hab eine demobox doppelt, jedoch ist geld mir da ziemlich wurscht, biete lieber mal was schönes zum tauschen.. ich sammel auf nintendo von a-z + dc,sat jap only..
we plan a new part in the community section. we would like to have a collection part in there. so everyone who thinks his collection is worthy to present them,and when i look around here some really does!, do some pics and write a few sentences about your collection and send it over to me. i would really appreciate that. i will do that with my collection on the weekend to give the one or other an example.
looks really very nifty! i really appreciate your work.
would it be ok for you to make several pics from the lapsatnd and maybe write a few sentences about how to build one or something for our workshop section? we would really like to show that thing here on planet virtual boy.
we really have to push that section forward, krisse!.
well a good position is when you lying on a couch, you can just put the vb unit onto your eyes. you have tro balance a little bit, but it works! :vbsmile:
well max. krisse enjoyed it very much. i personally didnt like it but i also finished the game after hard playing. the current prices are also very common. and its so nice just to have it ~___~
i am really confused about this words from iwata. who knows? but even if it is a vb2, i am sure it wont have anyrhing together with the “real” vb and of course it will have a completely new name. i just hope if vb2 comes it will also push the vb a bit.