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@garrisonRegistered February 14, 2009Active 4 years, 5 months ago
35 Replies made

Yeah, it was the computer, not the headphones. Sorry for not investigating the problem more. The headphones work perfect.

And it’s another Space Invaders, only more expensive than the last one.


Buy it now for 400$ brand new and no, it’s not an April fools day joke.

Out of the two, I’d have to pick Jack Bros. I’ve got lots of songs I like on The VB, but I’ll say I like the boss battle music for Space Squash when you get the boss down to low HP. Here’s a link with both Jack Bros. and Panic Bomber songs on it for those who don’t want to actually get to those parts in the game just to hear the music. I got it from an emulator, so they probably sound a bit different. I haven’t heard the originals in a while, either, although I own both the games. At the link, PB is first and JB is second.

I knew exactly what this was even before I downloaded it, but no joke, it won’t run on my emulator (ViBE).

I took a closer look at my Virtual Boy and it seems to have it near the very top of the screen 🙁 . For some reason, only the left screen had them, which was surprising because I don’t think I’ve had any problems with it before and the right screen sometimes has problems. I couldn’t look long enough to see if it “moves when you move your head”. For those who are worried that they might have the lines, try the opening sequence of Mario Clash.

not sure about the darkened room making it go, i will try tomorrow.

What I meant about playing it in a dark room is so that you wouldn’t get any light in. Sorry that I gave you advice for the wrong problem.

What color was the line? I had similar problems when there was some light getting into the VB from though the either the eye shade or when I re-assembled it badly after taking it apart. Does the problem go away when you’re in a very dark room?

Somebody is selling Space Invaders and four other games.


Sadly, the seller only ships to USA and Canada.

EDIT: The seller changed it to buy it now, and it sold for 150$! That’s a great deal, considering it came with Waterworld too.

  • This reply was modified 15 years, 10 months ago by Garrison.

Yes, you can put it back together. I just don’t remember exactly how. I’m pretty sure you put the metal clip behind the smaller plastic piece, hold them together and slide them up into the other part of the stand until they click. I think. Just another thing: Your pieces in the picture look slightly different from the ones I had in my stand. You probably have a different type of stand, but it should be able to be fixed the same way (more or less). If that doesn’t work, just try it another way, because I was able to fix one before. Hope you get it fixed quickly!

I’ve always wanted to program on the VB, but I still need more experience in programming in general before I can do anything about it. Personally, I would love to see a 2-player linked mode on any of the released games, especially Space Squash or Teleroboxer. Now that would be awesome!

Here’s a JP store demo with box, manual, and AC adapter (probably demo too). I’m not quite sure if this is noteworthy because I only have a vague idea of how much it’s worth and the box is not exactly in good condition. The seller also has more not-as-rare VB items for sale for those who like to combine shipping.


By the way, does anybody know how rare these are?

Cool, but I can’t afford it >:(. If anyone is planning on buying it and then releasing the ROM to the public, I’d pitch in some cash.

That happened to me a while back. I originally tried to fix it by Gorilla gluing a small piece of wood to the stand to keep the two parts together, but it didn’t bond well with the plastic, so I tried super glue. Eventually, I got it to stick, after some help. Try adding a small piece of wood to help stabilize it. If that doesn’t work, try using a substitute (a medium sized cardboard box works well) to help it stay at eye level. If all else fails, buy a whole different Virtual Boy off of eBay, because it’s not much more expensive than a plain old stand.

More or less around 35$ (That’s probably what I would pay). I tried to get one a very long time ago and I think I was outbid somewhere around 37$. I got my US copy for around 40$.

I actally just lost out to a NFB Brand New Factory Sealed copy the other day on Ebay. It went for about $38 US, so I was pretty upset I didn’t manage to win. Doesn’t it suck when you can’t be at your computer when a bid is ending!?!?

Heh, heh, I was the one who outbid you on Nester’s Funky Bowling. 😀 I put my bid in when there was only 5 seconds left anyways, so you still might have lost it even if you were at your computer.

  • This reply was modified 15 years, 11 months ago by Garrison.