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2 Replies made

I recieved the items today, they are in top condition and were very well packaged 🙂


I recently asked KR155E if there is any new information about a new flashboy+ patch I pre-ordered last year. He told me to take a look at this topic.

I was really looking forward to the ordered flahboy, but I’m very disappointed about this new solution. The first problem is that Richard lives – according to his profile – in the U.K.. So I think the postal costs are much higher than before (for me). I also have to criticize the fact that I have to donate one of my games now and according to this I have to pay the high postal costs 2 times. The new price of the flashboy is 100 U.S. dollars. I know that this isn’t not more expensive but I’d like to pay in euros. The fact that there is no box is also a bit dissapointing – Of course, Richard said that the cart itself is the main thing to focus on but the box looked very nice and it would also protect the cart. And if the “producer”, in this case Richard, sells the item on his own, I wish that I’ll get the complete game. Only the cart with a cable do not look like that, especially because there were already complete ones to buy.

Well, some things only belong to me (my country), but I really find that this was a bad idea and I don’t know if I want to buy a Flashboy+ any more… 🙁 sorry

kr funderos