Well Panic Bomber ain´t that hard. The end boss is hard some times but i dont know if there are any speciell fing to do. I belive you have to play and play and play.
You will win and then you have to fight that girl character 🙂
I have not played your game yet. But soon i will get my Flash Boy and boy i will test your demo. Looks verry good 🙂 Hope you make a copöete game of this .
I have to add that i did not trying to sell this back then fore cheting anyone. I like many other have payd alot fore one crapy game. I hope in the future this add will not return and remind me about my misstake trusting a person on internet telling me that he got something really rare and turn out to be shit. Case is close 😀 Hope evrry one else have fun with bound hige
Sorry. I did buy it fore verry high price myself. Seems that i wase stupid back then.
I dont renemer how did sell this one to me but i know i have been talking with people here at planet virtualboy about it.
I dont trying to make anyone go fore a bad fing. Sorry fore the bad enlish. Well now i understand that this game aint worth notfhing. Only me that have give away my money fore nothng.