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@fwirtRegistered September 28, 2006Active 11 years, 11 months ago
248 Replies made

If you calculate this one out, it’s a pretty good deal: Without shipping it would be $10 per game, and they really do have all US releases.


Woohoo!!!!! I can’t wait! I never had the funds or was “technically gifted” enough to make my own VB flash cart. I always wanted to get started homebrewing, but I don’t know C. Maybe now I have motivation to learn. I hope this one is within my price range…

:woah: :woah: :woah: Sorry for the excessive use of smilies but… Every one else seems to get fantastic deals except me! All in original packaging!? You didn’t get it on eBay did you? My good Virtual Boy was $20, in decent shape with 2 games… But no packaging. The cheapest Virtual boy I’ve seen is $5… It came with the VB, a broken stand, and no visor, controller or games. I bought it. They said it was broken, but it wasn’t, just in really bad shape. I STILL can’t believe that KR155E got a VB dev system for FREE….

Anyway, the forums HAVE been quieter than usual lately. They went through a dry spot with no posts for like a week and a half…

The easiest thing to try is new batteries. The second easiest thing is an AC adaptor. I had a VB that on eBay was listed as broken (and it only cost me $5). When I transfered batteries over from my other VB it wouldn’t work, but as soon as I tried an AC, it started right up. I hope this info helped.

Also, the batteries should be as juiced as possible. I once bought a VB, then transfered over batteries from my other VB, and the new one wouldn’t work. I tried it later with an AC adaptor and found out that it wasn’t dead!

This is sort of off topic, but when are they (meaning Richard Bannister’s colleague) going to release ViBE for Windows/Linux? They’re supposed to have been working on it for a while now…

Eh, I’m not a wizard with photoshop (gimp) but I’ll give it a try…

Man, those files are HUGE!!!

Sorry, I didn’t see that thread…. It’s over a year old. 😀

Hard question…. Hmm…….. Probably Yoshi’s Island for SNES.

As for favorite VB game, I’d have to say Teleroboxer or VB Wario Land.

I will for the sake of this post overlook the fact that I don’t have an EPROM programmer…

Where would one find such prototype dumps? I haven’t seen them on any site. I haven’t even seen rare commercial games like Virtual Lab on any sites…

Yeh, I know you think it’s stupid, but I don’t really care if I win. Someone here probably wants it more than me anyway. 😛

This is a completely different auction, but there’s a copy of Space Invaders mistakenly listed under “Virtualboy” rather than “Virtual Boy”: <http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=008&sspagename=STRK%3AMEBI%3AIT&viewitem=&item=180112520322&rd=1&rd=1>
It’s only about $50 right now (which I think is a pretty good deal. In fact, I’ve already bid on it. 😀 ) There’s also a japan copy of Jack Brothers listed under “Virtualboy”…..

Oh yeah, is the “Auto Login” on the intro page eventually going to work?

What kind of card is it? Does it have writing on it? None of my Japanese VB games have a card inside the box….

Uh…still, silver (I hope you meant silver, not sliver) and red. No. Ugly. Sorry. 😀

$11 isn’t bad for a boxed copy that game. The graphics aren’t totally mind blowing, but still pretty cool because it’s like all the old golf games you’ve seen, but with polygon rendered landscapes in 3D (despite the fact that it’s all in red.) The hills really pop out at you, and from what I’ve seen, this VB game has some of the best examples of what the VB is capable of graphics wise. A boxed copy is probably available in the $10-$15 range. I definitely recommend it. (I actually happen to have a boxed edition of Golf, but its from Japan, so I don’t play it all that much because I can’t read the menus. I got it, and 4 other boxed Japanese VB games for $25 if you can believe that.)

Anyway, Space Squash and Water World are more for collectors. Space Squash is fun (although I’ve only played it in emulators,) but it’s a bit pricey because of its rarity. Expect to pay $40-$60 for that one. According to KR1553’s review of Water World here on PVB : “Absolutely horrible and boring game with poor techniques. Besides Virtual Lab by far the worst Virtual Boy game…”. And according to DrAetzn “I think even a 20 year old LCD game has more game play than Waterworld. Who the hell programs such a bad game? Definitely a title noone really needs. If you are not a collector, do yourself a favour and keep your hands away from this.” So you probably don’t want that one. If the reviews don’t deter you, then the $15-$25 pricetag because of its rarity probably will.

Oh, and if you’re interested in Space Squash, here’s an eBay auction ending in a couple hours (if you see it before then): http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=011&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWA%3AIT&viewitem=&item=320098441661&rd=1&rd=1

Hmm… I’ll keep that in mind if I ever want an SP. Is part swapping pretty much just snapping parts in and out or does it require soldering? (Because all soldering irons hate me.) Anyway, it’s one of my not-so-secret secrets but the way I got my stuff is purposefully misspelling searches/looking in the wrong categories. My Gamecube (which came with 4 games, two controllers, and a memory card) was listed under “Entertainment Memorabilia” and my PSP had “PSP” nowhere in its title. You can also get some decent stuff by searching for ninetendo, nentendo, nintindo, nintend, nintedno…..

Y’know, in my personal opinion (and it’s probably a dumb personal opinion) Nintendo should just leave the Virtual Boy alone. Instead, they should re-release it at budget prices exactly as it was back in ’95. In fact, I think they should re-release all of their classic systems as a “Nintendo Classics Series” (or some other ridiculous cruddy name) at low prices. Of course, they would probably lose so much money on that that it wouldn’t be worth it to them, but it’s just a thought.

I agree with DogP, If they did re-design the VB it should look nothing like the original. It should be wireless (by wireless, I mean a wireless VB controller, no arm swinging movements required) and much lighter and compact than the original VB. (Oh yeah, apparently DogP doesn’t like white VBs, can’t say I like ’em much either 😉 : http://www.vr32.de/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=2987&forum=1 )

See, I have nowhere near enough technical knowhow, nor patience to do that sort of thing, but if you can get it to work then more power to ya.