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@draconRegistered March 22, 2007Active 15 years, 6 months ago
60 Replies made

they are idiots!

KR155E wrote:
if anyone ever tries to start a vb zelda project, here’s a mock up hud i once made. it is based on the idea to use the right d-pad for items just like the n64’s c buttons in ocarina of time or majora’s mask. 🙂

that HUD looks cool. 🙂

Billy wrote:
thats really cool how u do the cross eyed thing to make it 3d i never knew u could do that

I used Photoshop.. It took me about 20 min. I cant really explain how to do it though, sorry.

If I knew how, I would make both.

DogP wrote:
Sure it could be done… the problem is finding someone to do it 🙁 .


do you think it would fit on the cartridge?
for some reason I dont think it would, as there isn’t much room on them.
(unless you are using a large cartridge)

I hope no one mistakes the image as the real deal, because then I will be flooded with PMs

  • This reply was modified 17 years, 1 month ago by edracon.

um….. don’t know, im in america we use a different measurment. (looks for a converter… FOUND ONE!) yes 90 should be fine. look at this page for more info http://www.virtual-boy.org/projectvb/projects/DisplayFix.htm
it states the info in Fahrenheit.

i know he was joking, it was not very good timing. Also it wasn’t a good joke.

OVEN!!!!! thats what i did.

Justin Hayabusa wrote:
So, my dad’s brother’s friend works at Nintendo as Head Game Tester and he says that if you beat Mario Kart on the SNES with a combined time of exactly 27 minutes and 59 seconds with Koopa Troopa in mini mode with the Super Scope plugged in, you get to play a bonus game where you play as Bowser in his clownship and shoot at the other racers! I’m serious!

He also knows the way out of the Minus world, I’ve seen him do it! Honest!

Dude! WTH!

Don’t be an idiot! >:(

ok, this just seems very interesting.

wow xD

djjack wrote:
Hello people! I just downloaded the latest varsion of Reality Boy, and sadly realized that it is affected by a very strange bug.
It looks like if I hold down the left direction on the d pad. This happens with wario land, even using another version of Reality Boy.
Do you have any idea about why the emu behaves like this? I remeber using it correctly in the past.
Many many thanks in advance. 😉


Come again?

any news on this?

Yes i have seen you.. And i have kidnapped you and kept you away from the public MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

maybe i should give nintendo that suggestion….. you never know.. they might do it.. and it would be even cooler if they gave some of the games color mode (Wario Land, Mario Clash, Galactic pinball, Tetris, TeleroBoxer)…. that would make more people want to buy it… also it is less expensive to do that now, and they can now make it so that one headset would have a collection of games (like the PLug-n-play games).

Edit: I just sent them a well written suggestion.

  • This reply was modified 17 years, 9 months ago by edracon.

yeah… i know… it sounds….. really odd… also i wouldn’t have been able to record it, as i have nothing to record with… o-o;

thankyou-that really helps… WOO!!!

Fwirt wrote:
Uh…still, silver (I hope you meant silver, not sliver) and red. No. Ugly. Sorry. 😀

i meant silver.. also i think it could be released in various colors, so it could be black and red (almost like the original. Also i have noticed something very odd, on the virtual boy ear-phones box they had what looked like a picture of a black virtual boy. Also i understand if some people think its ugly xD


its not white… its sliver like the original DS.

DogP wrote:
Uh… that’d be really dumb of them to design something remotely resembling the VB. Especially with the stand again… if they were to do something like it, I could see something designed more like the Sony Glasstron: http://cgi.ebay.com/Sony-Glasstron-Personal-LCD-Monitor-PLM-A35_W0QQitemZ190093952693QQcategoryZ39828QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem .
I do see there being a problem with a wireless headset and a wiimote that is used for action though… there’d be so many people swinging their arms and breaking stuff/hitting people and walking into stuff. For that reason, shutter glasses would be good, but the low quality of the image, and not being able to support LCD and Plasma would probably be a huge marketing problem.


With the wii Wi-Fi, i meant certain parts of the game would be played on the wii, and other parts would be played on the Virtual Boy 2. Also im trying to make it keep a classic look. also im not going with shutter glasses because most people are now moving to plasma/lcd tvs.

also there would be an attachment that would make the stand optional… anyway it would make it like a visor.

i know this is my own thread.. I VOTE FOR ALL!!!

except “Be a different color” and “explode”