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@fwirtRegistered September 28, 2006Active 11 years, 11 months ago
248 Replies made

As far as I know, you don’t need to PURCHASE any homebrew software. In fact, PVB has a good homebrew repository right here: <http://www.vr32.de/modules/games/index.php?type=homebrewn&sec=main>

Just check the downloads section for each released game.

DogP: Giant laser pointer arrays would be the most efficient way of turning every VB gamers dream of melting peoples eyes out of their sockets into a reality 😀

No, but seriously, it would be really cool to display on a wall or something like that. I don’t know how you would get something that large to turn fast enough though… Sounds dangerous 🙂

Did you check if your bits are actually reaching the screws? As I said earlier in this thread, any gamebits that I know of don’t reach down into the screw wells on either side of the cartridge slot… If they did, I’d have repaired the screens on BOTH my VBs by now. (And I even bought the extra long gamebits.) DogP has some guides on how to make your own screwdriver with the use of a dremel, and that seems to work for him. Unfortunately, I don’t have a dremel, so the VB is one of my only Nintendo systems that I can’t open. 🙁

However, if that’s not what’s going on, then just hope that your screws aren’t stripped is all I can say. If they are, then try applying a good amount of downward force on the screws and turning very slowly. And on a final note (not to be insulting, but common mistakes can sometimes cause problems) make sure you’re turning them in the right correct direction. 😀

Hope that helps!

;_; I can’t believe they threw it away…

I think I’ve asked this before, but how many are confirmed to exist? I think last time I was told five or six… I wonder if Nintendo has a warehouse full of them somewhere.

No, keep the box that way! It’s so cool because it doesn’t say what it’s supposed to say!

(P.S. What flavor are the instruction booklets?)

Just on a side note, it looks to me like the whole VB community is waking up because of the Flashboy. 🙂

I’m not sure where they’re from (They came from eBay.)



Hmm… Option c interests me… Unfortunately, I’m a tightwad, so I’m still debating whether I’ll get one at all. 🙁 I’m bad at soldering but I was planning to learn anyway. The no battery backup is kinda disappointing, but it still looks cool….

What!? I never noticed that reviews page!

I’ll have to write that Teleroboxer review right away! (Or, maybe I’ll do it later 😀 )

Sweet! My only question is (and I’m sorry if everyone else thinks this is ridiculous) how much does it cost? I’d love to have one of these, but unfortunately, I don’t have much in the way of funding. 🙁

Anyway, maybe if I can get one, I’ll learn C and join the dev scene. (If and when I have time. ;-))

I got one for free from a friend the other day and I LOVE IT! Unfortunately, GB printers are expensive these days so I can’t print any of my grainy pictures. I actually like the picture quality because it gives the pictures an abstract look.

A bunch of rare games (that I wanted). It’s a pretty nice lot… NFB, 3-D Tetris, and a “Not for Resale” copy of Wario Land. I’ve already been outbid, so…..


:woah: Wheeow. That’s pricey.

VB prices seem to fluctuate from week to week. Some days I see bargains with no bids on them, other days I can’t find a single thing under $10. I saw a copy of NFB go unsold for a Buy It Now of $8. (I SOOOO should have bought that.) I’ve also seen a copy of Red Alarm go for $64. I laugh at the poor fool who bought that. No offense if whoever reads this bought that….

The first time I ever saw a Virtual Boy was at my (strange) cousin’s house. I found VB Wario Land in a drawer and, to make a long story short, he found his VB and scrounged up some batteries. It had just started up when my parents decided it was time to leave. That was sometime back around ’96? I pretty much forgot about it until later…

A couple of years ago, I saw a VB at Goodwill (a thrift store chain, I don’t know if you have ’em in Europe :-D.) It was only $15. I played Mario’s Tennis for a while and thought it was really cool, but I didn’t like to impulse buy, so I left it. I kicked myself for that later.

Sometime last year, I decided to look up what the heck a Virtual Boy was anyway. I found this site and instantly decided that as a pseudo video game collector I needed to have it. Since then I have accumulated 2 Virtual Boys and a decent selection of games. Still waiting to come across a VUE-Debugger though ;-).

Yeah, unfortunately that’s one of the games I WANT, but since I’m a bargain gamer, I can’t bring myself to pay $15 for a cart, even for a Virtual Boy cart. Same thing goes for 3-D Tetris…

Of course you realize that once the ROM is here, it’ll probably spread everywhere. Somehow, it’ll get posted on other websites. You also realize that, of course, owning such a ROM without the original cartridge is illegal (not that anyone cares.) That being said, I would love to be able to play Bound High on my VB, but I doubt it’ll happen any time soon.

Heh, those graphics are waaaay too smooth.

Looks like a pretty good deal to me. Most of the games that come with it retail for around $10, and it comes with a BOXED ac adaptor (you’re looking at another $20 right there.) So, yeah, I’d say it was worth it.

SD Gundam Dimension War and Virtual Bowling:


It’s funny, but the high bidder is “Bidder 1″…… Fraud maybe? Ah well…

Anyway, I was thinking about it, and I wonder if there are any copies of these games WITHOUT boxes. If someone owns one, and they threw the boxes away, they’re probably kicking themselves right now.

In the 64 version it’s B then A rapidly. I hate to admit it, but I haven’t played my VB in a while…. And I don’t want to go play it right now. 😀