http://www.planetvb.com/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?post_id=24681#forumpost24681 . Not sure if he ever fixed it though.


HoMenace wrote:
As for it being too large and requiring a separate box, that would basically be counter intuitive. The whole point was to not have to connect the VB to another device. Is it a weight support issue you are seeing or the overall size will just be too bulky?

The reason it’d need a seperate box is because the cavity for a PCB inside the link connector (that we’re currently building) is only about 1/4 sq. in. Using what’s available and compatible with the VB (CC3000, RN-171, etc), that’s not going to fit, unless you make a VB link connector shell specifically for this (you mentioned using the same link connector).

HoMenace wrote:
But I can’t imagine this peripheral would be that large. Heck, look at the ultra small usb transmitters for bluetooth and RF. They are the size of a dime.

Unfortunately, a dime is too big. And yes, those are small… but they’re USB, and the VB doesn’t have USB. We require a simple clocked serial connection (that’s what the link port is), and almost certainly want something that simplifies the wireless connection, requiring fairly simple software (buffers data, flow control, simple API, handles all the WiFi stuff, incorporates the TCP/IP stack, etc). That’s why we can’t simply hook up a $5 USB WiFi dongle.

HoMenace wrote:
You shouldn’t have to build it into the games at all. It would be self contained in the unit/program. I got this idea from back in the days of the original halo. It had multiplayer through system link but xbox live did not exist back then. Someone made a host program that acted as a server that would allow people to connect their xbox’s through ethernet to their network and the program simulated the system link allowing people to play online.

If you want to do it without building it into the games at all, you’re going to need another processor between the VB and the WiFi chip. Otherwise, how are you going to select the wireless network to connect to, how are you going to convert just the relevant TCP/IP data into a clocked serial link data, etc?

And trying a link cable replacement like that just isn’t possible, because on one serial clock cycle, it both sends and receives a bit (full duplex). There’s no way to send clock, data, and COMCNT instantly over the internet (or a local network)… it really requires just a simple wire. To make it compatible with the lag involved over a network, you need to make changes to the program to make it “network aware”.

What you’re talking about on the xbox is completely different, because the system link was already Ethernet… the program that let them play online was just acting as a bridge to make multiple networks online appear as a single local network. I’ve done that to play my arcade games that use Ethernet over the internet as well… but the VB link isn’t Ethernet, nor is it anything like Ethernet.

HoMenace wrote:
Basically the adapter would plug into the link port and work with the program on the pc to just simulate as if there were 2 virtual boys plugged into each other. I see this being very plausable and the final build cost being between $50-$100 based on some hardware that Ive researched.

Okay… let me know when you’ve got a working prototype. 😉
